Gold chain: how to check the authenticity of the metal

Technologies are improving, the chemical industry is moving into the future by leaps and bounds, making it possible to create an imitation of any natural substance.

Gold is a precious metal known to mankind since ancient times, and since then they began to counterfeit it. Many methods came to us from the experience of our ancestors, and they will be useful to both treasure hunters and ordinary buyers. How not to throw away money for a piece of gold-plated metal?

How do we know that this is gold and not gilding (silver)?

There are several effective and proven authentication methods.

gold chain


fake gold item

Gold, copper and aluminum are not magnetic. Accordingly, if the chain is stuck to a powerful magnet, this means that it is a very low standard or a fake with a large amount of iron. The method is not the most reliable, as there are copper and aluminum imitations.

Vinegar and iodine

iodine and gold

First, rub the product on your jeans, then apply a drop of iodine to this place with a cotton swab, and after 30 seconds evaluate the result. There will be no harm to real metal, and fakes will darken.

Brass and copper do not change color from iodine. The method is only suitable for high values, since samples of 585 and below will have to be washed with ammonia; traces will remain on them.

lapis pencil

gold chain

This is a common, inexpensive antiseptic based on silver nitrate, sold in pharmacies. You need to moisten the products in water and try to make a dot with a pencil. Some experts advise making a gash, but this is already quite labor-intensive. Lapis does not leave marks on this product.

Acetic acid

Gold does not react to vinegar, so if the jewelry is placed in a container with a 70% solution for 5 minutes, it should not change shape or color. Fakes have darkening and streaks.

Vinegar damages pearls and silver! After the experiment, it is important to rinse the product so as not to cause skin irritation.


You need to rub it over the surface of the jewelry being tested. The imitation will turn black, but the gold will remain shiny.

Archimedes' method

It can be used by anyone familiar with physics. Of course, it is quite difficult to evaluate a small ring; the method is usually used on large chains and bracelets.

Per tooth

gold tooth chain

Not the best method, since there is a risk of damaging teeth, and the estimate is very approximate. Gold and lead are soft metals and both leave a bite mark. It is difficult and inconvenient to conduct a test in a jewelry store; it is better to ask for a certificate.

Jewelers and pawn shops

A professional assessment will allow you to diagnose the authenticity of the jewelry with 100% confidence. Jewelers have special devices for determining quality, for example, DeMon-Yu.

Characteristic features of a gold chain

gold chain

First of all, an external examination is carried out.

  1. Real metal has a strong shine in any light.
  2. Compare with an existing proven sample.
  3. Review the sample.It is packed small, and some people take photos with a smartphone at high magnification.

The most popular standard is 585. Over 750 is elite, expensive jewelry. The lower threshold is a value of 375, everything below relates to costume jewelry. Ancient Soviet jewelry was marked 583.

New jewelry is equipped with labels with information about weight, purity and manufacturer.

gold chain

What it should look like:

  • smooth surface without cracks;
  • shine over the entire surface;
  • high-quality soldering, durable fastenings for stones;
  • without smell.

Express method: how to check whether a gold chain is or not?

Sometimes even a sample does not guarantee authenticity, since craftsmen can put any numbers.

To quickly check, you can throw the decoration on the table; gold sounds melodious, like crystal. This method can also be used to check small chains and bracelets.

Second way: Preheat the burner to 300–400 degrees, put in the decoration. Then throw it into cold water. Gold can easily withstand such temperature changes.

Traditional methods will help if they are used together and not one at a time, for example, checking with iodine, lapis and magnet, since metals have similar properties. Of course, it is good to know how to verify authenticity, but it is better to purchase jewelry not from hand or online, but from trusted stores that provide a certificate of quality. It should be remembered that any gold jewelry has a hallmark.

Reviews and comments
WITH Sergey:

Under no circumstances should sample 585 be smeared with iodine! Darkening occurs, even in the same room with iodine (iodine vapor), gold changes color. If people start using your “recipe” to determine the “correctness” of gold, they will ruin the jewelry.


