What to do if your hair gets tangled in your comb?

Situations when hair that needs to be styled or dried gets tangled in a comb do not happen often. But if life nevertheless throws up such a problem, then everything else is relegated to the background. There is only one thought in my head: how to get out of this situation without losing strands. Read the review below to find out what methods will help you solve the problem and remove the comb if it is stuck in your hair.

What to do if your hair gets tangled in a round comb?

What to do if your hair gets tangled in a round combHairdressers, styling their curls, famously use brushing, showing us the ease and simplicity of their professional skills. There comes a time when a woman without such experience tries to reproduce it on her own. Sometimes styling ends with a tangled comb, panic, and sobs over the inevitability of cutting off long hair.

If such a problem arises, be patient and calm, the work ahead will be very painstaking and unhurried, but you will succeed. Cutting off tangled strands is the most extreme way, but in our arsenal of recommendations you will find more gentle ways. If you try them one by one, one after another, then one of the options suggested below will definitely help you, and your hair will remain intact.

Important! At the first stage, the main thing is to remain calm; panic will only do harm. Consistent, confident actions will help you get out of the situation in a shorter time than it might take for someone who is nervous.

If your bangs are tangled

In this part of the hairstyle, the strands are usually short, so it will be easier to untangle than a huge mop. It is also not advisable to take the extreme measure of cutting your hair.. Few people suit a hairstyle with cut bangs. You can solve the problem using one of the proposed methods:

  1. bangsThe simplest, but also the most time-consuming way is to untangle one hair at a time. For ease of work, you can take a regular sewing needle or a thin knitting needle. By prying thin strands one by one, you will get rid of brushing without loss;
  2. There is another way - to apply some slippery composition to the bangs: sunflower oil, shampoo, balm or serum. If you don’t have such a product on hand, simply moisten the problem area well with water and carefully remove strand by strand from the edge until the comb is completely free.

Important! Wet strands are very vulnerable and easily injured, so you need to work with them very delicately. With any awkward movement, the risk of losing a part increases.

If your hair is long

Detangling long hair and removing a round comb is not easy at all. Sometimes this takes a long time. If you are at home and can count on someone to help, things will go faster.

Important! For styling on long hair, choose a brush with a large diameter: it will be more convenient to style and the risk of tangling will be minimized.

Try the following methods:

  1. hair with balmpry the strands with a toothpick or knitting needle and carefully remove them from the comb. Start working with the top strands;
  2. if that doesn’t work, make your hair slippery with vegetable oil, shampoo, conditioner and, with careful movements from side to side, gradually release the brush from captivity;
  3. The above methods do not help - break the comb. An assistant should take pliers and remove the teeth of the brush until the hair is completely untangled. This method has never failed. The disadvantage of this method is that your comb is damaged, but the advantage is that you will retain the beauty of your hairstyle. And you won’t need to cut anything.

Reviews and comments
M Milan:

I have a brush tangled on 1 strand and we can’t get it out, what should we do???!

IN Violet:

My bangs are tangled and none of the above helps. I have to break the comb, they’ll kill me 😭


