Why can't you dry your umbrella closed?

Sooner or later, everyone who has been caught in the pouring rain thinks about buying an umbrella. However, it is not enough to make a purchase. The umbrella also needs to be properly stored and cared for. One of the key rules of care concerns drying. Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The most common mistake is when we leave a wet umbrella closed. It will dry out anyway! Don't do this!

Why can't you dry your umbrella closed?

Why is drying closed not allowed?

Often people don't bother to dry their umbrella after walking in the rain. Many people simply close it and hang it on a hook. Some people immediately put it away in the chest of drawers. This is precisely what may be the reason to soon go to the store for a new umbrella. There are three main reasons why this accessory is not recommended to be dried in its assembled state.


The first reason is rust.

Important! Due to the fact that moisture will be “locked” in the material itself, an unpleasant coating and rust may very soon form on the metal knitting needles.

It will interfere with the free movement of parts during further use.

This can quickly cause the umbrella to become unusable. And it’s also good if it doesn’t break at the most inconvenient time.

reasons to open an umbrella


The second reason is mold.

Important! Due to stagnant moisture, mold formation processes will also begin quite quickly.

This will be accompanied by a very unpleasant odor, and soon a coating will appear on the fabric.


This leads to the third reason - the rapid wear of the canvas.

Important! Due to such drying, the material will expire its resource several times faster than expected.

With such an attitude, the tissue will soon become ugly, saggy and flabby.

Do you want your purchase to serve you for a long time and reliably protect you from rain? Follow a few simple tips.

  • To avoid damaging your knitting needles, try not to walk into the wind with an open umbrella. Especially if the gusts are quite strong.
  • Follow the drying tips below, then you will not experience any problems while using it.

How to dry an umbrella correctly

Now that we've made it clear how not to dry your umbrella, it's worth considering the proper care methods. In fact, everything is extremely simple and logical.

how to dry

  • The first thing to do is thoroughly clean the accessory from moisture. This is done by opening and closing the canvas several times. It is better to do this before you enter the apartment.

Important! Etiquette also requires this. When entering a room with guests, a person must keep the umbrella, which has already been shaken off, in an assembled state.

  • The second step is to fold the fabric, but do not fasten it. Let the air flow freely circulate around the fabric, and the knitting needles remain in a free position.

Important! It is not worth carrying out the drying procedure in a completely disassembled state. Because in this case the canvas stretches and also quickly deteriorates.

  • Third step - place the accessory to a place where it will be sufficiently dry and ventilated. The corridor will be enough, the main thing is do not put it in a chest of drawers or closet. After half an hour or an hour has passed, you can open the umbrella and dry it for some more time. This way we will avoid the formation of rust on the spokes. After this, you can put away the accessory with peace of mind.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about drying an umbrella! If you do not neglect these simple tips, it will serve you for a long time! And you are provided with reliable protection from rain!

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