Why can't you open an umbrella indoors?

More than three thousand years ago, an invention appeared in the countries of the Ancient East, without which not a single modern person can imagine his existence. It was an item that, in addition to protecting the owner from the sun, demonstrated his high status and greatness. We are talking about what we all love an umbrella, which has undergone many changes and improvements over three thousand years, today is an indispensable accessory for almost every person, regardless of his position in society.

The fashion for umbrellas was brought to Russia by Peter I from Holland. And the name “umbrella” was derived from the Dutch “zonnedeck”, which means “canopy from the sun”, and later it was transformed into the generally accepted word “umbrella”.

As often happens, a hitherto unknown thing quickly began to acquire rumors and signs that related to a variety of situations, ranging from acquisition, choice of color, operating conditions and storage.Some of them came along with a new accessory from distant countries and times, and some have already appeared in Russia.


There are a huge number of taboos associated with an umbrella., which in no case should be violated, otherwise the violator will face big troubles. If not properly chosen or kept at home, it was considered a cause of bad luck and misfortune. There are especially many such signs associated with the ban on opening it in the house.

Is it possible or not to open an umbrella indoors?


Question “Is it possible to open an umbrella indoors” is not as simple as it seems. What prohibitions does it contain: you can’t open an umbrella or you can’t keep it open? And if the second is acceptable, then is it possible to bring home an open umbrella and leave it there in this condition?

What do signs and legends say about this?

You cannot open an umbrella under the roof! Such an action will bring upon the violator of the prohibition many different misfortunes and failures. This belief comes from ancient Rome. It is based on a legend according to which the vaults of one’s own house collapsed on the head of one of its residents after the latter accidentally opened an umbrella under her.


Keeping this accessory open in residential areas is also prohibited! It is believed that after this, the protector gods of both the home and outside world will turn away from you. This is due to the purpose of the umbrella to protect a person from inconvenience and the myth of the sun god Apollo, from whose rays the umbrella saved the ancient Romans. After all, its original task was to protect it from intense sunlight, heat and the troubles associated with them.

The umbrella opened indoors offended Apollo, because there is already little sun there, and they are also trying to hide from it.And the homely guardian spirits, believing that this item should protect people only from the outside, saw the opened accessory as a competitor and, angry at its presence, could do minor mischief to the owners of the house.

Where did this come from?

All these superstitions and signs have a practical basis related to the history of the modernization of the umbrella, changes in its appearance and materials of manufacture.

It took many centuries to make the umbrella the way we are used to seeing it today: safe, compact and lightweight. However, this was preceded by times when, if handled carelessly, it posed a danger to others. The reason for this was an imperfect opening mechanism and sharp, hard knitting needles, which could easily injure people nearby or damage the environment.

girl with umbrella

In addition, the open umbrella took up a lot of space and limited the free movement of residents, forcing the latter to walk around it along an inconvenient path. And if you remember what the ladies of that time wore, it becomes clear how difficult it was to do this.

Another reason was the material from which these items of ladies' wardrobe were made. Them The material used was natural fabric, which quickly deformed if stored and used improperly: it stretched, sagged, and formed holes. As a result, an umbrella stored in an open state lost its appearance and became unusable. And since this thing was not cheap, the blow to the budget was very noticeable. Here are the promised troubles for you!

How then to dry an umbrella in the house?

However, having gotten used to the idea that umbrellas are dried open, many are now racking their brains, deciding how to properly dry their favorite accessory without getting themselves into trouble.

This item is dried in a half-opened state, so that the knitting needles move freely from each other and the fabric has access to air. In an apartment, it is better to hang it on a special loop or hook in the bathroom. Then you will avoid puddles formed from dripping drops.


If this is a work office, then place the umbrella next to your outerwear or on a special stand.

To avoid damage to the product, it is not recommended to dry it:

  • near heating devices – the fabric becomes deformed;
  • when assembled, the spokes will rust;
  • in the case - mold and musty smell will appear;
  • on horizontal surfaces, the fabric will stretch and wrinkle.

As a rule, ancient signs that we are accustomed to trust without looking, andThey are based on warnings dictated by certain situations. All of them are based on real events that left their mark on further “rules of operation” or human behavior. Passed down from generation to generation, such restrictions were a kind of instruction. Over time, circumstances have changed, as have the things themselves. However, thanks to superstitions, there are reminders of a time when these objects were completely different and required special handling.


Who would have thought that our good old rain protector also managed to acquire myths and legends. In addition, it has become a source of centuries-old signs, and some of them, if you look at them, are not devoid of common sense.

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