The belt is an invariable attribute in many looks, from silk summer dresses to warm winter coats. But in order for this accessory to complete the look, it must be tied correctly. You can find out how to do this by reading the article.
What clothes can you wear with a tie belt?
For a woman who respects fashion trends and takes care of her appearance, this is a must-have wardrobe item. There should be several such accessories. Depending on the material of the belt, its shape and density, it can be worn with:
summer light dresses of different lengths and styles, both plain and colorful;
- jeans;
- shorts;
- trousers of both classic cut and capris, afghani, bananas, etc.
- classic office dresses and skirts;
- evening dresses - cocktail and long;
- raincoats;
- coat.
The material from which the belt is made can be:
- leather (or synthetic leather);
- cloth - made of the same material as clothing;
- made of fabric, but different in structure and color from the main thing.
As for the shape and texture of the belt, they can also be very diverse - from narrow to wide, from soft to hard. The type of belt and the clothing it will be worn with will influence how the knot is tied and formed.
How to tie a belt on a coat beautifully?
In order to tie a belt on a coat and give the look a complete elegant look, you can use two methods.
First – classic and does not require great skills. It consists of a single knot located in the middle at the front or side. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the plane of the node, formed by one part, passes from bottom to top, thereby closing the intersection. Where to place it - in front or on the side - depends only on individual preferences.
Second The method is unconventional, and looks like a voluminous bow. In order to tie it, you need to:
wrap one end with the other, passing from bottom to top and bringing the tip out from the wrong side;
- fold the end that was not wrapped into a bow loop;
- wrap the other end around the loop from the outside and pull the end back;
- Pull the end brought out from below into the resulting loop so that a second loop is formed;
- The ends are pulled out a little to tighten the knot, and straightened out.
Important! You can tie a knot on a coat using woven and leather belts. The main thing is that the material does not slip, otherwise the knot will come undone.
Tie it on a shirt or dress
The half bow looks elegant and beautiful. It will decorate any dress or shirt. In order to complete it, the following steps are required:
the right end is placed on top of the left, wound in from below and released upward;
- a loop of such length is formed from it to obtain the desired shape of the half-bow;
- the other end is placed on top of the half-bow and pulled through the resulting loop;
- The ends are carefully pulled up, but so that the loop does not tighten or twist.
Wide belt - how to design?
The wide belt looks very beautiful. It is a decoration in itself, and it is not at all difficult to tie it effectively. It is wrapped several times around the waist with its widest part. The thin ends should come out from above and be the same length.
They are usually tied in front with a half-bow or a bow. Moreover, if the ends are too thin, you can tie it with a regular bow, “without looking back” at how the knot “lays down”. If it is wider in this part, then be sure to watch how the knot is formed.
A knot on such a wide belt (also called an Obi belt) can be tied either in front or shifted to the side.
Corrugated bow
If the accessory is made of soft fabric, you can tie it with a corrugated bow. To do this you need:
- fold the fabric like an accordion several times so that the structure becomes narrower;
- wrap it around your waist and cross the ends in front - the right side lies on top of the left, and bring it from the bottom to the top;
- then place the free end horizontally, and with the end directed from top to bottom, clasp the horizontal part of the belt and pull it into the resulting loop;
- tighten the horizontal knot so that the planes of the product do not twist;
- then straighten the loose ends so that the folded fabric forms beautiful flowing flounces.
Important! As a result of the formation of such a knot, the ends must be moderately short after tying. Since the corrugated effect will not be visible on parts that are too long.
Tying a leather belt
A leather belt, narrow or medium in width, can be tied with a loose loop. Also This method can also be used for other dense materials.
Important! This method can be used for belts that have a buckle. But it can also be applied to those that are simply a smooth long piece of leather.
It is done simply:
if there is a clasp, it must be fastened, and the long end must be brought from below under the belt. Pass between two layers (into the loop formed) and pull down.
- if there is no fastener, then in this case For such a loop, an exceptionally long belt is suitable, which is enough to wrap around the waist twice. It must be folded in half and the loop and two free ends brought forward. Pass the ends into the loop. Then bring it in from below and pass it from above into the resulting space again.
Important! This knot is only suitable for leather belts or those made of thick fabric.
How to tie a belt on a kimono correctly
The belt on a kimono must be tied with special care so that it does not twist. Otherwise, this increases the chance of getting injured during the exercise. Sequencing:
- With your left hand, place the belt on the right side of your abdomen near the waist;
- With your right hand, wrap it 2 times around your body. Attentively make sure that it does not twist and lies flat, one layer on top of the other;
- after this, bring the right end to the left side of the abdomen;
- bend it from below under both layers and bring it out from above, leaving a free loop;
- bend the other part upward, insert the loops into the resulting hole and pass between the two layers;
- then gently pull in different directions to tighten the knot;
- Make sure that neither the knot nor the planes of the fabric are twisted.
There are a large number of ways to tie a belt; by choosing several that suit your specific figure and clothing, you can elegantly emphasize your style.