Where to put the hair from the comb

Girls comb their hair several times a day, regardless of the length and thickness of their hair. And it is quite natural that fallen hairs remain on the comb. If there are few of them, then you shouldn’t be afraid - this is a normal hair growth cycle. First it grows, then it falls out, and a new hair grows in its place.

Only the hair from the comb needs to go somewhere. Many girls heard from their grandmothers that they should not be thrown out on the street, otherwise they will get a headache. Perhaps this is connected with signs and ancient beliefs? So let's figure out how to do it right and why.

What to do with hair from a comb

A healthy person loses up to 150 hairs from their scalp per day. Some falls out on clothes or on the floor when combing, some is washed down the drain when washing your hair, and some remains on the comb.

hair on a comb

There are many signs and beliefs associated with hair; they are endowed with magical properties, connections with the cosmos or God, and are called energy threads.

Superstitions and signs on how to do it right

A hair carries part of human energy, and when it falls out, it takes it with it.Therefore, in the old days it was forbidden to cut your hair or wash your hair, and people combed their hair only on certain days.

REFERENCE! In Rus', hair was called “braids” from the word “space”. Church ministers did not cut their hair so as not to lose touch with God. From this word comes the name of girlish braids.

It's right to burn your hair. It is believed that the strength of your family is stored in the hair, and the energy lost along with the hair will return to the family after the fire. It is advisable to carry out the ceremony in the forest, far from prying eyes. You can have an ashtray or an iron can for burning, and do this regularly. Especially superstitious people collect hairs in a little bag and burn them on the 30th lunar day according to a certain ritual.

hair comb

Beliefs familiar from childhood:

  • You can’t throw hairs into the street. Because the bird will drag them away to build a nest. And when the chicks appear in the nest, the hostess will have a headache, and her hair will begin to constantly get tangled;
  • a discarded hair can be picked up by an ill-wisher and send damage or the evil eye to its owner. This also applies to trash cans, because then the hair ends up in a trash can on the street, and then to a landfill.
  • cannot be thrown into the river - there are also evil conspiracies on a floating hair;

Some sources say that it doesn’t matter where you put your lost hair, the main thing is to wrap it in paper. So that the evil magician does not find them. In this case, a good option is to flush it down the toilet. So the hairs will fall into the stream of water and float away in an unknown direction, and evil magicians will no longer find them.

REFERENCE! Hair should not be thrown into the street, because passers-by will trample on it, and the housewife will get a headache.

Hygiene standards

People who don’t believe in omens roll the hairs into a ball and throw them in the trash. Some are flushed down the toilet. Both are correct.But what you shouldn’t do is throw hairs into the sink - they can clog the drain.

hair from a comb

The main thing is that you need to remove hair from your comb regularly. If such a need occurs outside the home, collect them from the comb, put them in a little bag and bring them home. You can throw them away or burn them there.

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