Gold, silver, jewelry alloys - what is appropriate after 50?

The desire to look dignified and elegant is inherent in every woman, no matter how old she is. However, age dictates its restrictions on outfits and accessories,and the older the lady, the tougher they become. Having crossed the fifty-year mark, many women are forced to give up their usual jewelry and items made of precious metals, believing that they are no longer suitable for their age. You will find out from the article whether it is worth doing this.

Jewelry after 50

Jewelry - to wear or not to wear for women over 50

Properly selected jewelry can add completeness to the look and balance out the rest of the details of the outfit. In addition, some models, due to their successful design, can visually rejuvenate a lady and also make her more feminine. However, poor selection of accessories can lead to the opposite effect.

Jewelry after 50

What jewelry should you give up once and for all upon reaching the age of fifty?

  1. First of all, you need to eliminate plastic Chinese consumer goods from your wardrobe.It is also a mistake to think that bright youthful products in acidic colors will make you look younger. On the contrary, such “trinkets” create the image of a grandmother who has “played at being a girl.” Such a person looks quite ridiculous.
  2. It is not advisable to wear metal jewelry that openly imitates jewelry.
  3. Be very careful with jewelry with rhinestones or gems; they do not always look good on older people.

What can a fifty-year-old lady afford?

Jewelry after 50

Get a basic set of different but interchangeable jewelry, fit “both for the feast and for the world”:

  • pearl stud earrings made of both precious metals and jewelry alloys;
  • small rings made of precious metals;
  • earrings with precious stones and semi-precious stones;
  • discreet diamond jewelry.

If your soul asks for bright accents, you should pay attention to products made of colored ceramics or identical materials. However, we should not forget that this kind of accent should be alone in the image: under no circumstances use sets of such jewelry.

Let's take a closer look

Fearing once again becoming an object of criticism, most women aged 50+ prefer to opt for classic gold or silver jewelry, in rare cases “indulging” in jewelry alloys.

This kind of preference justifies itself: it is from such jewelry that the very basic set that we talked about above is made up, however, costume jewelry also has its own charm.


Jewelry after 50

Gold is a precious metal, and jewelry made from it is called jewelry. This kind of product has always been an indicator of elegance. Due to the plasticity of gold, it can be used to make jewelry of various shapes and sizes.However, this metal is not used in its pure form for jewelry; in this case, alloys of gold are made with other elements, depending on which the gold acquires a conventional color:

  • yellow;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • red.

The percentage of gold present in the alloy is called fineness. The highest standard for jewelry is 750, the most common is 585.

Despite the fact that gold jewelry is quite universal, there are a number of rules for how and where it should be worn.

For an office style, the appearance of the products should be discreet. In this case, the following would look good:

  • small earrings - studs;
  • discreet pendant on a thin chain;
  • narrow bracelet;
  • jewelry watch.

But a large number of gold items at the same time is a sign of bad taste not only at work, but in moments of leisure.

For evening events, combine gold jewelry with clothes that do not have bright decorations. Rhinestones, sequins, pearls are a reason to abandon pendants or chains, as well as massive gold items.

Gold jewelry will look inappropriate in a hospital, outdoors or in a swimming pool. Only wedding rings are allowed in such places.


Jewelry after 50

Silver also belongs to the noble (precious) metals, and products made from it are considered jewelry. The undeniable attractiveness of silver products lies in their lower price compared to gold.

Silver in its pure form is also not used for making jewelry, but its fineness in high-quality expensive products is much higher - 925. Products made from such an alloy are distinguished by their strength and durability of external qualities (they do not darken and retain their natural shine for a long time).

There are a large number of fake silver jewelry, so it is best to buy them in special jewelry stores.

This metal is appropriate for any situation. The requirements for silver accessories for ladies over fifty are not as strict as for gold items, but, nevertheless, they exist.

Firstly, just as in the case of gold, you need to have a sense of proportion in the amount of jewelry. Do not do it:

  • put on many rings at once;
  • combine earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets in one look;
  • combine silver and gold items, as well as silver and jewelry.

Jewelry after 50

Secondly, the rule of “small decorations” also applies here., welcome:

  • studs or small earrings with precious stones;
  • thin, small rings;
  • light bracelets;
  • use one, maximum two decorations.

Silver, like gold, can be worn both to work and to special occasions. This is a matter of taste and personal preference.

Jewelry alloys

Jewelry after 50

A wary attitude towards jewelry alloys is dictated by the erroneous opinion that they are not suitable for respectable women. However, high-quality products made from this kind of materials can compete well with jewelry, captivating with their attractive appearance, variety and affordability.

As a rule, tin is taken as the basis for such an alloy. Being a refractory and brittle metal in the absence of impurities, with the addition of other metals it becomes plastic and suitable for the manufacture of various kinds of things, including jewelry.

However, in addition to tin, there are a number of other metals, used for jewelry alloys:

  • copper gives the products a noble bronze color with a reddish “antique” tint;
  • brass - yellow-green or yellow-gray shade;
  • steel – gray metallic or imitation silver;
  • titanium alloys are silver in color, they are hypoallergenic and have a higher price compared to regular jewelry.

It is prohibited to add lead to jewelry alloy, as the latter negatively affects human health. The same ban is imposed on nickel due to its high allergenicity.

The main disadvantage This kind of alloy is its reaction to the environment (oxygen, contact with the human body, detergents, cosmetics)

In this case, the product may lose its presentation: it will darken or peel off. However, alloys with durable galvanic coating are free from this “side effect”.

Jewelry after 50

Coverage can be expensive:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • rhodium;
  • osmium;
  • palladium


  • nickel;
  • copper;
  • brass, etc.

Not only earrings and rings are welcome as jewelry made from this type of material, but also:

  • brooches – choose them not only to match your outfit, but try to harmonize your entire appearance, taking into account eye color and skin tone;
  • decorative pins - an indispensable assistant when you need to adapt an outfit at your discretion: they will hold the fabric in the desired area, allowing you to drape problem areas, while also serving as a decorative element.

Jewelry allows you to frequently change your look, be noticeable and bright, each time adding a new twist to your wardrobe.

Jewelry for women over 50 - how to choose and wear

Jewelry after 50

In an effort to make the image perfect, the main thing is not to overdo it. Therefore, every lady of elegant age must objectively determine the permissible maximum of jewelry that she can afford. For some, a small ring and earrings will be enough, while others will limit themselves to a pendant or bracelet. In any case, it should be either jewelry or high quality costume jewelry.

  • when choosing earrings, in addition to studs, pay attention to hoop earrings or earrings without pendants, with a decorative element located immediately under the earlobe;
  • brooches can be used not only to decorate clothes, but also hats; they are also a good idea to fasten the open collar of a blouse, hiding age-related changes in the neck;
  • hands often show age, so you should think carefully about whether to draw unnecessary attention to them by wearing bracelets; however, if such a decision is made, limit yourself to a bracelet made of wood, stone, metal or even ceramics, but without bright decorative elements;
  • rings, if you have small hands, should be worn small: massive jewelry is suitable for large hands;
  • beads made of pearls or their imitation are always a win-win option for ladies 50+; they can be worn at any length, wearing one or several threads, but do not forget: the larger the beads, the shorter the beads should be.

Divide all decorations into formal and everyday ones. Wear them accordingly: the first with evening dresses, the second every day.

As you can see, the choice of jewelry for ladies who have crossed the fifty-year age mark is quite diverse. As in the case of choosing a wardrobe, the main condition for an ideal image is a sense of proportion, integrity and taking into account the individual characteristics of appearance. By playing with jewelry using various little tricks given above, you can achieve originality and uniqueness of your style.

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