What is an umbrella?

The name of the accessory comes from the Dutch language, and the umbrella itself, known long before the advent of our era in ancient eastern civilizations, was brought to Russia by Peter the Great. What is it, what modern modifications do we know, and what are just emerging, read about it further.

What is an umbrella?

umbrellaThis is a mechanical accessory whose main function is protection from the weather, and sometimes from the sun.. The umbrella came to Europe from Asian countries, where it protected rich people from ultraviolet radiation. It was first used as protection from rain in England at the end of the 18th century.

Now the umbrella does not carry any semantic or political connotations. It is accessible to absolutely all segments of the population. As a necessary thing for life, it is worn by women, men, and children. Modern umbrellas have transformed into a small, convenient accessory that can be folded 2–5 times and fit in a small handbag.

What types of umbrellas are there?

There are various modifications of the opening-closing mechanism:

  • vintage umbrellaautomatic machine controlled via a button;
  • semi-automatic, which only opens by pressing a button;
  • mechanical, where all processes are performed manually.

According to their design, they are divided into canes and folding ones. The latter can have from two to five additions. The more of them an accessory has, the smaller its size.

Important! The cane umbrella remains a classic to this day. It is a durable design with a large, spacious dome.

A cane can serve a person for many years, but the modern pace of life forces one to opt for more compact accessories that can easily be placed in a bag and removed at the right time. Of course, such umbrellas break easily, canes are much more reliable, but carrying them with you is extremely inconvenient.

Modern types of umbrellas also include a double one for two people, connected at the base of the handle, as well as an asymmetrical and air umbrella with special designs that resist wind and bad weather.

What is an inverted umbrella?

In recent years, a model in the form of a cane with a reverse closing mechanism has become popular. In it, everything is done exactly the opposite, and this is exactly what turns out to be very convenient when boarding public transport or a personal car, when entering a house or subway. This seemingly ordinary accessory has several significant differences from others:

  • changelingaccording to the design of the working mechanism, it can be automatic, semi-automatic or mechanical, which is not typical for a cane;
  • a handle in the shape of the letter “C” made of plastic, which allows you to hook it on your hand and leaves the hand free;
  • dome with two layers of waterproof fabric;
  • the outer surface is black, the inner surface has some interesting pattern;
  • fiberglass spokes are hidden between the domes;
  • it resists the wind well, but with a very strong gust it bends and folds, but the spokes remain intact;
  • folded, stands perfectly on a hard surface, you can leave it like that to dry.

Important! With so many positive qualities, the umbrella has only one drawback: it is inconvenient to carry, but for motorists it is an excellent option.

Features of the reverse mechanism

The most interesting feature of this accessory is its ability to fold with the wet surface inward: neither you nor those around you will experience discomfort from a wet accessory, as happens during a downpour with a regular umbrella. When getting into a car, you can leave the smallest gap, fold an umbrella through it, pull it into the cabin and place it, for example, on a rubber mat near the passenger seat, without splashing the chair itself with raindrops. At the same time, it is controlled simply, but looks stylish.

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