What are cuff earrings?

Cuffs are among the accessories that can transform any look. Catchy and immodest, they are a strong accent. Moreover, their individuality is elevated to the absolute: they do not have a pair, they are intended to decorate only 1 ear. Because of their brightness and intolerance, it is very important to understand in advance what they can be worn with and in what cases.

Cuffs - what kind of earrings?

metal cuffsCuff is an ear accessory. Decorates not only the lobe, but also other parts of the auricle. Particularly large products cover the hair, face, neck, and temple.

One of the key features of these earrings is that they can be worn without having a piercing. (there are exceptions). Clips have a similar quality, but the latter fit rather flimsily and pull on the ear. Due to the original fixing element, cuffs are free from such disadvantages. In addition, they are produced not in pairs, but in 1 piece. Moreover, the product is intended to be worn on a specific ear: either the left or the right.

A few words about their appearance...

pearl cuffsCuffs are not innovative decoration. The earrings were found in burials that date back to 2300 BC. e. There is also evidence that they were worn in Ancient Greece and Rome. They were also in demand among the peoples who inhabited the territory of Russia before the unification of Rus'.

In the modern world, fashion for them has gone out and then returned. Cuffs were among the trends in the following periods:

  • 50s (models with a bow behind the ear are in demand);
  • 1960-70s (bohemians wore cuffs with tassels and large stones);
  • 80s (the item is classified as unisex, men are starting to wear it too).

In the 2000s, cuffs returned to high fashion, but the emphasis has shifted from an abundance of stones and large decorative elements to a complex composition. Decoration began to be made from wire, which, due to its physical properties, easily takes and maintains an unusual shape.

What materials are they made from?

cuffs with rhinestonesCuffs in this regard are not much different from other types of earrings. They are made from precious and common metals. Products with gold, silver, and platinum plating are also produced. There is costume jewelry. And sometimes it looks much more interesting than jewelry. Designers create stunning little things from glass, wire and plastic, depicting flowering branches, dragons and even entire plot compositions.

Important! Ear cuffs with galvanic coating have high hypoallergenic properties. This characteristic is also inherent in gold products of high standard (that is, with a minimum amount of impurities). However, we must remember that an inadequate reaction can occur to anything. Therefore, no class of ear jewelry is considered 100% safe.

Types of cuffs

The key difference is the type of locking element. There are 4 types of earrings:

  • with cuffs;
  • arcuate;
  • threading into the ear;
  • cuffs-hairpins.

girl in cuffsThe first type can be worn without a piercing. The earring is equipped with a double-sided fixing element. He covers his ear and prevents the decoration from falling off. The product is attached to the rim of the sink, usually to its middle or top. Advantages of this type: it does not fall off regardless of its size and weight. Therefore, the most massive jewelry usually belongs to this category.

The arched ones sit on the rim of the auricle - on the whole or only on 1 part of it. Quite often, earrings are held in place not so much by the fixing element, which some models do not provide at all, but by the shape itself.

This mounting method has its pros and cons. The positive aspects include the appearance. Due to the lack of fasteners or an arch hidden behind the ear, the item looks unusual and aesthetically pleasing. On the other hand, over Such a “landing” cannot be called reliable. But this characteristic is fully inherent in the 3rd type of cuffs - earrings that go into the ear.

They can be designed for 1 hole or several. Additionally, sometimes there is a cuff. It is hooked to the top point of the auricle. Between the fixing points there is a chain, openwork thread or bow. Typically, cuff jewelry of this type looks neat. They are small, but consist of many intertwining or hanging elements.

Cuffs-hairpins can have any type of retainer from those listed above. Their peculiarity is not in the latch, but in the presence of an additional element that extends beyond the auricle and is attached to the hair.

There is also a division by style, size, and materials. So, along with jewelry that wraps around the entire ear, very small accessories are offered.They can look like a series of rings, a wave several centimeters long, or imitate a miniature leaf of a plant.

How to put on cuffs correctly? How to secure it with your own hands?

First, you need to understand which ear the jewelry is intended for and understand the type of attachment. The easiest option to wear is the one with a stud. Such an earring is first threaded into the hole, then fixed with a “cork”, and then the cuff is adjusted or the procedure is repeated with 2 and subsequent studs.

Important! When you first resort to massive ear cuffs, listen to your body and do not ignore the unpleasant sensations. Due to the lack of habit, the heaviness and feeling of constriction will increase over time, because for the first time you should limit yourself to 3–4 hours of use. With the second, the discomfort will become less pronounced. Then it will go away completely, your ears will get used to it.

Cuffs with a clip are put on a little differently. Instructions for their use:

  • types of cuffsopen the latch;
  • attach the accessory to your ear;
  • determine the location of fixation;
  • press the clamp flaps together with your fingers;
  • If you feel pressure on your ear, stop squeezing the latch;
  • make sure that the decoration does not fly off and sits neatly.

Ear cuffs can be strung on the ear or strung on it and have an arch on the back. In the first case, you will simply need to insert the auricle into the jewelry; in the second, attach or insert it, and then adjust the back bow so that it begins to cover the base of the auricle. This will not be difficult, since the arches are made of elastic material.

Important! When choosing cuffs for a headdress, consider the type of fastening. If you choose something that moves easily, it will get lost when you adjust or remove the hat. The same can be said about wearing earrings and headphones at the same time.

Which style of earrings?

bright cuffsThe image in an ethnic mood will be complemented by elven ears and decorations depicting wings or intertwined shoots of plants. At all all products imbued with plant-animalistic themes will come in handy. Moreover, you should not make much of a distinction between real-life and mythical, fairy-tale creatures or flowers. Each of them will be appropriate within the ethno-style.

A wide selection of cuffs is also provided for lovers of the romantic style. Shimmering and shimmering, skillfully made fine jewelry will highlight femininity and make the hostess noticeable, but at the same time will not pretend to be classic luxury and solidity. Their beauty is in their lightness and play of light.

It is worth looking at a pair of ear cuffs for those who love gothic notes. Especially for this category of girls, products are produced with the faces of wild animals and the bodies of dark mystical creatures. This thing looks very noir and atmospheric. You can also choose your own accessory for a daring, informal, underground look. Same as for office.

It just seems that earrings of this type look too provocative. In fact, the product line is full of options for business girls and students who are forced to comply with a dress code. One has only to turn to products with classic semi-precious stones or inserts, or to small, neat options.

Important! Cuffs in some countries are a typical bride's decoration. Let yourself look stunning on the most important day of your life by wearing these earrings to your wedding ceremony.

There are also everyday options from the street fashion category. They look interesting, but do not amaze with the abundance of decor or complex shape.Their beauty is in their simplicity.

What hairstyles go with them?

hairstyle with cuffsFirst, you should try moving your hair to the other side. Let the ear on which the earring is worn be completely open. Another way: lift your hair up. Both a bunch and a shell will do. Well, for those who prefer an informal or free style of clothing, you don’t have to worry too much and resort to a ponytail.

Loose hair is also acceptable, but only if the hair is ironed first. A voluminous hairstyle is of no use when it comes to ear cuffs..

How to choose cuff earrings?

The surest way is to take into account your face shape. Using this method, it is easiest to buy the right jewelry for women with a symmetrical oval face. They do not need to be afraid of visual expansion or lengthening, so you can use any cuffs.

Recommendations for those with other appearances:

  • what are cuffsthe triangular shape requires short accessories, elongated ones will not work;
  • a round face will be transformed by dangling and elongated earrings;
  • a heart-shaped face will become even more beautiful from arched decorations and options with elongated lines;
  • the boundaries of a square face will be softened by rounded earrings and stones, streamlined shapes;
  • the diamond-shaped face asks for curves, falling lines.

Other guidelines: neck length (if it’s short, don’t use cuffs hanging down), color type of appearance. Girls of summer type should take a closer look at the following options:

  1. smoky, blue, pink stones;
  2. metal, silver, platinum jewelry;
  3. decor in cold blue, lemon, lilac, raspberry, white shades.

Autumn loves turquoise, mustard, brown, green, and golden colors. Recommended metals: bronze, red and yellow gold, brass. Winter loves everything rich and bright, but deep.You can also turn to cold, dark tones. Such girls need to buy ear cuffs inlaid with green, black, burgundy or crystal white stones or rhinestones.

But earrings made of dark metal or decor are not suitable for ladies of the spring type. For them, there is nothing better than floral and delicate motifs in jewelry. Fine lines and weaving combined with turquoise, light green, orange-red and pearlescent elements are what you should choose.

Well, don’t forget that Not every ear shape requires wearing large earrings. If cuffs increase the size of the ears due to their massiveness, width or abundance of decoration, then they should not be worn by women with large or forward ears. In this case, the best solution would be a neat small decoration or one connected by a thin isthmus.

Where can you wear ear cuffs?

Rihanna in ear cuffsThin compact earrings are a universal option that will be appropriate in any setting. Cuffs with chains, on the contrary, cannot be called stylistically uncolored. They look casual and even daring, which is why, with some exceptions, they have no place at an official event or in a business environment. Massive products, in turn, can be safely worn to a club, or to a celebration - it depends on the form and content of the decoration.

Where cuffs are definitely prohibited from entering are places of active recreation and swimming pools. The jewelry will be easy to lose even in nature, so you should think twice before wearing earrings without studs on a picnic.

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