How to clean dirt from a comb?

cleaning combs under waterAbsolutely everyone knows that combs are household items designed for combing hair and massaging the head. Everyone uses them except the bald ones. And those may well be the owners of a beard, for which you will still need the same comb. Using this accessory daily and repeatedly, do not forget that it requires certain care - cleaning, washing and disinfection.

Why do you need to clean your combs?

Our hair is not the cleanest part of the body. They experience all the “delights” of life in modern conditions: smog, dust, tobacco smoke, steam and exhaust fumes.

cleaning combs different models

During combing, dirt remains on the comb and accumulates, creating a layer of dirt. This promotes the development of microorganisms harmful to humans, fungi, and mold. Pollution can lead to various hair diseases: dandruff, seborrhea or splitting. Therefore, regular cleaning of combs is an elementary requirement of hygiene rules.

Types of pollution and how to deal with them

All types of contaminants that remain on combs can be divided into several types:

  • lost hair - get tangled on the teeth, forming an untidy “web”;
  • secret, secreted by the sebaceous glands of the scalp, creates a fatty coating on combs;
  • skin scales - dandruff, peeling off, accumulate in unpleasant “piles” between the teeth;
  • dust and dirt from the environment, as well as from the hands, when combing, they create a dirty coating;
  • washing, coloring and styling products not only remain on the combs, but also reliably “glue” everything listed above to these accessories.

cleaning combs in soapy water

All types of dirt on brushes, combs and combs must be removed regularly. To fight dirt The following equipment may be needed:

  • comb with a long thin handle;
  • scissors;
  • toothpicks, wooden skewers, knitting needles;
  • cotton wool, cotton swabs, cotton swabs;
  • brush;
  • wet wipes.

Advice! The most convenient “device” for cleaning and washing combs is a medium-hard toothbrush.

comb cleaning productsTo combat pollution you can use:

  • regular dishwashing detergents;
  • shampoo, liquid soap;
  • soda;
  • shaving cream.

Means used for disinfection:

  • ethyl alcohol, not lower than 70% concentration;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • chloramine solution – 0.5% concentration;
  • antiseptics – sterillium, AHD 2000 and others.

Using the listed devices and products, you can easily clean, wash and disinfect combs of any shape and type, but you need to know about the rules and nuances of care for each of them.

How to clean different combs from dust and dirt?

Today, the industry produces a huge number of different devices for combing hair, from the simplest and familiar to everyone from childhood - pocket combs, combs and massage brushes, to modern devices such as spoon combs, brushes, teasers, thermal brushes, electric combs and others.

cleaning combs with a toothbrush

Materials used in the manufacture of combs:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • bone;
  • tree;
  • bristle;
  • rubber and others.

Each material reacts to water or detergents differently. Many combs combine materials. Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules for cleaning and washing various types of combs.

Massage brush

cleaning combs cleaning the massage brushThis type of comb is the most popular and widespread. Due to its complex shape and teeth glued to the base, the massage brush quite difficult to clean.

  • Remove hair from the brush using a comb with a thin and long handle. You can use a knitting needle, toothpick or other sharp objects.
  • Use scissors to cut tangled hair and remove it thoroughly.
  • “Comb” the massager with a brush or other comb, removing dirt and dust from it.
  • Dilute 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. any detergent - for washing dishes, liquid soap or shampoo. Beat the foam well and pour in 3-4 tbsp. l. vinegar. Instead of vinegar, you can add citric acid, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia to the solution.
  • Using a toothbrush, treat the comb with the solution, holding it with the teeth down.

Advice! The massage brush should not be soaked as it is difficult to remove water from it. In addition, the teeth glued to the rubber base may come off.

  • Wash off any remaining solution and dirt from the brush and wipe with any disinfectant.
  • Leave until completely dry.

Round brush

cleaning combs round brushThis brush is used for styling hair. She's enough Difficult to clean due to the teeth arranged in a circle.

  1. Using a sharp object, remove hair from the brush, cut it with scissors and remove thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a soap solution with any detergent.
  3. Immerse the entire comb in the solution for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly to remove dirt with a brush.
  5. Rinse with clean water and dry.


Wooden combs do not like excessive moisture, so It is best to do without water.

cleaning wooden combs

Another way:

  • remove hair;
  • Using cotton swabs or swabs soaked in alcohol or vodka, clean the comb from dirt;
  • dry thoroughly.


cleaning plastic combsThe easiest to care for are plastic combs. The only thing they don’t like is high temperatures; for cleaning you need:

  1. Remove hair.
  2. Soak for 30-40 minutes in an aqueous solution prepared on the basis of any of the above products.
  3. Use a brush to wash off the soaked dirt.
  4. Rinse with running water.
  5. Wipe with any disinfectant.
  6. Dry.

Advice! Plastic combs are easy to clean with shaving cream.


cleaning metal combsThese combs are cleaned using powdered dish soap. Any washing powder will also work.

  1. Remove hair from the comb.
  2. Soak for 10-15 minutes in warm water.
  3. Use a toothbrush with powder applied to it to clean the comb.
  4. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

From bristles

Combs with bristle teeth cleans well with regular shampoo.

  1. Carefully remove any remaining hair from the cloves using a sharp object and scissors.
  2. Apply shampoo to the bristles with a brush.
  3. After 7-10 minutes, rinse the comb under running water.
  4. Dry thoroughly with the bristles facing up.

cleaning natural bristle combs


Advice! If you are in conditions that do not allow you to clean your comb with a detergent solution, for example, while traveling, you can easily remove dirt with a toothpick and a regular damp cloth.

4 General rules for caring for combs

  1. It is necessary to get rid of hair that has fallen out and got tangled in the teeth of the comb every day, collecting it with your hand.
  2. All dirt must be removed regularly. Combs that are used every day should be cleaned 1-2 times a week. Those that are used occasionally, for example, for styling - once every 2 weeks.

Important! You should also regularly clean and condition hair dryers, curling irons, straightening irons, barrettes and other hair accessories.

cleaning combs brush brush cleaning


  1. Do not use hard brushes to clean combs. or use excessive force, as the teeth may be damaged.
  2. After washing, the comb must be dried that mold or mildew does not grow in it. In addition, some parts may become deformed, peeled, or corroded due to moisture, such as wood or metal. Avoid getting moisture on the glued parts of the combs.

Advice! You can quickly dry your comb with a hairdryer by directing a hot stream of air at it. In this case, the hair dryer should not be brought close to the hair device. The second option for drying is to place it on a warm radiator or in the sun.

Brushes with bristles should be dried with the teeth facing up to avoid crushing the bristles. Flat plastic and metal brushes can simply be wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

  1. Electric combs Before washing, disconnect from the power supply or remove the batteries. They cannot be washed in water; they should be wiped with a swab soaked in alcohol.
  2. To a comb that is carried in a pocket or purseTo stay clean longer, it’s worth purchasing a special cover or case.

cleaning combs comb comb

Beautiful and healthy hair is the main decoration of every woman, and men also dream of hair “without thawed patches.” To maintain a healthy appearance, it is not enough to use expensive and high-quality scalp care products.

Regular, thorough cleaning and disinfection of brushes, combs and other hair accessories will help avoid various “troubles” with your hair and preserve its shine, beauty and healthy appearance for a long time.

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