What is it like to lose your comb?

A comb is not a simple personal hygiene item: it comes into contact with such delicate matter as hair. Since ancient times, the comb was protected not only from prying hands - from prying eyes! What is the risk of losing a comb, what does it mean - read on.

Lost comb: what to expect?

Previously it was believed: a lost comb is akin to appearing bare-haired in public - public censure cannot be avoided! Nowadays, the consequences of such an oversight have been mitigated - foreign tongues will definitely take over your person, but not only bad things can be said.

Important! Don't want to become the subject of gossip? Be careful not to leave your comb on the table!

However, such consequences are harmless. It’s worse if a personal care item falls into someone’s “interested” hands. This will not necessarily result in damage. You can simply generously share some of your beauty or good luck with the new owner! After all, magicians advise anyone who finds a comb on the road:

  • girl combing her hairtake her with you;
  • wash with soap and water (shampoo) and pour boiling water over it;
  • hide away and wait for a gift from fate - perhaps one it has prepared for you.

It’s even worse if a personal item ends up in the hands of a magician, especially with hair left on it: this is what is used in dark rituals of causing all sorts of trouble. However, there is one more sign - you are destined to return to the place of loss. Then it all depends on the place - visiting the resort again will probably be nice! A hospital is unlikely.

Important! Did you let your friend comb her hair? Wash it in salt water so as not to take on someone else’s energy.

Lost and found - what does this mean?

crestPerhaps the event does not bode well for trouble. You can lose something without leaving your home, as a result of your own absent-mindedness. Are you sure that this is happening by chance? Get your comb in order and continue using it.

Worse, if she disappeared unknown where and was also unexpectedly found - especially if there are people around you - in the company or at work - who are unfriendly or envious. Then there is a high probability of encountering real damage.

Pay attention to whether symptoms appear after the newly acquired loss:

  • headaches;
  • imbalance;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • sleep problems;
  • feeling unwell during a full or new moon;
  • problems with hair or scalp;
  • poor appetite.

Such symptoms may indicate a magical effect! Moreover It’s possible to “catch” something like this only by touching the enchanted objects, and other pads can enhance the effect - were there any foreign objects or your own, but not in their places?

You can protect yourself by sweeping away all dubious finds with a broom into a bag or dustpan and burning it all to the ground along with the broom. And in the place where the lining was placed, you need to clean it, washing everything with salt.

Important! Have you decided to get a wooden comb? Do not buy spruce, pine, or birch products! A comb made of poplar, willow or elm will not work either - the energy will suffer. Cherry, apple, cypress, rowan, and oak are suitable.

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