How to use an ab belt correctly?

A special device positioned as an effective means for losing weight, called an ab belt. According to advertisements broadcast on TV, it will eliminate extra centimeters from the waist, remove fat and a sagging belly. There is no need to make any effort, and let exercise and diet wait!

ab belt

Is the ab belt a marketing gimmick or does it really work?

To understand whether an ab belt is truly effective, you need to understand how it works.

ab belt

ab belt

The abdominal belt is a myostimulator. This device acts on the human body with electrical impulses that cause muscle contraction. It is known that during physical activity the muscles of the body actively contract, and at rest the muscles are relaxed. It is on this fact that the advertising campaign of the popular product is built. Marketers claim that myostimulation causes muscle contraction in the problem area of ​​the body, and at this moment the person can be at rest, and thus the muscles are trained and the body becomes slimmer.

In fact, muscle contractions caused by electrical impulses too small to bring the body to the promised result. When a person plays sports and physically trains his body, he loses quite a large amount of energy. When wearing a belt, such a volume of energy is not consumed, the muscles contract less intensely. Therefore, there is no need to talk about any noticeable results.

ab belt

Many note the benefits of this device when used in conjunction with active training.

Use an abdominal belt in combination with physical exercises.

Beneficial features

Abdominal belts have a number of undeniable beneficial properties.

ab belt

According to doctors, This device with regular use:

  • improves skin condition;
  • regulates balance in cells;
  • stimulates blood circulation in blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow;
  • tones weakened abdominal muscles;
  • prevents fluid stagnation in human internal organs;
  • accelerates the healing of postoperative sutures.

Thus, the device will help improve a person’s health status and achieve a toned figure in combination with physical exercise.

ab belt

There are a number of contraindications. Contraindications related to health or pregnancy. These are disturbances in the functioning of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, blood circulation, and neurological abnormalities.

How to use an ab belt?

ab belt

Before use, you must read the manufacturer's instructions. As a rule, before starting to work with this device, it is necessary to apply a special water-based gel to the skin area, then attach the belt and wear it for up to half an hour. Then remove and rinse the gel from the body.

The best ab belts

ab belt

There are many manufacturers of devices for losing weight in the abdominal area on the market in various configurations and a wide range of prices. They are professional and non-professional, can be equipped with a different number of programs, differ from each other in the intensity of impact and configuration.

The most popular options:

  1. Myostimulator AbGymnic.
  2. Abdominal muscle trainer Beurer EM35.
  3. Myostimulator AV-Tronic X2.
  4. Vibration base Vibraton.
  5. Electronic myostimulator “Electrotrainer” KZ0044.
  6. Exercise machine and myostimulator for abdominal muscles Sanitas SEM30.

ab belt

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