Beaded jewelry: exclusive or bad taste

Today on store shelves you can find a wide variety of jewelry made of precious metals and stones. There is also costume jewelry, which is perfect for almost all ladies and makes it possible to create different looks every day. But stores very rarely sell beaded jewelry. In the meantime beads have always been and remain one of the main materials for designer products. They treat such decorations differently. Why? Let's figure it out.

Beaded jewelry: exclusive or bad taste

Why beaded jewelry causes prejudice

Many women who have crossed a certain age threshold shy away from beaded jewelry. Ladies believe that such products are suitable exclusively for young people. And for older women they are in bad taste. This is far from true.

reasons for prejudice

An experienced craftswoman can create a beautiful and exclusive necklace or bracelet that will suit even an older woman. It will be able to emphasize the elegance and sophistication of a lady, while no one will have a second one like this.

Beaded bracelets, necklaces, rings and even earrings can be created using different techniques:

  • weaving;
  • embroidery;
  • knitting;
  • weaving;
  • mixed media.

Important! Each product created by the hands of a craftswoman contains a piece of her soul and love for her craft. Therefore, they are all very original and created in a single copy.

Many ladies believe that such products should not be taken seriously. After all, these things are interesting only to lovers of needlework. Women They call all the products baubles for girls and do not recognize the beauty of the jewelry.


The opinion of bead lovers

Experienced craftswomen, defending a place in the sun for their hobby, note that Each product looks completely different.


You can make a “bauble” or a bracelet from cheap Chinese beads. And it will really look cheap. But they are on sale elite class beads and even "precious" Products made from them look expensive enough to compete with products made from precious metals.

bead set

A woman can emphasize your originality and individuality with the help of properly selected jewelry created from small beads. Well-chosen details perfectly complement various everyday and even evening looks.

Advantages that make beaded jewelry exclusive

The main advantage of beaded jewelry is that it's always handmade. Today, girls really appreciate the work of competent craftsmen, be it a product made of gold, silver or beads. If it is made for a specific girl and emphasizes her appearance and character, then this thing is exclusive and suits her perfectly.


Beautiful, small-sized beads fit perfectly into various patterns, which help make the product even more attractive. These can be quite complex patterns that carry some kind of secret, sacred meaning for their owner. You can easily make your own amulet from beaded jewelry.


If you choose high-quality material, and also contact an experienced craftsman, he will be able to make a strong thing. She will last for many years after delivery to the owner. High-quality beads do not fade or peel off, as many people think. And the threads can withstand many negative external influences.

Japanese beads

Craftswomen use a variety of materials in their work. Bugles and beads of different sizes are just the tip of the iceberg. Many people use various precious or semi-precious stones and even animal claws or teeth to achieve their goals.

with rocks

Important! The main point is the choice of product style. If a bracelet or necklace is made for a specific person, you need to take into account its external characteristics, as well as the stylistic features of the wardrobe.

How to Wear Beaded Jewelry

All beaded jewelry can be divided into 3 groups:

  • traditional strict;
  • light and romantic;
  • made in the spirit of folk motifs.

They are made using various techniques, using all sorts of ornaments, patterns, abstraction and other techniques. All this allows you to achieve sophistication and sophistication.

how to wear

Provided that the decoration is made for a specific event, it is important to correlate its design with the outfit chosen for attending an important event. It is better to use more expensive types of beads so that the product looks like a real masterpiece, decorating a girl’s neck or wrist.

Beaded jewelry can be worn every day, or you can choose it for a specific occasion.

  • Light and sophisticated lace jewelry is suitable for a wedding or going out. They emphasize the beauty of the main outfit and the elegance of the girl.

for a wedding

  • As an accessory for an office look, strict products made in a consistent color scheme are suitable. These can be jewelry in the form of collars or small pendants on a thin chain. They do not attract undue attention, but stylishly complement an office suit.

to the office

  • You can wear whatever you want with your casual outfit. These could be voluminous shoulder-length earrings in combination with a boho-style dress or a modest openwork bracelet in addition to a classic light dress.

on every day

The main thing is that the girl likes the decoration and matches the overall style of the chosen costume.

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