Types of hairpins

A hair clip is an indispensable assistant in creating a fashionable hairstyle. It not only secures the curls, but is also a decorative element of the image. Often it is the hairpin that becomes the “highlight” of an outfit, decorates a complex hairstyle and holds it in place throughout the evening.

Currently, there are many hairpins with different fastenings and shapes. Further in the article we will look at the main types of hair clips with pictures and names.

What types of hairpins are there?

Current trends in hairstyles arise and disappear quite quickly, but many accessories remain popular for many years.


twisterIn appearance, this accessory bears little resemblance to a classic hairpin. It consists of a wire frame covered with soft fabric and sometimes stuffed with foam rubber. There is a hole in the center through which you can thread the curls. After this, the hairpin can be twisted in any direction, having previously distributed the hair strand over its surface.Using a twister you can create the following hairstyles:

  • graceful bun;
  • shell;
  • ponytail with a tourniquet;
  • malvinka.

Important! After using the twister, the hair becomes wavy, so it can additionally be used as a curler.


hegamiThe design is somewhat reminiscent of the previous model. Heagami is made of two thin metal strips covered with fabric. The metal is so thin that it easily bends into a ring, so with the help of the accessory you can create numerous rounded hairstyles in the shape of a pretzel, figure eight or bagel. The strands are secured between the plates and wrapped around them so that the hairpins are not visible. Heagami should be used on long hair.


bumpsThe bumpit hairpin is used to create volume on the top of the head. Externally, it looks like a “crescent” made of plastic, equipped with teeth on all sides. Due to them, the bumpite stays perfectly in the hair and creates additional volume. The technology of its application is as follows:

  • it is necessary to comb a strand of hair at the roots;
  • put a hairpin under it;
  • secure the curls so that the bumpet does not show through them.

Snake for braid

snake for braidA snake is an auxiliary tool for those who want to braid a neat braid. Using a plastic snake you can create a weave of two, three or more strands. It is enough to place it in the place where the future braid should be, and then step by step pass it through the bends of the strand. The result should be an openwork braid, and the hairpin should be completely hidden under the hair.


bagelUsing a donut, you can create a magnificent voluminous bun that will look much more voluminous and neat than without using it. The bagel is sewn using mesh material or foam rubber to match the hair color.Lifehack: you can make your own donut from the top of a sock. It will just need to be twisted several times.

The bun is created from a ponytail. It is necessary to twist the entire ponytail into a donut so that the clips are not visible under the hair.


clampThis classic model of hairpins plays a decorative function, as it is often decorated with rhinestones, flowers, and other elements. The clip is not only beautiful, but also holds the curls well. It is made from both metal and plastic.


hairpinThe hairpin resembles a bident made of thin metal needles with a blunt end. It is intended for fastening strands together and is not visible in the hairstyle, but now it is decorated with beads or rhinestones that look cute out of the hairstyle.


The mechanism of the invisible thing is very simple: it consists of two narrow and thin metal plates, firmly connected to each other. You can open them only with the force of your fingers, so they hold the curls well.


The model is famous for its strong mechanism that can cope even with thick and heavy hair. One of the parts is stationary and has a clasp so that the second, movable part can slam shut when connected.

Most often, the upper part of the machine has a beautiful decor of patterns, rhinestones, as well as feathers, braid or artificial flowers.


firecrackerThe flapper hairpin is a traditional accessory of every girl's childhood. Another name is “tick-tock” or “click-clack”. It opens and closes by pressing on the bend, so it is always made of soft metal.


beakA type of clip is a beak clip. Its main difference is its pointed tip, reminiscent of a bird's beak. It is convenient for her to secure interfering strands near the face, as well as bangs or individual weaves.


The hairpin is called a “crocodile” because its design is similar to the mouth of this animal. It is similar to the clip described above, but has small and private teeth, so it is used on long and heavy hair.


bananaThe banana clip consists of two fastened combs that snap together like a pin. It has an elongated shape, which is why it got the “fruit” name.


By design, the crab consists of two ridges fastened together with a spring. The teeth are bent inward and directed towards each other, which ensures good adhesion to the hair. Crabs are made in various sizes: large ways to hold the entire head of hair, and small ones secure individual curls.


crestThe comb has been known since ancient times. It is a plate with long, frequent teeth, thanks to which it holds well in the hair. Modern combs are made of wood, plastic or metal, and decorated with decorative flowers, ribbons or beads.

Chinese stick

wandThe hairpin looks like a knitting needle or a wooden stick with a rounded edge. It is not difficult to use, although it is absolutely smooth. You should try several times and get used to hooking the bun. After a couple of tries everything will work out.

Easy Kooms

easy comEasy Koums is another variation of the double scallop. Several threads of elastic material are stretched between two metal combs, which are pulled, for example, over a bundle and hold it. The threads are most often decorated with beads, seed beads or glass beads.


kanzashiThe accessory is purely decorative, because the hairpin is crowned with a beautiful flower woven from satin ribbons using the kanzashi technique. Most often, the flower can be found on a hairpin such as a clip, a crab, or even on a comb.

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