How to choose an umbrella?

An umbrella is a vital thing, protection from rain and bad weather. It is important that it is not only beautiful and stylish, but above all reliable and comfortable. How to choose an accessory so that it performs its main functions for a long time, what to pay special attention to, read on.

Types of umbrellas

how to choose an umbrellaAn umbrella can protect from rain, wind and sun, and there are various accessories with waterproof, lace or other lightweight canopy coverings. There are also differences between umbrellas for men and women. By design, they are divided into canes and folding umbrellas, which have from two to five folds. The fewer components in the design of an umbrella, the stronger and more reliable it is..

The cane umbrella has a large rounded dome that perfectly protects from bad weather. Solid spokes do not bend under wind load, and the monolithic base serves as a reinforcement of the overall structure. It is good for leisurely walks in the park without things in your hands; in other cases, it is inconvenient to take it with you.

Important! A cane is the most durable umbrella, but it does not meet all the requirements of our mobile times: it is difficult to carry with you, and the risk of forgetting it in a cafe or store is high.

Criteria for choosing a reliable umbrella

Which umbrella is best is up to you to decide. When choosing pay attention to the material and workmanship of individual parts, assemblies, mechanisms and only lastly consider the color schemes of the accessory and its compatibility with the wardrobe.


mechanismThese are the elements that form the base of the dome and primarily determine the strength of the structure. This is influenced by two indicators: the number of knitting needles and the material used. Experts recommend give preference to umbrellas that have at least 8 spokes. The quantity affects the resistance to gusts of wind, a more even and reliable dome shape.

But, besides this, you need to pay attention to the material from which the knitting needles are made:

  • steel. A durable, shiny base with good weather resistance, but such an umbrella is not compact and is heavier than others;
  • fiberglass. The base is soft, but at the same time resistant to gusts of wind, durable, lightweight, modern, but such an umbrella is more expensive than many models;
  • aluminum. Lightweight, cheap. That's all the positives. Now the disadvantages are that the spokes cannot withstand the load when wind gusts exceed 8 m/s, they turn inside out and returning to their original state without deformation is impossible.

Also pay attention to the following points:

  • the dome must be attached to the spokes in at least two places;
  • the fabric can only come into contact with the convex side of the knitting needle;
  • each of the knitting needles necessarily ends with a plastic tip, rounded at the end.


In addition to a special design, when choosing, it is important to find a model that is comfortable and pleasant to hold in your hand. Otherwise, there will be no point even in the most beautiful option. The umbrella handle can be:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • rubber on a steel frame.

The latter is the most comfortable and reliable handle. Wood as a material is also good, but it is susceptible to cracking and swelling from moisture, and plastic can easily break off from the base.

Fabric material

An important factor in choosing a reliable umbrella is the material of the dome. It is made from the following fabrics:

  • transparent umbrellanylon. This is the cheapest and not very high-quality option: thin fabric wears out at the points of contact with the knitting needles, gets dirty easily, and is prone to fading;
  • polyester. The material is quick-drying, does not shrink, and is colorfast;
  • pongee. More expensive material consisting of polyester with cotton. This is a waterproof, quick-drying fabric that is durable;
  • water-repellent satin. An expensive, specially treated variety of durable cotton fabric is used, allowing the outer surface of the canopy to dry quickly.

Important! When choosing an umbrella, read the information about the material, which is located on the label on the inside of the canopy.


An important criterion for choosing a folding umbrella will be the basic principle of its operation:

  • mechanical. This umbrella can only be opened and closed manually;
  • semi-automatic. Opening is done through a button, closes like a mechanical one;
  • auto. All processes are performed by pressing a button.

Important! The most durable design is an umbrella with a mechanical folding type. Strength and durability are ensured by the simplicity of its design.


The diameter of the dome starts from a circumference of 52 cm. The larger it is, the more protection it can guarantee. But it is clear that in this case the folding accessory cannot be very compact. When choosing a size, consider options that can protect not only your head from bad weather.


men's umbrellaWhen choosing give preference to the accessory that matches your clothing style. Business people choose models made in classic solutions in calm, subdued tones. Enthusiastic and romantic natures will opt for delicate shades, perhaps with prints, symbols or images. Girls love to choose bright, catchy accessories; mature people are more likely to purchase neutral, calm options.


In protection from rain, the shape of the umbrella plays the most direct role:

  • round, saucer-shaped - the most common version of folding accessories;
  • domed - perfectly protects the head, shoulders and upper body, usually found on a cane;
  • triangular, square, heart-shaped and other shapes are not always convenient varieties, but they are also in demand as an addition to a certain outfit.

Durability of service

If the umbrella is chosen correctly, this is not a guarantee that it will serve for a long time. For a long service life, you need to pay attention to its care.:

  • After coming into the room it needs to be dried. The best position for this is half-open; when open, the fabric is subject to excessive tension;
  • after drying, fold it and put it away for storage;
  • Clean the surface from time to time with a mild detergent or a solution of water and ammonia in a ratio of 10:1.

Recommendations for choosing a good umbrella

Open your umbrella and check the following:

  1. umbrella canethe fabric is stretched evenly and without sagging;
  2. the knitting needles are well secured in two or three places. Their number exceeds from 8 to 16;
  3. the seams are stitched with high quality, without tears or protruding threads;
  4. Check the operation of the mechanism by opening and closing the umbrella several times in a row. If it is not completely debugged, then this is a reason to choose another accessory.

Features of choosing men's and women's umbrellas

girl with umbrellaAn umbrella for a man can be a status accessory. It should be selected taking into account the method of transportation: if a young man gets to work by car, then you can pay attention to a durable and reliable cane, and if you use public transport, choose a folding model. When it comes to colors, men are usually conservative and prefer black, grey, brown, navy blue or a tartan accessory.

Women buy umbrellas of various shapes and colors, with decorations in the form of flounces on the edges, rhinestones, and unusual domes. Colors range from dark to light, all the way to white and silver.

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