Bra damage

A girl starts wearing a bra as a teenager, when her mammary glands just begin to enlarge, and remains faithful to it throughout her life. Sizes, shapes, styles change, but women consider it right to wear a bra every day from morning to evening. However, not everyone knows about the medical indications and contraindications for wearing a bra.

This article brings together the opinions of Russian and world doctors regarding the benefits and harms of this item of clothing. Read about them below.

Is it harmful to wear a bra?

bustRussian scientists say that wearing a bra is not harmful, but only if it is chosen correctly:

  • the straps do not cut into the trapezius muscle of the shoulder;
  • the belt (lower corset part) does not leave marks on the body;
  • The mammary gland from below and from the side is placed completely in the cup;
  • The bones of the product are located around the hemispheres of the chest, and not on top of them.

Important! Beware of purchasing bras that are smaller than what you need.There is an opinion that they better lift the breasts, making them seductive. This is wrong: the desired result is not always achievable, but the risk of losing health increases significantly.

Lymph flow worsens

the bra squeezes the breastsMany women wear a bra all day while they are on their feet, and there are those who don't even take it off at night. Constant impact on soft tissue, even minimal, leads to a slowdown of all physiological processes associated with the functioning of the lymphatic system.

The armpits are home to several lymph nodes. Their compression leads to deterioration and even stagnation of lymph, which provokes the accumulation of cell waste products here. Without movement, they release toxins that lead to allergies, hypertension and even slow-onset cancer.

Blood circulation slows down

Compression in the chest and mammary glands also leads to congestion in the circulatory system. The blood flow that delivers oxygen to the cells and transports carbon dioxide from them is disrupted. Stagnation of blood has a very negative effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels.. Being under constant pressure, the veins stretch and the walls of the vessels lose their elasticity. The pressure inside the arteries also increases. This will not lead to hypertension, but if a woman already suffers from it, the disease will worsen.

Important! Ladies who have symptoms of high blood pressure should be especially careful when choosing a bra. You need to purchase only products made from natural materials, selected taking into account all the above rules.

Increased risk of cancer

took off her braDisruption of the lymphatic and circulatory systems leads to stagnation, causing mastopathy. And this disease can become the basis for the development of neoplasms, including malignant ones.

Neurological problems

An incorrectly selected bra can cause numbness in the hands or decreased sensitivity. If the straps cutting into the body compress soft tissues and blood vessels, then the nerve fibers may also be damaged. The result appears at the end of the nerve chain - on the hands and fingers. Unfortunately, such processes are irreversible: mechanisms, once launched, can only be suspended, but not completely disabled.

Which busts are the most dangerous?

balconetteFrom all of the above, we can conclude that wearing a bra is dangerous in itself. However, if the product is selected in size, does not cause tissue compression, and is used for no more than 12 hours a day, the risk of developing ailments and diseases is significantly reduced.

It will be minimal when wearing a soft Comfort Bra type bra, which has very wide straps, stretchable fabric in the cup area and a wide belt at the bottom.. This style has no seams in the chest area and no underwires. There is only one drawback: the inability to wear Comfort bra under low-cut and open outfits.

But the trendy push-up, which gives the bust an ideal shape and compensates for insufficient volume, compresses the breasts and lifts them in an unnatural position from the point of view of female physiology. You can wear this model only occasionally, for a grand entrance.

An even more dangerous type of push-up is the balconette.. In fact, this is the same design, only without straps.It's great for off-the-shoulder outfits, but has a fairly snug fit in the waistband to keep it up and not slip down. It is in this area that the strongest compression is felt. Doctors advise using the balconette as little as possible to avoid health problems.

Important! When choosing a bra, give preference to models made from natural materials that are breathable and absorb moisture.

What do scientists say?

sconceAmerican scientists directly link the occurrence of breast cancer with wearing a bra. Moreover, the number of hours a woman spent with this piece of clothing on her chest is directly proportional to the number of cancer diseases in the country.

Russian researchers are confident that wearing a properly selected bra for no more than 12 hours a day in itself cannot be a provoking factor for the development of a malignant breast tumor, and urge that this issue be treated wisely.

But in some cases you can’t do without a bra:

  • during active sports;
  • if a woman has large and heavy breasts;
  • after breast surgery.

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