Why does the silver chain on my neck turn black?

Humanity has known silver for a long time. Lovers of exquisite products made from this metal sometimes encounter trouble in the form of darkening on the jewelry. Some are looking for mystical reasons, others are looking into chemistry issues, because the products are made from an alloy of silver and copper, and copper reacts with a blackening effect. Let's look at the main causes of the process and how to prevent it.

silver chain

Why does a silver chain around your neck turn black - common reasons

silver chain

  • Human sweat contains sulfur, which oxidizes jewelry. The skin regularly secretes a natural secretion that reacts. When sulfur and silver combine, a layer of sulfide is formed, which gradually becomes denser, covering the product with a thick coating. Increased sweating during sports, physical work, or certain diseases leads to the rapid formation of blackening of the metal and loss of shine.the chain has turned black
  • Impurities in the composition actively affect the service life of the jewelry.Silver itself is very soft, malleable and ductile, so it is always mixed with other metals, most often with copper, which oxidizes when exposed to air. Usually, A chain that quickly loses its shine indicates that it contains too little precious metal and is of poor quality. Some manufacturers cover the product with rhodium film; it protects the metal from contact with the external environment for a long time. But when the barrier is destroyed, the decoration suddenly begins to darken, raising suspicions of damage or the evil eye.
  • Various hormonal imbalances lead to increased sweating and disturbances in skin pH. For example, pregnancy or menopause will lead to sharp blackening, and in case of liver and kidney diseases - to lightening, as the removal of nitrogen from the body through the skin increases. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, febrile conditions (for example, malaria, influenza) are accompanied by significant sweating, the products darken, and quite quickly.
  • Storing it in a treasured box in a secluded place leads to the fact that the metal begins to turn black from dampness and contact with other objects.

You should not wear jewelry on the beach, in the sauna or bathhouse. They can easily be lost, and they turn black much faster in such conditions. Silver “loves” airing; hydrogen sulfide forms and accumulates in stale air, which negatively affects the condition of the product.

The silver chain has turned black - what does this mean from an esoteric point of view?

blackened chain with a cross

Superstitious people see signs of the evil eye and damage in any change in the state of the jewelry. Silver has long been considered a talisman against evil spirits, evil thoughts and creatures of darkness. Crosses, occult talismans, and bells for protecting premises are made from it.It purifies water and disinfects small wounds.

A prime example is the folklore about vampires who can be killed with a silver bullet.

Signs have come down from the depths of centuries, because even distant ancestors noticed its beneficial properties and used them in everyday life. Various decorations carrying sacred meaning were made from it. Therefore, those who believe in omens see the darkening of their favorite chain as manifestations of the influence of dark magic. It is believed that silver deflects the blow from the owner, taking it upon itself. Although, from the above examples, it is clear that the reasons are hidden in ordinary chemical reactions and constant wearing without proper care.

How to avoid blackening of silver?

silver chain

To ensure that jewelry retains a clean appearance for a long time, does not darken or lose its presentability, You need to follow simple and important tips:

  1. Wear chains on a clean body, avoid contact with cosmetics. Even creams and care products contain active substances that react with metals. Many mash, powders, lotions and ointments prescribed by dermatologists contain sulfur, which causes blackening.
  2. During training, heat, or heavy physical activity, you must remove all jewelry. since at these moments the body actively secretes sweat.
  3. You can't swim in them. This applies to any body of water (sea, river), shower and pool. Water contains chemical impurities that react with metals.
  4. You should not wear silver items where there are heavy industrial enterprises nearby. Modern urban conditions imply the presence of all kinds of elements in the air and water.
  5. Keep away from gasoline, fuel oil and diesel fuel.,these active substances oxidize metals very quickly.

Compliance with basic hygiene rules and knowledge of the laws of chemistry will help preserve your favorite chain from negative environmental factors. The elegance of silver remains relevant at all times, while maintaining an affordable price and the ability to create original products for every taste.

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