Jewelry of women of African tribes that adorns them and shocks us

African jewelry is endowed with secret meanings and symbols that reflect the history and life of the tribes. They are made using objects that can easily shock a modern person. This is first of all interesting combinations of metals with feathers, teeth and even skulls of small animals.

Such a different Africa

On one continent there are both rich and developed countries and poor tribes for which time has stood still. Peoples living according to the laws of nature express their abilities by inventing a variety of decorations. Each product is used for a specific purpose: scaring away enemies, attracting the opposite sex, mating ritual or dance.

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It is worth noting that in Africa the presence of jewelry is primarily a symbol of strength and opportunity. While in other ancient civilizations they indicated social status.

Products and materials

Elements of plant and animal origin are used as materials.The most popular decoration is a plate placed on the lower lip of girls before marriage. It is believed that this item strengthens the mouth through which traditions are passed on from generation to generation.

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The most widespread plates are in Ethiopia. Their diameter can reach 20 cm, and the larger the better. After all, this symbol of wealth. The decoration is made of wood, terracotta and ivory.

Attention! With the help of a plate on the lip, potential grooms understand how rich the bride is. After all, this is also a kind of evidence of the number of heads of livestock in the girl’s family. A wife in Ethiopia costs 8-10 cows, which is a fortune.

From sea shells and animals

Extraordinarily beautiful jewelry is created seafood. The most popular materials are:

  • Corals (“water tree”). Used as a protective amulet and life-giving element.

Africa corals

  • Ambergris extracted from the stomach of sperm whales. It is a powerful aphrodisiac for men.
  • Pearls. They have long been used to create hair clips, bracelets and necklaces. In some parts of the continent, pearls were traded for gold, palm oil, ivory and even slaves.
  • Cowrie shells. It is a symbol of female sexuality and attractiveness. Jewelry made from them can be found in the tombs of the pharaohs. In Ancient Egypt, making jewelry from shells was a traditional activity.

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Important! Analogues of jewelry made from cowrie shells have been found in the Sahara Desert and in the Republic of Mali.

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Gems and minerals

African peoples have always worshiped bright beads made from blue stones, as well as carnelian and quartz. They are also present in the jewelry of Ancient Egypt. Popular and yellow amber. This stone is believed to attract the sun and protect against darkness.

Gold jewelry

Gold is one of the rare metals in demand in all world civilizations. It was used not only as decoration, but also as a unit of exchange in commodity-money relations. However, African tribes only used it to make jewelry.

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For example, in Senegal, artisans carried out bold experiments, combining precious metal with various objects.

Unique products could be found in many European markets. Bracelets, belts, and necklaces were made from gold. The valuable metal was also actively used for rituals.

Thus, on days of significant events, a golden “disk of the soul” was brought out. It was intended to cleanse the souls of leaders.

Reference! Women wore several gold rings on each finger and toe.

Copper, bronze and brass are indicators of status and wealth

Thanks to the advent of alloy technology, it became possible to fully express imagination in creating jewelry.

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A popular material for jewelry is bronze - an alloy of copper and tin.

Girls in Niger prefer to wear bracelets made of bronze with engraving of Islamic motifs.

In Côte d'Ivoire they used brass jewelry. This is a kind of symbol of divinity and a way of communicating with spirits. And in Liberia, wives were part of the dowry bronze ankle bracelets.

In the Ndebele tribe, a girl with a long neck is considered beautiful, so representatives of this tribe, even in childhood, wear hoops around their necks, thanks to which it stretches up to 50 cm. It is impossible to remove the hoops, this can lead to death.

Silver is a lunar and mysterious metal

Since ancient times, silver symbolized purity and honesty. It was especially appreciated by rural residents and nomads. For example, Berber and Turkic leaders used silver tobacco holders. And they were used as ritual decorations rings, where depicted a fighter on horseback. They were worn by warriors and knights.

Nowadays, both women and men wear silver.
africa silver

Unique ancient techniques

Many unique technologies were brought with them by Jews who sought refuge in Africa during the Inquisition. A Chinese technique known as alveolar was introduced. All drawings in it are applied with enamel in the form of an arc. This is one of the oldest ways of decorating metal products.

Using glaze it became possible decorate glass and precious stones. The inlay method was widely used.

Decorations of different tribes in different techniques:

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The niellatura technique is also interesting – a unique way of blackening silver. On jewelry you can see many images of stylized elements of nature, which carry certain symbolism. For example, almonds indicate immortality, pomegranates are a symbol of fertility, and a spiral is a sign of eternity.

At different times, each nation had its own vision of beauty. African tribes are distinguished by special traditions and way of life. Despite the low level of development, their desire for beauty is striking, which is quite difficult for modern residents of developed countries to understand.

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