How to turn a comb into a talisman

How do you feel about your hairbrush? Probably the same as many. First, carefully select the one that best suits your hair. And then you take care of it, realizing that it ensures the beauty and health of your hair. But a comb is not only a hair care item. In the past, it was considered important to have such a comb, which would become a talisman and help overcome all life’s difficulties.

How to turn a comb into a talisman

Why did the comb become a talisman?

In the old days, it was believed that hair was a woman’s beauty, honor and intelligence. Therefore, cutting off the hair was a great shame and misfortune.

The comb, which came into contact not only with curls and strands, but also with the scalp, was also endowed with mystical properties. He could work real miracles! This is understandable: who doesn’t enjoy the light movements of the comb sliding through the wave of hair! They relax and give peace, and also seem to give strength.

Important! It was believed that the comb, in addition to its main purpose, could protect, bring good luck and help find love.

That's just Not every comb has such capabilities, but only the one that has become a talisman.

How to make a talisman from a comb

Making a talisman from this item with your own hands is not that difficult. All you need to do is follow a few steps.

Accessory selection

We'll tell you what a comb should be like that is suitable for turning into a talisman.

choosing a comb

  • A talisman can only be a thing made of natural material. For a comb, this is wood, since this material is endowed with its own “living power”, which will strengthen the effect of your amulet. In addition, you can use a bone product.

Important! When choosing a wooden comb, check what type of wood it is made from. The best option is cherry. If the master used poplar, aspen, birch, or willow blanks, set them aside! Such breeds cannot be used for rituals!

  • Will do only new product, which has no flaws, defects, or negative energy.
  • Choose the brightest and most beautiful comb from all the candidates for mascots.
  • Make your choice yourself, without involving assistants and advisers!
  • Choose your future amulet on Friday, as it is considered Women's Day.


Before the ceremony, the product should be cleaned of negativity. To do this, take container with salt water and put the comb in it for a while.


Reference! You can do without the saline solution, but you will still need salt! It is poured onto the comb, trying to ensure that the accessory is completely hidden under it.

Transformation into a talisman

The actions of a simple ceremony must be performed in a certain order.

  • The ceremony is carried out at a strictly specified time - at 12 o'clock at night, at the mirror.
  • The ceremony can only be performed by the owner of the comb. He must prepare: put on smart clothes. Remove all hair clips, pins, combs, etc. from your hair.


Important! Wearing jewelry is not allowed during the ceremony. The pectoral cross is also removed at this time.

  • The ritual itself consists of combing. This should be done slowly, carefully, and having fun. At the same time, in free form, a person mentally conveys to the Moon his request to be endowed with good health and beauty.
  • After the comb has gone through all the strands, the ritual ends. The comb is left by the mirror without being cleaned. When placing an accessory near a mirror surface, do not look at your reflection! Immediately leave the room Moreover, it is forbidden to look at the mirror!

After this, the amulet can be used for its intended purpose.

Important! Think in advance where you will store your comb! It should not be in plain sight, accessible to everyone.

Using the amulet

You can use a comb-amulet in different ways, depending on what goals you want to achieve.


  • Remember: now this is only your amulet! Try not to let it fall into the wrong hands! If this still happens, carry out a new cleansing with salt. And to enhance it, add “sunbathing”.
  • Before going to bed, be sure to comb your hair with this amulet, making leisurely, smooth movements. This way you will remove the negative energy that you have accumulated during the day. Not to mention, these actions will help you sleep better.

Despite all its simplicity and unpretentiousness, the comb amulet is capable of a lot!

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