Properties of alexandrite stone and its use in jewelry

Alexandrite stone

Alexandrite is actually chrysoberyl and belongs to the class of oxide minerals. It consists of beryllium, chromium and aluminum oxide. It gets its blue-green color from chromium. This stone was named after Tsar Alexander II as it was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia. This is an incandescent gemstone, which makes it change color under different lighting conditions. The meaning of alexandrite is luck and luck.

There is so much wild and regal energy hidden in the alexandrite stone. First dug up in the Ural Mountains in the 19th century, this rare stone, which seemed to shimmer in different shades, captivated everyone. Sometimes it appeared purple-red, and sometimes it shimmered blue and green. The color change certainly made this stone stand out and it was named after Tsar Alexander II as it was first discovered on his birthday.

History of discovery

The story of its discovery is very interesting. There was an emerald mine in the Ural Mountains, and workers were digging through it, collecting green gems.The day's loot was carried back to camp, and in the flickering light of the fire, some of the stones began to glow a deep red. When dawn broke, the stones returned to their green color, and the miners decided that some kind of magic was hidden in them. Of course, these stones were alexandrites.

When they began to play with shades of imperialist Russia, they began to be called the signature stone of Russia. Alexandrite contains a mixture of different elements under its surface, which is why it has such a strange and fascinating color scheme. Chrome gives it blue and green colors, while elements of titanium and iron perhaps give it a rich ruby ​​red hue. Alexandrite is still considered a rare gemstone, although it has also been found in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Myanmar, Madagascar, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. It is one of the hardest gemstones, measuring 8.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Alexandrite is a stone of good luck, luck and acceptance of change. Like a gemstone changing shades in the light, it reminds us of the importance of being balanced and open to all the emotions we hold within ourselves.

Benefits of Alexandrite

Alexandrite is a stone of joy, grace and glory. But alexandrite doesn't just give you joy, it goes even deeper, encouraging you to learn to ignite your own fire of pleasure, laughter and the ability to see beauty in any situation. Alexandrite is about cleansing energy, changing self-esteem, and, as its changing colors suggest, bringing out all the bright sides of your being. Take a look at all the ways alexandrite keeps your body, mind, and soul in check.

Properties of alexandrite stone

Physical properties

Alexandrite has great healing energy when it comes to the body.This stone is a good talisman to keep nearby when you are recovering from an illness or long-term illness. It is able to restore health to the body, and also promotes healthy blood circulation and cleansing of internal organs. Alexandrite is believed to be especially beneficial for the pancreas and spleen and is excellent at cleansing the body of chemicals and impurities.

Emotional Healing

Get ready to raise the flag of self-esteem and let a lot more joy into your world with the help of alexandrite stone. This stone will help you climb the ladder of emotional maturity, understand your feelings and find many pleasures along the way. Low self-esteem can weigh us down when we feel like we lack the willpower to make decisions that will positively impact our lives.

But alexandrite changes all that because it helps you find a balance between the emotional and the rational—the perfect formula for making fabulous decisions. It is also a stone of love and inner wealth. It helps clear our inner pathways of debris so that we can open up and be ready to accept whatever comes to us. If you're feeling scattered, lost, or mired in the muddy shores of life, alexandrite can help you get back on track.

Metaphysical properties

Alexandrite can be a great guardian stone as it always has your best interests at heart. Alexandrite seems to want your soul to be light and free, so it does everything possible to achieve this. Along with joy, emotional balance and physical strength, alexandrite is also about spirit. This stone is magnetic and will attract amazing things to you.

It also works as a heart chakra cleanser and helps unravel all the knots that are holding your heart. When our heart is cleansed, pure and open, we can love freely and fully and live in the light of our being without fear. Along with the heart chakra, alexandrite likes to accept things as they come.

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