Which belt is best for the lower back?

Every second adult experiences lumbar pain. Will help relieve pain special belts. Wearing them regularly not only prevents back diseases, but also serves as a reliable preventive measure.


Which belt is better to choose for lower back pain?

There are several types, differing in degree rigidity, material and shape of the frame.

back belt

Magnetic belt - a corset or wide band with fasteners, made of spandex, nylon or polyvinyl chloride. In addition to the fixing material, it contains small magnets that help improve blood supply, reduce inflammation, and increase the body's defenses. The product eliminates discomfort in the lower back, helps improve the functioning of the digestive system, and normalizes the rhythm of sleep.

back belt

Magnetic tourmaline belt — a product made of magnets and healing tourmaline crystals. The frame is made of fabric containing “liquid tourmaline” fibers.Effectively fights back pain, improves sleep, protects against stress, and helps improve the general condition of the human body.

Warming belt made from natural wool, as well as artificial materials. It reduces lower back pain, accelerates the dissolution of fat in the abdominal area, promoting weight loss.

A healing belt is often an element of work clothing for people who spend a lot of time in the cold. Doctors say that it has no contraindications. Before starting use, consulting a doctor is not necessary.

Warming belts: what are they?

lumbar belt

warming belts

Most doctors recommend soft warming belts made from camel, dog, sheep wool or synthetic fabrics - neoprene or spandex - to treat the lower back.

  • Camel wool belt considered hypoallergenic. It repels dust, does not electrify, eliminates static voltage, provides excellent warmth, helping to eliminate lower back pain. A slight tingling sensation from the bristles creates a massage effect on the skin. Lanolin, found in wool, helps improve the skin.
  • Orthopedic products made from dog hair They warm well. However, they are prickly and rough and are not suitable for people with sensitive skin. Another drawback is their specific smell, which many people don’t like.
  • Sheep's wool It has breathability, a warming, massage effect, being a reliable assistant in the fight against back pain and its prevention.
  • Neoprene and spandex waistband - airtight. They help remove lactic acid, relieving muscle pain, and also speed up the process of losing weight.

Warming models should be worn during the day, evenly distributed along the lower back.During sleep, the medicinal product must be removed to avoid stagnation of blood in the tissues.

Which belt is most often prescribed for radiculitis?

camel hair belt

For radiculitis, it is necessary to warm the back, as well as additionally fix the spine. In such cases it is often used anti-radiculitis products made from dog, camel, sheep wool, yak and badger fur, as well as magnetic products. An excellent choice would be an orthopedic belt consisting of wool mixture, cotton, latex and polyester fibers that strengthen the structure.

When purchasing an anti-radiculitis belt, you should rely on the choice of your doctor. Only a qualified specialist will select the right version of the therapeutic belt, and also give recommendations for proper use.

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