Ritual with a pin for good luck

White magic allows you to improve life in the area in which a person needs more support. A pin spell is a way to improve your well-being, find mutual love, or attract good luck and luck. The initial mood of a person will depend on the result of the conspiracy, because in this matter it is important to have good thoughts and a clear goal.

Ritual with a pin for good luck

What benefits does the pin ritual bring?

The pin has been used in conspiracies since ancient times, so its properties and power of influence leave no room for doubt. If a person needs to attract wealth and luck into his life, then a pin will help with this. If you need to improve relationships with loved ones, friends or bosses, then a pin will contribute to this.

In addition, a correctly carried out conspiracy will help a person normalize their health and improve their general condition. The main task in this matter is sincerity and purity of intentions. Magic, even white magic, requires careful attention and the absence of malicious intent.If a person is pursuing bad thoughts and wants to get a result from a conspiracy to the detriment of someone, then magic can return to the person and harm his life.


Important! The conspirator should not talk about his intentions to make a conspiracy, so that the thoughts of another do not interfere with the implementation of the ritual.

What is needed for the ritual

The ritual is easy to use, so anyone can perform it.

For the first spell you will need:

  • A pin of any value. An ordinary one from things will do, but you can also use a silver brooch in the form of a pin so that the attribute is always nearby. Silver is a powerful assistant in this matter;
  • A stone of the zodiac sign or having special properties. The size of the stone should not be very large, so it is better to select it under a pin;
  • Clean napkin. The item must be beautiful, ironed and a personal item of the conspirator;
  • Church candle of any size;
  • A printed or memorized spell.


For the second plot you will need:

  • Pin;
  • Three spoons of sugar;
  • Three spoons of rice;
  • Three tablespoons of salt;
  • Beautiful saucer;
  • Thin church candle;
  • Printed out spell or learned by heart.

CONSPIRACY: “A fertile hill, a beautiful hill, all attract monetary energy. And as soon as she attracts it to herself, the pin will transfer that energy to me.”

Another important nuance for carrying out a conspiracy is absolute silence, the absence of strangers and midnight. All magical rituals are crowned with success if a person has prepared for this sacrament in advance, and not hastily collected what he needs and asked for good luck. Rushing will ruin everything. Therefore, it is better to think over your intentions three days in advance and prepare yourself mentally so that nothing outside interferes.

Important! The pin must be a personal item, so you need to purchase it specially if you don’t have your own.If the item is someone else's, the ritual will not work.


Ritual for good luck with a pin: step by step

There are two powerful ways to bring good luck into your home through a pin. The first is simple, only with a pin, the second is with salt, sugar, rice and a saucer. Both rituals work, the main difference is that with salt you need to perform it at midnight on the waxing moon; for the first method, a full moon or a waning moon will be enough.

First way:

  • Take a pin and place it on a clean napkin;
  • Light the candle;
  • Apply wax to the pin;
  • Blow out the candle;
  • Leave overnight;
  • In the morning, carefully remove the wax and attach it to an inconspicuous seam of clothing (if it’s a brooch, then the lapel of a jacket or breast pocket will suffice).


Second way:

  • Light a candle and place the ingredients in front of you;
  • Place sugar on a saucer, then salt and rice;
  • Stick a pin into the pile of ingredients;
  • Cast a spell;
  • Sit in front of the saucer until the candle burns out on its own.

A pin is a symbol that allows you to solve life’s problems without the involvement of magicians and sorcerers. An object spelled on your own will allow you to attract prosperity and good luck into your life, the main thing is to believe and tune your thoughts to the realization of what you want.

Reviews and comments
AND Irina:

Why are conspiracies published during Lent? Why won't this site be closed? Any magic is a sin. Apparently there is nothing more to write about here

L Lydia:

Black magic is a sin - but white magic does not wish harm to anyone.

A Askar:

Hello!!! And after the ritual, sugar, rice and salt, what to do with them?????

A Aylar:

Such simplicity is worse than theft... Such a “magician” himself does not belong in the house, but she (he) and others deceive that it is harmless to practice magic, even “white”. Probably, from the technical side, it can be understood why “he doesn’t know.” There is no concept of Egregors, including magical ones, they do not understand the laws of their work and what consequences all this has. And because at this level they have no idea how such actions affect a Person’s karma, that magic is a karmic crime. BUT...not knowing the Higher Karmic Law of Freedom does not exempt you from karmic responsibility.

N Natalia:

Hello, please tell me where to put salt, sugar and rice after the ceremony?

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello! They can be poured into a canvas bag and stored as a talisman in the kitchen or at the front door


