How to clean a comb?

Combing is one of the mandatory daily hair care procedures. Without constant use of a comb, it is impossible to get beautiful and shiny hair. However, all accessories sooner or later require thorough cleaning. How to clean a comb or massage brush, what home remedies to use for help, read on.

Rules for caring for any comb

cleaningThe first and most important thing is to remember that A comb is the same personal hygiene product as a toothbrush.. Collective use can lead to the spread of trichological and dermatological diseases. Only one person should use it to comb their hair. Only in this case, following the rules of care will preserve the health of the hair and prolong the life of the necessary beauty item.

Important! Taking care of your comb: cleaning it, washing it, drying it, storing it - you need to take into account the characteristics of the material from which it is made.

Do you need to clean your hairbrush?

In the process of using a comb, particles of the skin surface of the scalp, remnants of the hair fixation product, sebum secreted by the glands, and combed out hair accumulate on it. If you don’t get rid of this, then everything can return through a dirty brush back to your clean, washed hair.

How often does this need to be done?

dirty combAfter each combing, in addition to dust and dirt, organic residues from the hair remain on the comb. Their accumulation occurs gradually and at first can be scanty. Over time this becomes noticeable. To determine how often you need to clean your massage brush, look at it after a week of use.. You will see a change in its appearance with the naked eye.

It is customary to clean combs and brushes once a week.. If you have dandruff or oily epidermis, then clean it more often, and the comb, which is only sometimes used for backcombing or parting, can be washed less often. You need to get rid of dead hair that remains between your teeth every day. It is more convenient to do this in the evening: In the morning you will style your hair with a clean comb.

Types of comb contamination

Using a massage brush every day, by the end of the week you will definitely notice that the teeth on it have accumulated a certain amount of dirt:

  • lost hair;
  • sebum;
  • epidermal particles;
  • remnants of styling product;
  • dirt and dust.

What products can you use to clean combs?

combsMechanical cleaning of the surface of a comb or brush is used to remove dead hair. Dirt, dust, household chemicals are removed with soap solutions and alcohol-containing products. Even regular shaving foam applied to the teeth on both sides and left on the comb for half an hour will help.Sebum, seborrhea, and epidermal residues require disinfection of the massage brush. To prevent germs and bacteria from multiplying, you need to use disinfecting solutions with the addition of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and chlorhexidine.

Methods for cleaning a comb

Combs, round and massage brushes, brushes are made from different materials. When cleaning or disinfecting, it is important to find methods and means that are not aggressive towards plastic, metal or wood. Correctly selected methods will allow you to use the tool for a long time.


woodenWooden combs will not cause allergies, do not electrify the hair, and are easy and pleasant to work with. But they do not tolerate water at all; if over-moistened or improperly stored in a room with high air humidity, they are easily deformed, delaminate, crack. After such exposure, they may become unsuitable for use: scratching or hair pulling out is possible.

Wood requires very delicate cleaning. The method should provide short-term exposure to water or complete rejection of it. With the dry method, alcohol-containing liquids are most effective: they clean the instrument, but at the same time quickly evaporate from the surface.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • soak a cotton swab in vodka or alcohol;
  • wipe the flat surface on both sides;
  • Use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to clean all the grooves between the teeth.

There is also a wet method, which involves cleansing with a stream of water and a brush, onto which a couple of drops of shampoo or liquid soap are applied. All work must be done very quickly. Finally, wipe the instrument dry and let it dry naturally.

The cleaning method using disinfectant wet wipes can also be successfully used for wooden scallops. Wipe the tool first lengthwise, and then insert the napkin into the slots between the teeth and move from side to side to remove all deposits.


This is not a comb that is needed all the time, but sometimes you can’t do without it when creating a hairstyle. Such instruments also need to be cleaned from time to time. To do this, let's turn to a simple but effective method:

  • metalprepare some baking soda in a flat container;
  • rinse the comb in water;
  • Moisten an old toothbrush too, and then dip it in baking soda;
  • Wipe the contaminated surface with this mixture:
  • When finished, rinse the instrument under running water and wipe dry with a napkin or towel.

Instead of soda, you can use washing powder, liquid soap, pot cleaning powder, or dishwashing detergent. After processing and rinsing Be sure to dry the metal tool, blotting with waffle or terry cloth.


A voluminous comb that has a rubber insert with teeth fixed throughout the oval is usually called a massage brush. Their location and design itself make the cleaning process inconvenient, so improvised means are always called upon to help:

  • massagetoothpick;
  • plastic comb;
  • “bald” toothbrush;
  • a brush from an old mascara.

You can also remove them with another massager or with your hands, it will just take more time. After this, prepare a solution to clean the teeth from accumulated dust and dirt:

  • take 1 liter of warm water;
  • dilute with 3 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. any shampoo;
  • Stir everything and beat into foam.

We apply the foaming composition to the massage brush, but do not let it leak inside the rubber pad. To do this, use a toothbrush to thoroughly and quickly clean the spaces between the bristles and the teeth themselves. Rinse off the applied foam and dry the comb by placing it on a towel, teeth down.

Important! If water gets inside the brush, behind the rubber surface, then the possibility of the liner coming off cannot be ruled out. Such a brush will not last long: you cannot comb your hair if the liner keeps falling out.


A round comb with plastic or metal bristles very easily holds combed hair on its surface. Getting rid of them can be very problematic. To make the job easier, you can take a toothpick or a plastic comb with a long end. It is recommended to treat the contaminated surface with the following composition:

  • brushing2 liters of water;
  • 30 ml shampoo;
  • 1 tsp. ammonia;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide.

Soak the brush in this solution for half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. If there is dirt on the bristles, then additionally treat the comb with an old toothbrush.

Made from natural hair

Massage brushes made of natural bristles are very pleasant to work with strands: the combing process is very gentle, without tearing out or tangling the hair. But natural material always requires special care, as careful as you would take for yourself. Do not use solutions with chemicals; wash such combs with shampoo or liquid soap:

  • how to clean a combfree it from all remaining hair with a toothpick or the long side of a plastic comb;
  • moisten with water and apply shampoo;
  • leave for 10–15 minutes;
  • brush the lint with an old toothbrush;
  • rinse with water.

Important! It should be dried with the bristles facing up. Otherwise, they may become deformed.

If you have oily hair, then it is better to abandon a brush made of natural bristles in favor of artificial fibers.. Dirt is not so critical for it; it can be easily cleaned with shampoo.


plasticThey can electrify hair and make it difficult to comb strands, but there are many types of hairdressing work for which they serve as a necessary tool. These combs are inexpensive and easy to care for. A plastic comb is cleaned by immersing it in warm water with added shampoo for half an hour. Softened dirt can be easily removed using any device: an old toothbrush or household brush, a brush for applying mascara.


The mineral has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the surface of the head and hair follicles. Combs made of this material have a flat shape and large teeth, so cleaning them from dirt is not difficult. As a basis for cleaning, take baking soda or vinegar solution, stirring 2 tbsp. l. it in a liter of water. All teeth are wiped with this composition, and then the comb is washed under a running stream.

Disinfection of combs

disinfectionSometimes such a procedure is necessary. If you have dandruff, fungal diseases of the scalp, or pediculosis, then additional treatment can be omitted only if the comb is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vinegar or chlorhexidine. In all other cases, the comb should be disinfected.

A plastic comb can be immersed in a weak solution of bleach (bleach) for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse the instrument thoroughly under running water. All combs, with the exception of wooden and rubber-based massage brushes, can be soaked in an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or 3% hydrogen peroxide. The components for both compositions are taken in equal proportions to each other.

Cleaning electrical appliances (combs)

For such combs dirt can only be removed after removing the batteries. Use dishwashing liquid on your toothbrush to clean your teeth. Carry out rinsing very carefully, It’s better to limit yourself to wiping your comb with a damp cloth. When finished, dry the tool and try to remove stuck hairs after each time you use the comb.

Reviews and comments
A Alyona:

Thanks for the useful and interesting article!
Hair care begins with proper hygiene. In addition to washing your hair regularly, you should also keep your combs clean.


