How to choose a sun umbrella: for the beach, for the dacha, for a walk

When we talk about an umbrella, we usually mean protection from the rain. My memory immediately brings to mind the gloomy autumn days, the leaden gloom of the skies, the tedious dripping from above and the heavy fatigue spreading throughout the body.
However, even on a hot summer day you can’t do without an umbrella! In order not to darken your mood with sunburned skin and elevated temperatures, high-quality sun protection will come in handy. Such a thing will become a necessary item for the beach and cottage, and you will also need it for a walk.

How to choose a sun umbrella: for the beach, for the dacha, for a walk

REFERENCE. Oddly enough, the first umbrellas appeared as devices for protection from the sun's rays. And only later they acquired the function of protection from rain.

Initially, the products were made from leaves and bird feathers, so they created shade well and allowed a gentle breeze to cool the skin.

What should a beach umbrella be like?

Modern models differ from ancient charming items in their practicality and bright appearance. In order for an elegant item to please its owners for a long time, you should first of all pay attention to its frame. Exactly the strength of the structure will determine the service life.

to the beach

IMPORTANT! Plastic or aluminum spokes, of course, will make the construction easier. But any strong gust of wind can bend the dome or break the structure.

But repairing such things is quite problematic and expensive.


The best option would be durable steel knitting needles or a frame. flexible fiberglass. If such a design turns out, it will easily return to its original form.

It will be an excellent device a special mechanism that allows you to change the tilt of the dome and its rotation. This way, the owner of a portable canopy will not have to periodically rearrange the umbrella, following the scorching rays of the sun.



It would be nice to purchase a model with a stand. A small, lightweight bowl will not cause problems when carrying. But, filled with water, it will hold the entire device in place. And the owner will not have to bury the umbrella a meter into the sand.


The material of the dome also matters.

  • Product polyester Reliably protects from ultraviolet radiation and sudden rain. But on a calm day it will create an oven effect.
  • Ordinary satin the dome will block harmful ultraviolet radiation and allow access to fresh air. But it won’t save you from the rain!
  • And here satin fabric treated with special water-repellent impregnation, will solve all problems.


The color palette can be very diverse. But doctors believe that white color is not very suitable for such protection, as it transmits too much ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is better to purchase umbrellas of darker colors.

How to choose an umbrella for your garden

For small shading, for example, over a garden children's sandbox, you can install a regular beach model. But they are unlikely to be able to close a large area.

for the dacha

Therefore, it is better to purchase a full-fledged garden umbrella. The diameter of the dome of such a device reaches three meters, so the whole family can freely sit in the shade with a cup of tea or take a nap on the bed.

Features of a garden umbrella

Country designs suggest placing the umbrella stand in the center of the dome or on the side. In this case, the entire device is installed on a special console. The second option is preferable, as it allows you to install a table or a large bed under the dome.

ADVICE! If you plan to move such a canopy against the wall, then it is better to choose a rectangular option.

The base of the structure must be very stable. You should pay attention to this when choosing and purchasing a product.

country house

Otherwise, the choice is similar to a beach umbrella: stable arcs and polyester or acrylic. You can buy it for your dacha model with wooden frame. This will give the awning additional attractiveness, but will significantly affect the price.

Professional domes can easily withstand rain and even snow; such a purchase will serve faithfully for a very long time. Ordinary household umbrellas should be folded during natural disasters.

Women's sun umbrella: which one to choose

In principle, normal rain protection can be used. But for greater elegance, women often purchase a special lace umbrella to protect against the sun's rays. It will gracefully complement your wardrobe, protect from sun rays and heat, and help your skin maintain its softness.


Such devices differ in color and size, as well as in the possibility of folding.

IMPORTANT! The most convenient means of protection from the burning sun will be a cane umbrella: this design is the least susceptible to deformation.And for additional ventilation, it is better to buy a model with a special hole.

Large models will provide quality protection, but sometimes women use more compact options.

And the most important thing is that you like the umbrella and bring pleasure.

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