What to do if your bra is deformed after washing

What woman doesn't love beautiful underwear! But sometimes an annoying nuisance occurs during washing, and the bra becomes deformed and loses its attractiveness. Many ladies believe that after this they can simply throw away the bra. No need to rush! It is possible to correct this defect.

What to do if your bra is deformed after washing

Possible consequences of washing

First of all, let's deal with defects that may arise as a result of washing. Depending on various reasons, these may be the following troubles.


  • problems with the bone: with active washing in the drum, it may lose its original shape, bend, and may damage the fabric of the product by appearing outside;

Attention! A bone that has jumped out of a bra can also lead to breakdown of the unit;

  • strap stretching − as a result, breast support is weakened, and this is harmful to health;
  • creases on the foam cup or deformationits edges; in the first case, the product may not return to its shape after washing, and in the second, the bra becomes noticeable under clothes.

How to fix a bra deformation

Do not immediately throw away the damaged item. Depending on the reason that led to this situation, you can use the following recovery methods.


A popped bone can be tuck it back in and carefully stitch up the damaged area. If the bone cannot be restored or has disappeared altogether, you can replace using a piece from an old bra or buying a new set of wires in the store.


If the straps are stretched, you can move the locking mechanism or replace . This will be a particularly suitable option for restoring a model with removable straps.



  • In order to straighten a crumpled cup, you should moisten it with water, straighten it, fill it with a dry cloth and put it on a pillow or a blanket rolled into a tight roll.
  • If only the edges were deformed, before drying, pull them effortlessly in different directions, as if smoothing them.

Important! When using the latter method, act especially carefully so as not to damage the delicate material.

How to wash a bra to keep it in shape

In order not to have to “conjure” your favorite linen, restoring its shape, it is better to try to avoid the unpleasant consequences of washing. To do this, just follow a few simple rules.

  • wash such delicate things lbest by hand;
  • if you prefer an automatic washing machine, then use special devices, for example, a special capsule for washing clothes.


You can also use a laundry bag.


  • don't wring out the laundry; if you do this manually, then it is enough to press the bra forcefully to the bottom of the empty basin so that excess water drains out, and when using automatic modes, set the drum speed to low speeds or use the delicate mode;
  • you need to put the bra in the drum of the machine must be zipped up;
    products with foam rubber Do not turn inside out before the procedure, otherwise, after washing, unsightly folds may remain on the front side.

Reviews and comments
WITH Svetlana:

Good afternoon. I ask you to help in the following situation, if, of course, you can or know how to do it. I searched the entire Internet and couldn’t find anything related to my question. I bought beautiful and expensive bras from an online store. But they don't fit. It is no longer possible to return them. As it turns out, bras can be remade with your own hands. In the first case, the foam cups themselves suit me, but their inclination does not suit my bodice structure. I want to turn them towards the armpits. And the distance between the cups is not enough for me. In the second case, the foam cups themselves are too big for me and the tilt is also not the right one. Is it possible to correct the position of the cups in the bust and how to reduce the bra cup? Thanks for the answer.


