Find out about hydrothermal emerald: what it is, its properties and significance

There are many ways to create gemstones, but one of the most intriguing is the hydrothermal process. What is hydrothermal emerald? This concept is discussed below.

What is hydrothermal emerald

Origin of hydrothermal emerald

A hydrothermal emerald is a crystal grown in a laboratory using the hydrothermal method. The process includes:

  1. Selection of chemicals.
  2. Heating and cooling the solution.
  3. Growing a crystal under controlled conditions.

Physical properties

Hydrothermal emeralds are very similar in appearance to natural ones. They are characterized by:

  • Color varies from light green to rich emerald.
  • Hardness: 7.5–8 on the Mohs scale.
  • Stones range from transparent to translucent.

Chemical properties

Hydrothermal emerald, like its natural counterpart, is based on beryllium. Its chemical formula is Be3Al2(SiO3)6. The main elements are beryllium, aluminum, silicon and oxygen.

Hydrothermal emerald is chemically stable and generally does not react with most common chemicals under normal conditions. However, it can react with strong acids.

This stone is insoluble in water and most organic solvents, making it attractive for use in a variety of conditions.

Hydrothermal emerald has good thermal stability, allowing it to withstand high temperatures without changing its chemical properties.

It is resistant to oxidation under normal conditions, making it suitable for a variety of industrial and jewelry applications.

Meaning and Use

Hydrothermal emeralds are often used in jewelry. Their vibrant green color, luster and transparency make them an attractive material for necklaces, earrings, rings and other items.


These emeralds are also used in industry. They can be found in:

  • As components for certain optical instruments and electronic devices.
  • Their hardness makes hydrothermal stones suitable for making abrasive materials.
  • In some cases, they can be used in coatings for various instruments and devices.

Thus, hydrothermal emeralds are universal and multifunctional materials that can be used in various industries from jewelry to high-tech industry.

Hydrothermal emerald

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Hydrothermal emerald, like natural emerald, is traditionally associated with certain zodiac signs. In astrology and some cultural traditions, it is believed that stones can enhance or balance the energy of certain signs.


Emerald is often associated with the sign of Taurus. For people born under this sign, the stone can give confidence and promote emotional growth.


Some sources also claim that emerald is suitable for the sign of Cancer. It can help strengthen this sign's intuition and sensitivity.


For the Virgo sign, emerald can add confidence and clarity of thinking. It can also help you focus on the details and logical aspects of life.

It should be noted that choosing a stone according to the zodiac sign is part of metaphysical and astrological beliefs and has no scientific basis. You can choose a suitable stone based on your personal preferences, aesthetic perception, or even the advice of a professional astrologer.

In addition, you should be careful when purchasing hydrothermal emeralds, as scammers can abuse the trust of buyers by passing them off as natural. Honest communication with the seller and a possible inspection by a qualified gemologist can save you from unpleasant surprises.


Hydrothermal emerald is an amazing example of a synthetic gemstone that successfully combines beauty and functionality. Its production and properties make it attractive not only to the jewelry industry, but also to various industrial applications. However, consumers should be aware of its artificial origin to avoid possible misunderstandings when purchasing.

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