In which ear do blue people wear an earring?

There is an opinion that representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation pierce only one ear - the right one - and wear jewelry of a certain type. It is by these signs that one can identify a gay in a crowd. To what extent this opinion is true, and how to identify a gay person, we will look into this article.

earrings for gays

Gay or not gay: in which ear do gay people wear earrings?

During the Soviet era, representatives of sexual minorities were subjected to various persecutions and were prosecuted by law. That is why in our country it is historically unprofitable for men who are prone to same-sex love to identify themselves with some obvious signs that distinguish them from the general mass.

gay earrings

Today the situation has changed a little, but still for the most part The attitude of the rest of the population towards gays is negative. It is generally accepted that gays and lesbians wear an earring in the right ear as a badge of honor. This may be true in some cases.

However, today many men, just like women, love beautiful jewelry and try to embellish their appearance. Often they pierce one or both ears at once and this in no way classifies them as representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

In most cases, just an earring in the right ear cannot indicate a man's preferences. By the way, effeminate manners, clothing and flashy makeup are also not characteristic of this category of citizens. In their circles, they also disdain such effeminate men and often give them various derogatory nicknames.

gays with earrings

An earring in the ear of a successful man, who can harmoniously combine a business suit or casual outfit with such jewelry, does not at all indicate his inclination towards same-sex love. Rather, he is simply an extraordinary person who loves to be the center of attention and attract the views of others.

How to determine a man's orientation by the shape and size of an earring?

Earrings appeared many millennia ago. In Asia, for example, earrings in male form were present 7 thousand years ago.


Today this does not necessarily mean belonging to a sexual minority. Perhaps it is simply an expression of creative nature, a gesture of resistance against standard society, or a reflection of inner experiences and unique qualities.

Different nationalities and representatives of certain professions wore earrings:

  • Cossacks According to tradition, the earring in one ear was worn by the last representative of the family and the successor of the family; it was made in the shape of a crescent and was quite massive;
  • gypsies. This nation has always worn an earring in one ear as a symbol of resistance to standard society; for men, these were usually quite massive large rings, sometimes several pieces in one ear;
  • sailors. Representatives of the maritime profession have always been distinguished by their anarchic views and, to confirm this, they pierced one ear; usually a small ring or stud earring was used as decoration;
  • Egyptians. In ancient times, high-born Egyptians wore an exquisite earring in one ear, this indicated their high status and wealth.

Cossack with earring

The tradition of indicating one's inclination towards same-sex love with an earring in the right ear appeared during the sexual revolution. Since then, traditions have undergone slight changes and today men are already trying not to stand out from the crowd with such obvious indications of their preferences.

Is an earring in a man's ear always a sign of homosexuality?

Not so long ago, an earring could become evidence of a man’s unconventional sexual preferences. Today, many pop artists, actors and representatives of other creative professions wear jewelry in one or both ears. And this in no way indicates their bias to same-sex love.

gay earrings

Rather, it is a symbol of unconventional thinking, an expression of one’s opposite opinion from the standard one, an attempt to stand out from the crowd and attract the gaze of others. Successful heterosexual men know how to correctly combine ear jewelry not only with everyday looks, but even with business suits, without looking effeminate.

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