Types of combs

It’s hard to imagine the life of a modern person without a comb. With the help of such a seemingly simple object, you can create a real work of art on your head.

What are the types

types of combs

When choosing a new comb, you first need to pay attention to what material it is made of. Knowing certain rules will help protect your curls from damage and benefit them.

  • Made of wood - does not electrify strands, makes them smoother, shiny, and prevents split ends. The disadvantage of a wooden comb is that it is not durable and requires more careful care.
  • Metal – durable and strong. Its disadvantage is that it can injure the head if it is not covered with a special rubber tip. It is not recommended to use it while drying your hair with a hairdryer.
  • Made of plastic - an inexpensive option. Lightweight and easy to care for.
  • Silicone - quickly untangles strands and lasts a long time. Can be used while drying hair with a hairdryer. The only downside is the high cost.

Massage brushes

A massage comb can be found in almost every home. Masters practically do not use it, but the average user may like it for a number of reasons: pleasant combing of the head, massage of the scalp at the roots, improved blood circulation.

massage brushes

But when choosing such a comb, you need to be as careful as possible, especially if you have oily hair. If you use such a comb on oily hair, the massage will only worsen the situation by evenly distributing the fat. Therefore, if your strands quickly become oily, you need to choose another option.

For styling

There are only three types of styling combs that are used in hairdressing salons:

  • round;
  • skeletal;
  • semicircular.

Using a round one, you can style it on curls of any length. She is most popular among girls with haircuts such as bob, bob, cascade. She does a great job with unruly hair and straightens it with a hairdryer.

for styling

When heated with a hairdryer, it acts as a straightening iron. If you prefer to use a round comb and a hair dryer, then do not forget that regular use of a hair dryer can damage your hair.

If you need to create volume at the roots or slightly curl the ends, a small comb will do the job perfectly. If a comb is needed to straighten strands, then it is better to give preference to a more massive option.

First of all, you need to pay attention to what material the comb is made of.

ImportantOn combs from tree excessive moisture Maybe bring To emergence fungus!

A skeleton comb is also used to add volume. It is convenient to use it when working with a hairdryer. It eliminates the possibility of overheating.The teeth on a comb of this variety can be either the same length or different. Due to this, hairdressers can quickly style multi-layered hairstyles.

For example, for short hair, the side with short stubble works well.

skeleton comb

A semicircular comb is also used to style curls. She does an excellent job of styling even the most complex haircuts. This is convenient for styling bangs and the ends of a multi-layered haircut. Can be used to curl ends.

Flat, ridges


Flat combs are the most popular variety. There are many varieties of flat types, each with its own purpose.

  1. With large teeth - for gentle combing of wet hair.
  2. With thick teeth - for regular use on medium-length hair.
  3. With long teeth, it is good for unruly, curly hair.
  4. Combs with a narrow tip are perfect for separating hair, coloring the roots and evenly parting.
  5. With thin teeth, it is good for combing.
  6. A wide-toothed comb can be used to distribute products evenly.


Every girl should have a universal comb. It is a little unusual in its structure, because half of the cloves are often set next to each other, and the other half is rare. It can be used both for everyday combing and for styling. When purchasing a new comb, you need to pay attention to the teeth. They should not be too sharp so as not to injure the skin. The best option is plastic.

universal comb

When buying a new tool for combing strands, you need to pay attention to many nuances.Knowing the rules for choosing a comb, you will definitely be able to choose the ideal option, which will not hurt the skin, will properly care for your hair and give your hair natural beauty.

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