Why do some men wear a cord on their belt?

Sometimes there are men who wear a cord tied around their waist under their clothes. Everyone answers the silent question differently: tradition, a talisman against evil forces, religious belief or fashion. I would like to figure it out and find out whether this is a new fashion or a well-forgotten superstition of ancient peoples.

Why do men wear a cord on their belt?

History of the issue: who wore a lace and why

To understand the issue, you will have to look deep into the past.

Pagan traditions

This custom came from pagan tribes, for whom the abdominal area was associated with life.

Reference! Among the Slavs in those days, “belly” literally meant “life.”

That is why belts were a very important and sought-after element of clothing. It was they who protected the vital area from evil spirits and evil spirits. A tied belt became a symbol of a ring, which was considered a strong talisman.


It is not without reason that in the pictures illustrating those times, you can see a man in an ordinary shirt, over which he wears a belt.

Reference! It was believed that the belt separated the pure and intelligent upper part of the body from the lower, more carnal, less intelligent.The belt was equal in its strength and importance to a pectoral cross. Both items were not removed even at night.

Embroidered amulet

The girls perceived this issue even more acutely. Therefore, this element of clothing was almost key for them. If there was an opportunity to decorate a belt with an embroidered pattern, a beautiful ornament, or some additional decorations, no one neglected this opportunity.

The pattern for the belt was chosen with meaning. He must enhance the protective capabilities of a cord amulet.

belt with embroidery

Tradition of our time: why they wear lace today

In modern times, when paganism has gone far into the past, you can still find men wearing a belt or cord on their torso under their clothes. Of course, these are just accessories, however, they still have a certain meaning to this day. It is worn by modern worshipers of Slavic deities. Such laces are also found among Muslims, and Jews also wear them.

cord on the belt

Color matters

Men, for whom the cord on the belt is still a talisman, consider its color to be important. They compare shades with various natural forces, as did the ancient Slavs.

  • White symbolized air, sun, pure thoughts of the owner.
  • Red, which had the color of blood, was known as the source of life, love.

Reference! It is believed that a red cord will protect a man from slander and protect him from the evil eye. They also protect against infidelity. Especially if such a lace was presented to the spouse by the wife.

  • Green as the color of everything plant, nature and naturalness, it helped restore strength and health.
  • Black intended for harsh and brutal men to preserve and increase their strength.


Thus, the tradition, which takes its origins from ancient times, when people worshiped idols and various deities, continues to live in our days.

Reviews and comments
Sh Sheromov Evgeniy:

Old Believers must wear belts... what does paganism have to do with it...

D Dr. Sandy:

A drawstring on a waistband is the easiest way to control the tone of your abdominal muscles. For some, the belly sags not because of fat, but because of weak abdominal muscles. They can be trained dynamically (“pump up your abs”), or you can train them statically: strain them and try to keep them in good shape for as long as possible. Of course, it is impossible to constantly keep the thought of toning your abdominal muscles in your head throughout the day. In order not to forget about it after five minutes, men tie these belts: relax the abs - the rope digs into the skin. You remembered your muscles again and tensed them. This is the meaning of these ropes, and not the nonsense about paganism and talismans. ))))))

E Eldar Bogdanov:

Good morning and first day of spring! I like to wear regular belts on regular outerwear (for example, a long shirt) and pants. Is it possible to appear on the street like this? Won't people look at you like you're crazy? All the clothes are in good shape, clean, not torn, but I just like to tie them with a belt.


