An earring fell from an ear: a sign

Women and men began decorating their bodies with various objects made of precious metals and stones from the very beginning of human development. According to ancient scriptures, wearing earrings and other jewelry is the direct duty of all women. They help them fill with the energy necessary to exist in harmony with themselves and others.

earring on ear

An earring falling off your ear - is it good or bad?

Superstitions are an integral part of every person's life, even if he does not believe in them. So, with their help you can find an explanation for any event, even such an insignificant one, like an earring falling off your ear.


Folk omens say that for a woman, an earring falling off her ear is a good sign. An accessory that falls off the earlobe brings misfortune and failure only to male representatives.

Men, just like women, pierce their ears, wear earrings and lose them. It is believed that if an earring falls off a man’s ear, he may soon face major financial losses and troubles.

Previously, if a missing piece of jewelry was discovered by one of the sailors of a ship about to set sail, the ship might not even go to sea. For them, such a sign promised something terrible - the ship could get caught in a strong storm and even sink.

Signs about an earring falling from the right ear

earring on right ear

Particular attention in folk signs is paid to the location of a lost earring. If a “stud” falls out of the right ear, then both for the fairer sex and for men this circumstance is considered a harbinger of pleasant changes in life. People believe that in this way the decoration took away with it all the negativity and negative energy.

Girls who are “actively searching” the loss of an earring from the right ear suggests an imminent meeting with your future husband. Married ladies should also not be upset if they discover that their jewelry is missing. For them this sign prophesies only pleasant chores, improving relationships with her husband and other family members.

Signs about an earring falling from the left ear

If the jewelry on your left ear is missing, then an unmarried woman should be wary. If you believe the signs, this event promises her great challenges in life, which may prevent her from finding happiness with her beloved man.


For ladies who have already tied the knot, An earring falling by itself from the left ear can open your eyes to the fact of your husband’s betrayal. In such a situation, one should be afraid that the loved one may soon leave the family.

Those who have lost an earring from their left ear need to worry the most., given by a beloved man. Any jewelry that was accepted as a gift from a husband or boyfriend, if it falls or is lost, becomes a cause of quarrels and disagreements.

What is the right thing to do if an earring falls off?

The first thing to do is after an earring falls off your ear, check the integrity of its clasp. Most likely, a malfunction of the lock caused the decoration to fall. In this case, you need to visit a jeweler and give him not only the broken earring, but also the whole earring for repair, for prevention.

If an earring falls off your ear on the street, then before putting it on again, you need to thoroughly clean it from dust and treat it with an antiseptic solution. You can do this with a “nail” that has fallen on the carpet at home.


If consider the incident from the side of superstitions and signs, then before putting the jewelry back on, you can rinse it with holy water, which will help remove accumulated negativity and bad energy from it.

You shouldn’t immediately try on an earring you found on the street. Perhaps it was left in that place for a reason and was used as a ritual object endowed with a certain energy. What exactly this energy was like is better not to check for yourself; the mismatched jewelry can be taken to a pawnshop, and the proceeds given to those in need.

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