How to tie a belt on a kudo kimono?

Kudo wrestling is gaining popularity. As a sport, it is quite tough, close to real combat. More and more boys, young men and girls are engaged in this martial arts. Beginners are not always able to tie a belt correctly right away, but it not only fixes the jacket (dogi), but also reflects the level of skill achieved in martial art. What is this attribute and its color for a kudo athlete, how to tie it correctly, read on.

How to tie a belt correctly? Sequencing

According to Japanese tradition, we begin to apply the belt not from the back, but from the front:

  • to do this, you need to fold it in half and place the middle in the navel area;
  • then bring it behind the back, overlap and bring the edges forward;
  • cross these ends in the center;
  • the edge that comes from above is threaded through the formed double layer;
  • the structure is tightened and leveled;
  • the same end is threaded from left to right between two layers;
  • the lower end, which had not been used before, rises up and is threaded through the ring formed by the other edge and is also threaded between the two layers, but on the other side;
  • the formed knot is tightened.


If something goes wrong, go back to the original action and redo it. Gradually, tying skills will be brought to automaticity. A properly secured belt will not come undone at the wrong time during training or competitions., because it is fixed firmly enough.

Features of wearing a belt in kudo

This indispensable attribute of sports equipment must meet the following parameters:

  • black beltwidth – 4 cm;
  • length – 110 cm + double waist circumference;
  • additional elements - the emblem of a martial art school.

On all belts, except white, 1 or 2 colored stripes are placed 3 cm from the emblem. This can be a black patch or another color that matches the color of the belt. Student attributes corresponding to the 10th – 1st kyu start from the zero level of white. The next steps are indicated by a lilac, blue, yellow, green, brown belt with stripes. Master's distinctions - black belt and gold stripes corresponding to the achieved dan from 1st to 10th.

Important! The tied ends should be the same length and placed symmetrically along the edges. In this case, they cannot be lowered below the knee, but raising them above the bottom edge of the kimono jacket is also prohibited.

Kudo is not only a fight, it is also a philosophy. Following it, kudoists believe that the belt, on the one hand, reflects strength, and on the other, the spirit. Identical symmetrical ends symbolize harmony between the body and soul of the athlete, express respect for the coach and opponents, indicate attention and readiness to master new skills.

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