Is it possible to give a comb as a gift?

Today, few people believe in the invisible connection of hair with space. But the beauty and well-groomed hair has a special meaning for a woman. It’s not for nothing that they say that when a girl wants to change her life, she starts with her hair.

Women love taking care of their hair as much as receiving gifts. When it comes to gifts, the fairer sex is divided into 2 camps - some prefer practical gifts, others love beautiful trinkets or another decoration. Both types of gifts include a comb. A massage and styling brush will be practical, and decorative hair combs will be beautiful gifts for many women, although they cannot always be used for their intended purpose.

Is it possible to give a comb as a gift?

Before the holidays, people begin to worry and rack their brains - what to give? After all, you want the gift to be to the taste of the recipient, and not to go to the mezzanine to gather dust. Only a person who decides to give a girl a comb often begins to doubt. Firstly, which model to choose, because there are more than a dozen of them. Secondly, is it even possible to give it as a gift?

Is it possible to give a comb as a gift?

There are several opinions on this matter - some believe that it is absolutely forbidden to give a comb as a gift, others admit such an idea, but in certain cases.

Still, for various reasons, a comb as a gift is not the best option. She might just not like her. Girls prefer different combs - some like combs, others like massage brushes. By giving a special comb for styling or drying, you may make a mistake with the size or material. Or maybe the girl generally prefers to dry her hair naturally without a hair dryer or styling.

IMPORTANT! There are materials that will help magnetize hair. It's hard to predict in this regard because different hairs react differently.

Signs on this matter

Another reason is omens. If you or the person to whom you are going to give a comb are superstitious, such a gift is unlikely to please you, much less be beneficial.

Our ancestors believed that hair is feminine power. They remembered all events and could cause harm in evil hands, like damage or the evil eye. It is believed that hair has a secret connection with the cosmos. And everything that touches them absorbs human energy and secrets.

REFERENCE! In Rus', losing a comb means disaster. After all, the easiest way was to remove his hair and make a spell or some other spell on it.

Giving a comb as a gift means trying to find out the secrets of the person you are giving it to. After all, she touches her hair and head. In the same way, you can help reveal your secrets.

In what cases is it possible

All signs and reasons not to give relate only to practical things, and in no way affect decorative ones. If you want to give a comb as a gift, choose a decorative comb.

REFERENCE! The comb is considered a symbol of a woman's sexual origin.For this reason, mermaids were depicted with long thick hair and a comb in it. They also used the comb to cast love spells.

If you choose a decorative comb made of wood, bone or metal, feel free to give it as a gift. Such a gift will become not only a comb, but also a decoration, especially if studded with stones or pearls, and a talisman.

comb as a gift

IMPORTANT! Even a comb cannot be given as a gift for every holiday. A good reason to give it is New Year or March 8th. But for your birthday, choose another option, because this day has a special sacred meaning.

Well, if you really want to give a regular comb as a gift, and you don’t believe in omens, approach your choice responsibly. Here are the basic rules:

  • give a comb only to a loved one, so you can find out which one she or he likes;
  • before buying, find out what type of comb the person uses, what material it should be made of and what kind of bristles he prefers - natural or artificial;
  • If you wish, you can consecrate the gift or simply wrap it.

ADVICE! A gift in the form of a comb will come in handy for a man with a beard. Just choose a special model.

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