What earrings should not be worn after 50 years

All women strive to look good, regardless of age. Little girls secretly take their mother's lipstick and dream of earrings. Older young ladies beg permission to use cosmetics and wear various jewelry. Adult girls choose their own cosmetics, clothes and accessories. The latter, by the way, are divided into age groups.

Adult massive earrings cannot be worn on a 5-year-old girl, and youth accessories are not appropriate for an older girl. So let’s figure out how to emphasize the elegance of adult women and how not to look youthful. After all, beauty does not depend on age and there is no need to dress in youthful clothes and accessories to look younger, you just need to emphasize adult beauty. And here it is important not to make a mistake in choosing jewelry - they complete any look.

What earrings should you not wear after 50 years?

Earrings with an abundance of stones or with large stones can add several years of age. Bright youth jewelry will not make a woman younger. On the contrary, she risks looking like a young person.

earrings with many stones

Advice! Don't hide your age and don't try to reduce it with youthful earrings. Over 50 years, you have learned your strengths and weaknesses. So, the right earrings will emphasize the advantages of advanced age, and flashy jewelry will look ridiculous.

It is important to choose earrings to match your look. If you dressed in an elegant dress, put on expensive high-heeled pumps, did perfect makeup and put on massive earrings with a bunch of colored stones, the image is ruined. It’s better to buy a few basic earrings that are suitable for everyday wear and special occasions.

Important! The main mistake of women over 50 is to wear a lot of jewelry at once: large earrings studded with precious stones, 3 tiers of beads and bracelets. If you are lucky enough to have real diamonds and pearls, you shouldn't wear them all at once.

heavy earrings

It is better to give heavy earrings to your daughter. With age, the skin loses elasticity and this also applies to the earlobes. The piercings can stretch under the weight of the earrings, and even if you wear such jewelry now, you will deform the earlobe. This gives neither femininity nor elegance. Choose lightweight earrings that will cover your stretched earlobe and will not show your age.

What metals?

If you want to change your jewelry often, but you can’t buy many pairs of gold or silver, you can resort to costume jewelry. But in appearance, jewelry should look like silver or gold. No cheap Chinese earrings, there are high quality jewelry brands. Avoid gold with an abundance of stones; the metal is already bright and does not require additions. If you want stones, let them be small and transparent, and it is better to wear them on special occasions.

exquisite pearls

If you like silver, choose matte or blackened.

Painted metal is also not an option.The exception is neat enamel earrings in pastel shades.

with enamel

Speaking of other materials for earrings, cheap plastic is a categorical no. It is appropriate for young girls, but it will only add absurdity to a mature woman.

Important! Trying to make an accent with bright plastic jewelry or enamel will ruin the look. If you want to focus attention on your earrings, wear muted enamel or wooden earrings, if appropriate.

What styles

Large, bright jewelry is definitely not for ladies over 50. Chandelier earrings are also not suitable, except in rare cases for an evening outfit. Large rings that are fashionable now are not your option, as are earrings with a tropical print or multi-tiered jewelry.

exquisite earrings

So, over 50 is a reason to reveal femininity and elegance. And laconic accessories, in restrained shades and from noble materials, will help you do this. In other matters, jewelry can also look noble if you choose the right product.

Reviews and comments
G Galina 58:

Not much advice. Massive rings look good on older women. It's hard to imagine a young girl with a huge agate on her finger. But a ring with size 16 charoite cannot be made at all: the stone will not show itself, there will be a fragment of God knows what.Has the author ever paid attention to the size of rings with natural ornamental stones? Or does he think that jewelers are fools? Do tiny earrings look good on a full or wrinkled face? Are they even visible? He directly mocks women over 50: this is impossible, this is taboo... Is it even possible to live? Such women have a good salary and can afford whatever they want. And there is no need to envy the author so desperately, she will be 50. And even 80. As a child, they said that modesty is an adornment, then the dashing 90s, and now the envious authors of various nonsense! Yes, they should go... to the accounting department

IN Everything is interesting:

To look younger after 50, you can wear youthful clothes and youthful earrings, but first you need to rejuvenate your face so that it also matches.

A Anna:

I wear what I want. I know it myself, without other people’s “advice.” I'm 64.

T Tatiana:

Good girl! I support. I am 66 years old.

WITH Svetlana:

The article is not interesting and not evidence-based.

Much depends on the type of face, etc.
Massive jewelry has always been recommended for older ladies, because... emphasize status.
Of course, heavy jewelry is not suitable for a fragile woman, and small jewelry is not suitable for a large woman, although there are exceptions...
Look in the mirror...

IN Valentina:

Galina, this is not even advice, but just a young girl’s look at us. Remember yourself at that age, we also thought that past 30 was hopeless old age and women no longer needed anything. It is so?
I agree with the author on one thing: you don’t need to hang everything on yourself, like on a Christmas tree. I think that mature women have good taste in jewelry and, most importantly, opportunities. Well, we don’t need advisers.

M Maria:

Wear whatever you want!


I agree with you, the author has no idea what jewelry made from semi-precious stones is. They tend to look a lot more classy and elegant than tiny bits of diamonds and stuff. And this is exactly the kind of jewelry that women over 50 can afford, because... They cost a lot of money and look amazing on older women. At the same time, they will look ridiculous on young people, since it is not according to their age and status.

T Tatiana:

How many times can you remind to WEAR IT!!!!!, and not to put it on. Learn Russian, and only then give advice. Advice from an illiterate person: just funny!


Please point out any errors in the text. I don't find it.

Z Zinaida:

Good evening, Svetlana. Thanks for your article. Very useful. There is something to think about. I am 72 years old. Just recently it was 45 🙂 Time flies. But you still want to look the part. First of all, for yourself. Thank you!

N Natalia:

I also agree...the article is about nothing. I understand that Isabella Rossilini would tell us about something and give advice... but here the author clearly does not know the topic

N Natalia:

That's what suits your face, what doesn't disfigure you, that's what you should wear. This also applies to decorations and colors in clothing and style. The elegance of age is not a reason to refuse anything if it doesn’t look ridiculous, and you can look ridiculous at any age. choose jewelry and clothes only based on your face type and body shape. All. and women, as you know, have no age.

AND Irina:

I don’t agree with the author’s opinion. I have a very expensive string of pearls that I wear with almost all my jewelry. And one of my favorite sets is this string and a diamond set, which includes earrings and a diamond on a chain. All 1.5 carats .Looks gorgeous. And I'm 65.

N Natalia:

Again imposing stereotypes!!! I wear and will wear what I like and want, looking in the mirror, of course

E Elena:

With jewelry, as with everything, there should be moderation, and age has nothing to do with it

IN Vera Avaliani:

Why write about something you don’t understand, Svetlana. As a former editor-in-chief and TV presenter, I wouldn’t miss your article

N Oh well:

They attacked the author. There are so many experts on the Internet. Nobody imposes Svetlana’s opinion on anyone. I, too, at an older age, would never wear bright earrings. Only modest ones, but gold.

L Lyudmila:

Well, why is it rude? A very common error.

N Natalia:

No one attacked the author, everyone expressed their opinion

N Oh well:

How did you not attack? And what about the author’s writing talent? Well, yes, this is also an opinion...

E Elena:

Svetlana writes about women “after 50” as old women whose lobes are stretched and all that. I think that at her age it seems that way. I’m 50, and I don’t feel like I’m at a “respectable” age at all. I am slim, well-groomed, with elastic skin. I love spectacular outfits, especially since my profession (head of an event agency) lends itself to this.
I think the author of the article should not write about something that, due to her age, she understands little about 😉 Her time will come! ) and then we'll see))


Thank you) I didn’t want to offend anyone, honestly) And I agree that I have no idea due to my age) the information has to be taken from the same Internet and is apparently not always correct. Some things work out, some things miss. Unfortunately, this article turned out to be useless. But I find comments very helpful!
I admire women who look decent at any age, which is what I wish for everyone)

D duotone:

Vera Avaliani, plus!
Some experts.

N Natalia.:

Lisovets recently noted that the most out-of-date jewelry is modest gold earrings. I wore these when I was 22 in the late 80s. And now I prefer large blackened silver. Miniature pendants and rings are simply invisible on me.

T Tatiana:

The author is not an adviser, but an anti-adviser, a girl with a complete lack of taste. 50 years is not a grandmother, but a second youth. We wear what we want, without ridiculous advice.

AND Inara:

Thanks to the author! If there was no article, there would be nothing to talk about! Everything is so multifaceted that there will not be one opinion. I’m also 66 and I understand that a modern, expensive gold set from the brand is quite suitable for me. Which I wear with pleasure. All the best!

M Marina:

I still didn’t understand from the article what the author wanted to say. I didn’t see a single fashionable image. Not a model worthy of imitation. These are not allowed, others are not fashionable. Don’t wear diamonds with emeralds and pearls, and don’t wear jewelry either. And all at once, even more so)) So we are not 5 year olds, we understand...

N Natalia:

I completely agree with Anna! An intelligent woman knows perfectly well what suits her, she does not need advice, especially advice from such an “expert” as the author of the article. And for a woman who, to put it mildly, is not very smart, it is even more useless to give advice.

E Elena:

I would have written right away - if you turned 50, why wear earrings at all.))

E Elena M.:

Well, I highlighted the mistakes for you. But that's not all, it's just filled with commas.

E ElenaM.:

I am 66 years old. I look 40 (this is true, no bragging) I have always taken care of my appearance and health, although I have been working all my life (and now too). I also have good jewelry that is not embarrassing to wear in any company, I have interesting works made of silver with ornamental stones, and I also have beautiful pearls of different shades. I KNOW what, when and where to wear. A child who teaches adults and self-sufficient women to wear jewelry, but DO YOU have anything decent yourself? Live to our age and remain youthful and beautiful, then, looking in the mirror, advise YOURSELF what to show off and what to hide!


I don’t really understand the message of your comment) Are you here to boast about your “youthfulness” and your arsenal of jewelry?
And if you know how and what to wear, why are you reading this article?))
But I will answer your question. Yes, I have SOMETHING decent)

A Alya S.:

I recommend that the author look at the “old ladies” over 50 in Nice, Madrid or Sorrento, Milan, and what kind of jewelry ladies over 70 wear in public. Large, different, textured, cheap ethnic with expensive branded luxury or standard “bourgeois” jewelry.
A woman at any age is a woman...

M Maria:

Jewelry, in my opinion, should not look like gold or silver. It's just fake, which is what I avoid.

E Elena:

Of course, everyone should dress up as they want. For example, at one time I dreamed of a red coat. At first it was not possible to sew it, but then I sewed it anyway. Someone dreams of a fur coat and gets their dream, but time has passed. It doesn't matter when or why. If you have a desire, go for it.

N Natalia:

I read the article, read the comments. It’s amazing, everyone knows everything, they wear it however they want and whatever they want. Sometimes you walk or ride in public transport in the city and are simply taken aback by how many older women are wearing terrible Chinese jewelry - rings, necklaces, necklaces, bracelets and, of course, huge earrings. You sit and think, why, why so much?! And sometimes really expensive jewelry catches your eye, and more and more often in sets, they are of no use, they don’t save the image, because there is no image. It’s just that my aunty has these and they need to be walked.
After reading the review, maybe someone will think, maybe it’s time to change something radically? Hair color, hairstyle, clothes? Finally decorations? But everyone is afraid of change, so it’s better to splutter with indignation and say haughtily, “if you live with mine, then you’ll give advice.” Why do you have to express your opinion in such a negative and arrogant manner?
I also noticed that in the subway it is often ladies over 50 who push in a very bad manner (((I’m 48 myself, but I’m just afraid of them and avoid them. But that’s so, it’s not really relevant to the point

O OgN:

Eeeeeh, it seems that someone thinks that after fifty it’s time to get used to the earth…….

L Lucy:

Such advice to women for.....similar to the restrictive box at the airport that regulates the size of hand luggage. It very clearly outlines the boundaries of what is possible. Yes, in our own way... I can determine the size of earrings and rings myself.

A Anna:

Age is relative. Everyone looks different, some women dress stylishly, others give up on themselves with age. If there is no style in clothing, in the manner of behaving (communicating, moving, etc.), then no amount of jewelry will help. Women with good taste always know what suits them. I am 60 (although I only remember this when it is necessary to mention my age), I love pearls and jewelry with diamonds. I wear a necklace with a matching outfit, and I wear earrings with pearls almost constantly. Diamonds are evening jewelry; they begin to “play” in artificial light. I recently tried on earrings with a juniper necklace (a very interesting set) and it goes well with the safari dress. It doesn't look funny or awkward at all.

L Lyudmila:

Girls, don't pay attention. Everything is allowed. But in the West, they generally don’t hang gold in their ears. Although they are not an example for us to follow.

WITH Svetlana:

What difference does it make, I’m 50, what I want and wear, the main thing is which ones will fit, massive or shapes don’t suit everyone, everyone has nuances. Massive earrings do not always suit young people; depending on the structure of the face, eyebrows and lips, they need to be selected.

E Elvira:

The article and discussion are not worth it...

Y Yana:

I’m 48... I love different earrings - pendants, studs, large, small... I wear stars, hearts, roses... All this is feminine... There is a silver bear-brooch... Fuck you with your advice - you have only one life and wear what suits you and what you like...

E Elena:

The article is about earrings! earrings - rings. By the age of 60, the spine has already sagged and the neck becomes shorter and rings at least 5 - 7 cm in diameter (not to mention 10 cm!) simply lie on the shoulders. It is beautiful?

N Natalia.:

I am 60 years old. The spine has not sagged. From ear to shoulder 14 cm.

AND Irina:

Only after fifty did I discover large silver jewelry with good quality semi-precious stones. In her youth she wore thin rings and small earrings. I have completely lost interest in gold. I choose jewelry for a long time. And only in certain places. I try to buy something unusual, so that it’s not like everyone else’s. Wonderful charoites, seraphinites... Deep, unique drawing. Strict and stylish shapes of rings and earrings. But I also don’t refuse pearls, garnets, opals and corundums. In the summer, depending on the look, I can allow more and brighter ones (but not jewelry and without “glitter”). I am a rather tall woman, large (not obese), with large facial features. And small diamonds will be lost on me, and large ones will be vulgarized. And it’s bad form to wear gold and diamonds during the day. : )). And the most important thing. A woman at 20 and at 70 should look well-groomed and elegant. And rings, earrings, chains and bracelets will only add zest or highlight flaws. So the article is empty, every woman, and especially a lady 50+, is unique and general words are not for us.

A Anya:

And I, naive, thought that at any age you need to wear what suits you and matches the clothes you are wearing. But it turns out that at 50 special rules appear)) and your brain starts to float, so it’s good to be reminded...


It feels like the readers stepped on a sore spot. Dear ladies, age is your real adornment, and all the jewelry serves only as a background. Do you want the background to be brighter than you?

L Love:

I just don’t want to die of boredom at 55, which is caused by prohibitions from all sides)))))

T Yew:

I'm not 50, but this article sucks. You need to wear what you like and what suits you. Author's soap

A Anna:

I completely disagree with the author. I’m 60. (I look younger), I love everything massive, but I match everything to the style and place. For example, in the summer in the south I wear massive plastic bracelets or other lightweight materials. I love massive earrings that match my clothes, shoes, and I also match my bag with them. Everything should be harmonious. For serious events, yes, I won’t wear flashy outfits or large jewelry. As for age, it’s precisely massive jewelry that distracts from age. I agree that they shouldn't look cheap. It would be better if the author used real photos to show what women 50+ look like in stylish clothes and large jewelry or jewelry made of precious metal. Generally incorrect article. This is not possible, that is not possible. Everything is possible!!!!!!!!!

L Love:

Svetlana, there are many errors in the text. For example, blackened silver, secretly, 5 years old, inappropriate, however, etc. I won’t write about commas. It's a long time.

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello Love! Thanks for your comment, the errors have been corrected

L lisa:

Speaking of other materials for earrings, cheap plastic is a categorical no. – If we talk about the material, then...

L lisa:

You were guided by good intentions, but it turned out badly: since you turned 50, you are automatically a timid old lady, tie an old lady’s scarf and sit quietly. Here is a link to Iris Apfel, as a stylist, you, Svetlana, cannot help but know her.

I agree, not everyone is so extravagant, but advice “smaller, more modest, quieter and less frequent” is also inappropriate in an article about style.

WITH Svetlana:

I love jewelry, I wear what suits the clothes and the place. I am 56, short, slender and wear various jewelry made of precious metals and costume jewelry. The taste is either there or not, and the advice is not relevant.


How did we get these EMPTY articles? Of course, I understand that they write anything just to get money...


And you also like to make scandals))))

AND Irina:

For the article to be useful, the text must be accompanied by visual propaganda in the form of photographs with captions such as “these are current models”, “so beautiful”, “this is not possible”, etc. and so on. And for this you need to be a theoretician or a self-taught practitioner.

AND Irina:

And one more thing: women are all different and their situations are different, but there is only one thing in common - age after 50. And for everyone, I can only recommend one thing: do not wear heavy earrings if you can see how they pull the earlobe. When you stand next to it, it really looks bad.

AND Irina:

Well, you gave me a link! This is already too much! We don’t need our women to look like this outrageous scarecrow)

M Martin:

The article is pointless and not worth commenting on. Every woman chooses her own jewelry. And the author of the article considers fifty-year-old women to be old women? It’s funny and unpleasant to read, the author has no taste and no tact

A Alena_Ru:

Hire a proofreader, they corrected it. “So let’s figure out how to emphasize” - what is this? Where's the comma?

M Margarita:

Iris Apfel tell us that “women for...” don’t need to wear large jewelry. Some collective farm advice for store manager Zina.


