DIY tassel earrings

Accessories are a must-have element in any woman's wardrobe. Stylish and bright earrings, one of the main components of jewelry, can complement and decorate any outfit. Many craftswomen, using creative skills, are engaged in the independent production of accessories. For example, you can make fashionable and original tassel earrings yourself using a few simple tricks and a little time.

Types of tassel earrings

This type of decoration belongs to the popular Art Deco style. This type of accessory appeared in the 20s of the last century and immediately gained wide recognition among fashionistas of that time. The jewelry is particularly attractive and looks: geometric elements are simple and original at the same time. With their help, you can significantly transform any outfit, regardless of style and design.

Important: It should be remembered that this type of jewelry is the main one in the outfit.It is recommended to use earrings without additions in the form of heavy necklaces or necklaces. In this case, the image turns out to be overloaded and takes on a heavy, tasteless appearance.

The main difference between brushes is the type of fastening. Most designers use loops. They have a curved hook that fits tightly around the earlobe. This reduces the possibility of the earring slipping out of the ear and being unexpectedly lost.

DIY tassel earrings

The second type of clips is studs. This nail is inserted directly into the earlobe, and is secured on the reverse side with an additional fastener.

Note: girls also call studs “studs.”

Type of clips - studs

The appearance of the jewelry and the materials used are determined by the manufacturer himself. Many designers prefer precious metals - gold, silver. These earrings are decorated with additional elements in the form of rhinestones or stones; the tassels differ in length.

 Type of clips - gold

 Clip type - silver

Most fashionistas prefer an accessory made of silk threads, velvet or beads. It can be used with almost any outfit and look. The earrings are made of threads; the clasp element is decorated with several additional details. Silk will complement an evening, formal or romantic outfit.

Earrings with silk thread

Beads will be a smart addition to a romantic or everyday look. Such products are especially appreciated by lovers of feminine, airy outfits.

Earrings with beads

Original design made of velvet. This option is a smart addition to an outfit for attending a gala evening or dinner party.

Velvet tassel earringsLeather is widely popular among modern fashionistas. The material is used not only when sewing wardrobe items, bags or shoes, but also when creating accessories and jewelry. Such jewelry is suitable for those who like to stand out from the crowd.Earrings with leather tassels are the best option to complement an evening outfit, suitable for visiting a disco, nightclub or party with friends.

Leather tassel earrings

Some stylists produce a combined version - earrings consist of several tassels at once.

The earrings consist of several tassels at onceJewelry created like a fan looks especially original. They have a more compact length and no less attractive and original appearance. Suitable for both a formal evening and office wear.

Tassel earrings like a fan

Reference: In appearance, many compare tassel earrings with another type of jewelry - chandelier earrings.

Tools and materials

An important step when creating brushes is preparation. It is recommended to decide in advance on the color palette of accessories, additional fittings and type of fastening. This will greatly facilitate the work process.


  • embroidery threads (silk or viscose are suitable);
  • scissors;
  • wire cutters;
  • needle;
  • cardboard;
  • paper sheet;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • fastenings;
  • additional decor (beads, rhinestones, stones);
  • tweezers;
  • hot water.

Cardboard will be needed to create the brushes themselves. Its length should be approximately 1 centimeter longer than the length of the earrings. Using the obtained parameters, a square is cut out. A horizontal line is drawn in the center on both sides. It will serve as the knot location point when tying the threads and forming the tassel.

Master class step by step: DIY earrings - brushes

After complete preparation of the components necessary for the operation, you can begin the technological process. There are 2 methods suitable for creation, which differ significantly from each other at the initial stage.

Option 1:

The threads are carefully straightened and wound onto a cardboard blank. The number of revolutions depends on the desired thickness and volume of the brushes themselves. After winding, you need to form a knot using regular threads that match the shade. The knot is tied at the level of the mark on the cardboard. The thread is placed under the main winding using a needle, the remainder is carefully trimmed. To fix the remaining knot, use clear nail polish. A small amount of cosmetic product is applied to the thread and carefully pressed against the brush. On the reverse side, the threads are cut to the level of the vertical mark on the workpiece. The brush is ready.

Addition: If desired, you can use silk threads of several shades. It is important to ensure that the shades are correctly combined with each other.

The second stage is its straightening. The resulting brush should be held over a container of boiling water for several seconds. The steam flow helps to quickly straighten the threads.

Attention: When working, it is recommended to use tweezers in order to avoid possible injuries and burns.

The base for the earring is ready. The final stage is the location of the fastening and decoration. Stepping back about a centimeter from the main fold, several knots are made with threads. The ends of the knot can be secured with clear nail polish. The resulting head is necessary for the location of the fastening and decoration. A similar procedure is carried out with the second brush.

After this, you should straighten the ends, making them the same length. To do this, the brush is placed on a landscape sheet, the threads are carefully straightened. The tips must be placed outside the paper. The leaf is rolled into a tight tube.The threads are carefully cut to the same uniform length.

Advice: As an alternative to paper, heat shrink tubing is used to trim the ends of the brushes.

The ring required for fastening is inserted directly into the previously prepared head. To make the process easier, it is recommended to carefully straighten the threads and fix the bend of the ring using wire cutters or pliers. A fastener is inserted into the ring, which will fix the jewelry in the ear. Decorate the knot itself with rhinestones, a small ribbon of beads or stones. The tassel earrings are ready.

Many girls prefer an accessory with two tassels in one earring. When preparing one workpiece, you will need half as many threads. The second part is spent on creating the second brush. When purchasing mounts, you should choose products that are suitable for placing two decorations. The procedure itself is carried out in a similar way.

Option 2:

The second method is a little more complicated at the initial stage. Preparing brushes takes longer. To create them, the threads are cut into pieces of equal length. After preparing the necessary blanks, the thread is folded in half, and a thread is fixed in the middle for fastening. Several tight knots will help with additional fixation. The resulting brush is straightened over hot steam (if necessary). The excess is cut off using paper. The rest of the process follows the steps described above.

 Advice: To make the process easier, it is recommended to cut one thread of the desired size, which will serve as a base. The rest of the coil is folded along a length equal to the workpiece.


When choosing accessories and jewelry, many girls prefer stylish earrings.With their help, you can correct the shape of your face, emphasize the beauty of your eyes, and complement any outfit or look. Tassel earrings will be a suitable option. This accessory is original and simple in execution at the same time. The big advantage is the ability to create it yourself. A few tips and tricks will help you make a unique accessory with your own hands.

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