Can your ears withstand this fashion? Heavy earrings

The returning fashion for massive ear jewelry confirms that human ears can bear quite a lot! Of course, 5 kg is an insurmountable weight for any earlobes, but still the ears are able to withstand a relatively large weight. What are massive earrings, what place do they occupy in the history of fashion, read on.

Which earrings are considered heavy?

By heavy earrings we mean items weighing over 11 grams. There are two varieties:

  • huge earrings with rhinestonesheavy - up to 15 grams;
  • super heavy – from 20 gr.

Already the first variety is a clear demonstration of sacrifice for the sake of beauty - both for the jeweler and for the owner of the masterpiece! As a rule, such a pair is lavishly decorated with precious stones, whose weight exceeds the weight of metal. If there are no stones, then the entire composition hangs down to the shoulders. It would hardly occur to anyone to wear them outside of evening events.

Important! Wearing a massive structure in your ears for more than 6 hours is highly not recommended!

The second case is either from the category of antique items, or is a runway option.You can wear something like this without damage for only a very short time.

Interesting! In the old days, the weight of weights carried in the ears could reach hundreds of grams: compositions of many stones laid out in intricate patterns emphasized the wealth and status of the owners of the jewelry. In order for the ear to withstand it, ladies' earrings were tied with thread, partly reducing the load.

A little interesting history of heavy earrings

huge ringsObviously, humanity learned to wear massive objects in their ears back in their “childhood” period. Similar traditions are observed among representatives of the peoples of Africa and Oceania, “stuck” in the Stone Age: they have both men and women wearing heavy harnesses that test the ability of the earlobes to stretch. The longer, the more beautiful!

The beauties of antiquity also wore massive earrings. Pendants decorated with pearls and patterned discs emphasized high status. By the 5th century BC e. decorations became even larger and more complex - chains, stone flowers, and various figurines were attached to them.

By the Middle Ages, with the widespread spread of the tradition of covering the head, the relevance of earrings decreased significantly. Then they were worn by men, moreover, from certain social strata: representatives of thieves' circles, sailors, gypsies. The rehabilitation of decoration was completed by the 15th century. Bulky accessories began to be worn again, for example, in the form of a stone or pearl pear.

Interesting! The canvas of the Dutch painter J. Vermeer “Girl with a Pearl Earring” is the brightest example of the Renaissance fashion for jewelry.

New times have expanded the design capabilities of earring manufacturers. Since the time of Louis XIV, wood, ivory, mother-of-pearl, and tortoiseshell have been added to the classic materials - precious metals and stones. New items have also appeared:

  • girandole - a design of three pendants;
  • chandelier - consist of numerous movable pendants;
  • briolé – pendants that sway merrily at the slightest movement.

very long earringIn general, a simple pattern was observed - the lower the neckline of the dress, the longer the earrings. Bows under the ear, long “drops”, pendant cameos - all this could be seen on ladies of the Rococo and Classical eras.

Rus' did not lag behind Europe: until the 16th century. “Colts” were worn everywhere, worn on the arms behind the ears on a headband - the fashion for ear piercing was not yet known. By the 18th century, noble women had adopted the custom of wearing massive birds and bows in their ears from overseas beauties, while girls more simply made do with small river pearls collected and strung on a wire.

The Rossi Diamond Fund stores many artifacts from that time. Many are equipped with a special ear that supports the structure from above in the manner of modern ear cuffs - otherwise even the most powerful ear would not be able to withstand it!

Interesting! The saying “For a dear friend and an earring from your ear” appeared during the time of Paul I: when seeing off a loved one to war, girls gave them their earrings as a talisman.

The most massive earring models in fashion

Modern jewelers do not lag behind their predecessors in bold imagination - the most intricate shapes and unexpected materials go into action!

  • huge earringAn unusual shape can be given to completely traditional materials - a scattering of opals, crystal or amber suddenly takes on the shape of a chandelier! And classic pearls have grown to gigantic proportions - the larger, the more fashionable.
  • The fashion for rock paraphernalia has also diversified the world of costume jewelry - a copy of an electric guitar in the ears of a model dressed in a leather jacket looks catchy and bold, creating a sexy, daring image.
  • There are often images from the animal world - a figurine of a horse or a bird’s wing may appear in the ear.Insects and reptiles are popular.
  • Geometry is relevant again - triangles, cubes, spheres of frightening sizes sway in time with the steps of the parading models.
  • Particularly chic are products made from molten metal: under the influence of high temperatures, the material melts, acquiring phantasmagoric forms.

Advice! The fashion for asymmetry has also migrated to costume jewelry - single earrings are more fashionable than ever. Their main quality is catchiness. Tassels are held in special esteem.

Dangerous decorations

The main problem with traumatic jewelry remains its heaviness - the earlobes suffer, and the holes in them become alarmingly large. There is also a high probability of protruding parts getting caught on clothing, and then there is a high risk of being left with a torn ear! Examples of the most dangerous earrings:

  • skeleton earringsa huge spider with sharp legs;
  • clawed bird feet with thin claws;
  • earrings in the shape of stiletto heels;
  • mermaid skeletons with a bony tail.

However, you can also get injured due to the fault of a small earring - just carelessly remove the sweater over your head, forgetting about the jewelry in your ear. Only classic carnations and miniature smooth rings are safe.

Examples of massive earrings

massive chandelier earrings

massive ring earrings


designer large earrings

lilac earrings

huge circle earrings


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