The chain with the omen's cross broke

Since ancient times, people have worn amulets. They firmly believed that this item was able to protect its owner from evil spirits, diseases and troubles. Thanks to him, prosperity and prosperity, love and mutual understanding reigned in the house. A pectoral cross on a chain or rope was worn as a talisman. And if the chain suddenly broke, the cross was lost, this was considered a bad omen. Since those times, nothing has changed, we believe in the power of the amulet, and God forbid, something happens to it, this causes anxiety and bad feelings.The chain with the omen's cross broke

Folk signs

Even people are divided into materialists, who in their own way explain it this way: the chain rubbed the eye of the cross due to its heavy weight, it got lost. A link on the chain was not properly sealed and became loose, which led to the loss of the jewelry. Most people associate this with mysticism, they are sure that this is a warning from above and that one must be prepared for changes. Here again, opinions differ, as some consider this event to be very unfavorable. Others are confident in the coming changes for the better. Both will be right. But what do folk signs warn about:

  • If you have lost your pectoral cross, perhaps at this moment your thoughts are busy with some evil ideas, you want to do something bad, your amulet reminds you that you need to stop.
  • This may also mean a loss of spiritual protection - perhaps the time has come for difficult life changes; the person will be able to overcome all this. It is unknown when this black streak will end.
  • The body amulet reliably protects against the effects of magic - if the chain breaks and the cross is lost, buy a new one, but do not put it on the old chain.

The chain is broken

Important! No matter what views you hold, the loss of your favorite thing is very unpleasant. Whether it’s magic or a coincidence is up to you to decide, but it’s still easier to live with faith.

If you have lost your pectoral cross, do not be upset and do not take this event to heart. This means that this was supposed to happen, your amulet may have taken something very bad with it. Go to church and buy a new consecrated cross, it will be your new protector.

What causes a chain with a cross to break?

There are a lot of assumptions about why this happens, it all depends on what a person believes. If there is a magical power of the cross, it suggests that these are demonic forces trying to lead a person astray from the true path and are trying in every way to snatch the amulet. People who believe in the power of God are confident that in this way God takes troubles away from people. There are skeptics who also put forward their own hypotheses.Chain with a cross

  • The chain broke - a bad sign, warning the owner about numerous upcoming troubles associated with losses, troubles, financial failures, and unexpected illness. This is the opinion of some.Others believe that this is a sign that the amulet has taken upon itself all the negativity sent to the owner of the product - the evil eye, curse, damage.
  • It happens – the chain breaks many times for no apparent reason in the same place. This suggests that there is a person next to you who wishes you harm. Then, after the next repair of the chain, lower it into blessed water and read the prayer.
  • Another definition – a warning from the Higher Powers about the wrong actions of the person wearing this amulet. It consists of a desire to commit some kind of evil or unworthy act in relation to people close and dear to him. If you have such thoughts, try to stop in time.
  • Children's amulets often break and get lost “Parents are very worried about this. This has more to do with the increased activity of children during games. Just buy a new consecrated cross for your fidget at church.

Now you can evaluate and analyze your case and why this happened. Perhaps there was some kind of failure in your inner world that led to this event.

Reviews and comments
L Leila:

I didn’t lose anything: not a chain, not a cross. The chain just broke, but the cross, thank God, was not lost. How to interpret this? Thank you

AND Irina:

Leila, it’s a sin to interpret that the chain just broke and not believe in omens.And don’t read the nonsense that the author writes. This is just an advertisement for amulets. Here you can write anything for money. It's a pity that people fall for such stupid topics

M Marina:

My cross chain broke and broke several times. I gave it to a jeweler, who made a beautiful ring with a stone from that chain. As a result, a week later, the ring was lost, it’s a shame, of course...

WITH Selena:

At the same time, two chains with a cross and an opal (just a pendant) broke... What is this?

L Lech:

Vosne tried to remove the cross, could not remove it, then tore it off, what could this mean?


