Earrings hurt ears

Earrings are a beautiful piece of jewelry that girls begin to wear from childhood, when at the age of two, parents decide to pierce their daughter’s ear. Then the permanent couple changes more often, the girl experiments with images, styles and materials. Some wear exclusively gold, others like silver, and still others alternate metals, not neglecting jewelry.

Earrings complement any look, making it complete and feminine. It’s a shame when you have a whole collection of earrings, but you can’t wear them because of ear pain. Such cases are not uncommon; many girls and children have ear ache from earrings, and there are several reasons for this.

Why do earrings hurt my ears?

Everyone knows that ears can hurt as a result of an allergic reaction. The cause may be injury or an unhealed puncture site.

my ears hurt

After the piercing procedure, slight discomfort when treating the wound and twisting the earring is considered normal. But it may happen that the lobe begins to hurt, turn red, swell, and even fester. This indicates the lack of professionalism of the master who performed the puncture or individual sensitivity to a specific metal.

IMPORTANT! Until the wound heals after the puncture, it is recommended to wear earrings made of surgical steel, which were used to make the puncture. They are safe for allergy sufferers and promote rapid wound healing.

Discomfort may occur due to an allergy to metal. An allergy can start suddenly - you wore the same earrings for several years, and now your ears are starting to hurt because of them. This happens due to hormonal imbalances or health problems. This is how the body signals a problem.

earring hurts ear

Pain can begin as a result of a simple injury - clothes are caught tightly, the child pulls in an attempt to explore. In this case, microtrauma and even tearing may occur. If there was no tear, the pain will go away in a few days.

IMPORTANT! This seemingly trivial thing can become the result of serious changes in the body. It is important not to guess, but to go to an appointment with a specialist and, if necessary, undergo an examination.

Internal causes of pain in the earlobes from earrings, all of them are associated with changes or disruption of hormonal levels:

  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • birth of a child;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • ovarian pathology;
  • adrenal disease.

ADVICE! Often discomfort begins when a girl wears earrings from time to time. To avoid this, buy small gold or silver studs for everyday use. To avoid pain when putting on larger earrings as needed.

Another reason is individual sensitivity to the material. It could even be gold earrings, but if your skin reacts this way, you will have to completely abandon the metal.

reaction to earrings

From gold

Gold is recommended to be worn by small children after a puncture or healing of a wound. This metal does not cause allergies, but for the time being.If your body starts to malfunction, then the gold earrings that you have been wearing for 5 years can trigger an allergy.

If inflammation began after the first contact, then you are allergic to gold. This also happens, although very rarely.

gold earrings hurt my ears

IMPORTANT! The most common cause of an allergic reaction is white gold. The reason lies in the composition of the alloy; nickel is added to it for strength. And nickel causes allergies, but not always.

From silver

Silver earrings should not be worn immediately after piercing. Silver oxidizes upon contact with blood and lymph. This can cause pain and inflammation, and black spots appear in the puncture area.

If you tried to wear silver earrings for the first time, and in the evening your ear became inflamed, then it is not your metal, the skin reacts to it with inflammation.


Other metals

A reaction to jewelry or other metal can occur due to poor quality composition. Or maybe some specific component acts as an allergen.

other metals

Recommendations on what to do

IMPORTANT! If purulent discharge or bleeding occurs, stop wearing any earrings and consult a doctor.

If you have a sudden allergy to metal, stop wearing it. If you want to pamper yourself with jewelry, give preference to large manufacturers. They value their brand and use quality materials.

Do not wear large earrings immediately after a piercing; this can cause not only pain, but also tearing of the earlobe.

what to do

After a puncture, carefully treat the wound and do not touch it with dirty hands. Children need to be especially closely monitored. In order for the wound to heal faster and stop bothering it, you need to:

  • treat with an antibacterial agent;
  • Treat with propolis tincture 2 times a day, this will relieve inflammation;
  • When suppuration occurs, use Levomikol ointment 3 times a day, it heals wounds.

IMPORTANT! If after a puncture you experience swelling, throbbing pain in the lobe, high temperature in the puncture area, pus and hyperemia, consult a doctor immediately. These are symptoms of a wound infection, and home remedies are not enough.

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