Why you shouldn’t comb your hair with someone else’s comb: hygiene and signs

It is not customary to share personal hygiene items even with your closest relatives. This rule will work fully if you know all these items, do not use others’ and do not share your own. But most people know about a toothbrush, washcloth or underwear - these things should not be shared in any way, it is not hygienic.

Only now you can often see how girlfriends share decorative cosmetics and kindly lend a comb to their forgetful friend on the beach or on the street. But this is also a personal hygiene item and it is not recommended to share it. Why? Now we'll tell you.

Why not

Of course, after such a statement, there is a desire to quickly learn about the “hygienic” side of the issue. But just like a coin has 2 sides, the ban on someone else’s comb has 2 reasons. And the second is esoteric. Or is it simply associated with signs and beliefs.


The fact is that hair and beard were valued in Rus'; they were considered a sign of health and beauty.He was endowed with hair and magical powers - he collected human energy and had a connection with the cosmos.

REFERENCE! The clergy did not cut their hair because of the connection with space. In their understanding, this feature allowed them to be closer to God.

Signs and superstitions

So, the importance of hair is clear. Now let's move on to the comb itself. It had a sacred meaning. The girls, after combing, hid it behind seven females. After all, this object was in contact with hair, it absorbed the energy and secrets of a person, and often a few hairs remained on it. By taking the girl's hair, ill-wishers could send damage to the mistress and her entire family, and even crops and livestock.

REFERENCE! Girls in Rus', after they got married, tied a headscarf on their heads and from now on appeared in public only wearing it. Reasons 2: this way she won’t lose her hair and a person with an evil plan won’t steal it for damage or the evil eye; In addition to the connection with the cosmos, hair was a symbol and source of female sexual energy. Since the girl became married, she hid her hair from prying eyes.

Each woman had her own comb. After purchase, it was consecrated in the church or a conspiracy was made to preserve and reveal its beauty. That’s why they didn’t share personal items even with their mother or sister. By letting her friend comb her hair with her comb, the girl’s beauty could pass on to her friend through the comb. You could also transfer your energy to another person.

scratch yourself with someone else's comb

Then they believed that combs made of different materials could have different effects on a person:

  • made of bone - calms and drives away fears;
  • rowan will cope with resentment and strengthen intuition;
  • Apple or pear will help with chronic fatigue;
  • oak will help you recover from a serious illness;
  • cherry will protect against energy vampires;

IMPORTANT! Combs made of natural materials - stone, bone, wood - are capable of attracting positive energy. In addition to willow, poplar and aspen, they take energy, so it is better not to use such combs.

For reasons of hygiene

Hygiene cannot be believed or not, unlike omens. In order not to incur a fungal disaster, it is better to adhere to basic rules. Combing with someone else's comb can have the following consequences:

  • fungal infection. Particles of fungus can remain on someone else's comb and be passed on to you. So, for example, they become infected with mycosis or dandruff if it is caused by a fungus;
  • hygiene. Not everyone knows that you need to wash your hairbrush at least once a week. Sebum, sweat or dirty hair remains on the bristles and surface of the brush. Even if you comb your own, but dirty brush, your hair will get dirty much faster;
  • pediculosis. Lice eggs and nits remain on the comb and will happily transfer to the new owner - you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning a trip to the hairdresser. There you will be combed with a brush that has been used by hundreds of people. Don't be shy and ask your hairdresser how he processes the comb. If he doesn't do this, or you don't like his way, leave. This indicates that the hairdresser is unprofessional. Your shyness can cost you your health and more than one thousand rubles.


To avoid the need for someone else's comb, make it a rule to carry a small comb in your purse. It will help you out at the right time, but if you forgot it, it’s better to comb your hair with your own fingers. It may not be very neat, but it is safe. And do not offer your comb to other people, this may be considered a sign of bad taste.

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