Why does the chain get twisted?

Almost everyone wears chains! And probably everyone has encountered such an unpleasant thing as twisting it. And most importantly, it is not clear why it suddenly stops lying beautifully, and begins to spin around the neck. And then I heard that this is not good. And it is considered a sign of something bad.

why does the chain get twisted?

Let's try to figure out what happens to the chain, and most importantly, to us, when it gets twisted.

Causes of twisting

causesExperts believe that this happens for several reasons.

  • Restless sleep. If you sleep restlessly and constantly toss and turn, we advise you to remove amulets and jewelry before going to bed to avoid twisting.
  • Insufficient thickness of decoration. The product is too thin. Therefore, when worn, it swings and complex knots can be tied.
  • Excessive length. The chain with the pendant is the wrong length. Therefore, the pendant dangles too much on the neck and often gets tangled.
  • Greater mobility while wearing. An active lifestyle also contributes to the constant twisting of the chain.

Advice! If you play sports or just jog in the morning, then it is better to take it off at this time.

  • Anatomical features person. Protruding vertebrae (a structural feature of the spinal line in some women) are also a cause. The links of the decoration touch them and cause twisting.
  • Hairstyle features. If hair gets caught in the gap between the links, this can lead to similar changes.
  • Wearing several chains at once. Very often this phenomenon occurs when several jewelry of different thicknesses are worn at the same time. Moreover, each of them separately does not cause such inconvenience.

How twisting magic is interpreted

But, in addition to such quite realistic explanations, we will not ignore how magic explains what is happening.


Reference! All jewelry made in the shape of a circle is considered amulets against damage and the evil eye.

  • If you notice twisted knots on the chain, this indicates that your enemies are planning something evil against you. That is why you should be wary and pay attention to this.
  • If, when twisting the chain, knots form on it, be sure to you should be wary. If you have no one to suspect specifically, then in any case you should you need to be more attentive to everything. For example, try to avoid dark alleys and deserted places, otherwise you may become a victim of a robber.
  • If a pregnant woman's chain is twisted, then this is also a bad omen. Since it is believed that the birth will be difficult.
  • Care should be taken when twisting causes several knots to form in one place. This means that you facing serious illness, in any case, you should undergo a medical examination.
  • When the chain twists strongly around the cross, this indicates that someone wishes you harm or has caused damage to you.

Important! In this case, the amulet takes the entire blow and curls up into a strong ball, while the symbol of faith closes.

How to avoid chain twisting

  • Wear jewelry using a straw. To do this, cut a cocktail tube on one side and insert a chain into it. Then put it around your neck and fasten the clasp. After this, you can remove the tube.

how to avoid

  • When engaging in outdoor activities, be sure to remove chains. This is especially true for products with small links, because they are more likely to twist than others.
  • Try replacing a light suspension with a similar one, but with more weight.. In this case, the chain will twist less often or not at all.

We wish you to wear your chains with pleasure, without unpleasant twisting!

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