How to tie a sambo belt

The belt is one of the most important elements of a sambist’s uniform. With its help, clothes do not fall open even during the most active body movements, which is very important not only at major competitions, but also during training. It is very important to tie the product correctly, only then will the athlete be able to correctly perform his main function, as well as exercise comfortably.


How to choose the right belt for a sambo kimono

First of all, let's figure out exactly how to choose the perfect belt for a kimono. This is a very important point on which the further level of comfort of a sambist depends.

  • How to choose the right belt for a sambo kimonoFirst, pay attention to the material - the belt should be soft and comfortable. Otherwise, it will greatly interfere during the fight, and if you tighten it too much, you can even damage the wrestler’s internal organs with a careless movement.
  • The length of the product should not exceed 3.2 meters, but at the same time be at least 2.8 meters. If the length is inappropriate, you will not be able to tie it correctly. And too long material will hang down and constantly get in the way during the fight.
  • Pay attention to the price too. You shouldn’t skimp too much on your sambist uniform. In this case, you may come across low-quality material. But it doesn’t make sense to overpay too much. Still, this is not the most important element. Therefore, choose the “golden mean”.

How to tie a belt on a sambovka

How to tie a kimono beltThe first and most important criterion for whether the work is done correctly is the comfort of the sambist. Rely on his feelings, ask if there is pressure somewhere or if the material is too tight.

Important! After tying the belt, you need to do a few bends and other movements to check how comfortable it is to move.

Also, make sure to follow the technique of all the steps in the instructions provided below.

Scheme for tying a belt on a sambo jacket

This pattern will help you tie the item correctly, even if you are doing it for the first time.

  1. First, fold the product in half. The middle should be located in the middle of the abdomen. Now wrap it around your waist twice and straighten the ends.
  2. Now one of the ends needs to be threaded through the tied sides and pulled up. Now use it to form a knot around the bottom end.
  3. You need to pull the upper end of the product into such a loop. Now tighten the knot in a horizontal position. Job finished!

Scheme for tying a belt on a sambo jacket

Take the time to check how comfortable it is, move around or ask the person for whom the work was done to move. After all, this is the main criterion for the correct tying of this element of the form.

How to remove a belt from a sambo jacket

It is equally important to be able to correctly remove the belt from the sambovka. After all, if you pull it sharply, you can damage the product, as well as the jacket itself.

What should you pay attention to?

  • sambo uniformBe as careful as possible. Don't rush and rip the material off the jacket in one motion.It is best to use the above diagram and simply repeat the movements in reverse order. This way you can remove the product without any difficulty and also reduce the risk of it getting tangled.
  • If the belt was initially tied somehow incorrectly, then first carefully examine it and find the last knot - the first thing you should do is undo it. In the same way, trace the position of the product and slowly, knot by knot and loop by loop, you can remove it from the jacket, even without knowing the primary pattern for tying it.

Important! When untying the belt, avoid sudden movements.

There is an opinion that a correctly tied belt is 5% to the success of a sambist. That is why it is so important to follow all the prescribed rules and not tighten the material too much. In addition, it should be removed following certain instructions. Then the product will remain in order and will serve as long as it takes for the sambist to achieve a new level of his skills and a new belt color - for example, black!

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