How to remove hair from a gold chain?

A popular piece of jewelry in the form of a gold chain may not look as respectable over time as it did when purchased. One of the reasons is hair stuck in its links. Read on to learn about the methods used to clean an exquisite accessory.

How to clean hair from a gold chain?

burning cleansingThis problem is not as easy to deal with as it seems at first glance. Many pieces of jewelry have complex weaving, in which it is impossible to simply remove the hairs. Let's call on home tools and ingenuity to help.

A mechanical method of getting rid of tangled vegetation involves working with sharp nail scissors and tweezers.. Scissors carefully trim the hair, and tweezers remove it from the chain. The work is primitive and time-consuming, but brings guaranteed results.

If there is no time or desire to use this method, then there are others, less painstaking:

  • burn the chain with a lighter, but you need to act quickly so that the soot does not have time to sit on the metal and turn it black.Then we will have to solve another problem;
  • dip it in acid - the vegetation will dissolve, along with all organic residues on the chain - plaque from the hands, neck, chest;
  • apply depilatory cream and wait for a while according to the instructions, it dissolves hair well, and this composition is safe for gold;
  • hold in a caustic soda solution until organic residues are completely dissolved;
  • place in hydrogen peroxide until the issue is resolved.

Important! In a jewelry workshop, such problems are solved by ultrasonic cleaning of the product. If you are unable or unwilling to clean the product yourself, you should seek professional help.

How to remove a chain without harming your hair?

How to remove hair from a gold chainA gold chain can cause trouble for the owner of an elongated hairstyle or loose long hair when wearing the accessory and especially when removing it from the neck. Hairs get caught between the links, get tangled, and are pulled out by the roots. This can be very unpleasant. Usually such problems arise with chains of special weaving - “Snake”. They are quite thin, the links are small.

In order not to experience painful sensations, a long-haired girl, when putting a gold accessory on her neck, should put her strands in a high hairstyle. And if your hair remains loose, then when removing the jewelry you need to carefully lift it and move it to the side. Hold them with one hand, and carefully unfasten and remove the chain with the other. If you can’t do it yourself, you should turn to your family for help.

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