The phrase "bikini line" came into use with the spread of fashion for revealing swimsuits. Attention to this area of the body is a sign of the habit of taking care of yourself.
What is a bikini line?
If the bikini area means everything that is hidden from prying eyes under swimming trunks or underwear, then the bikini line is a kind of boundary, the violation of which is bad manners! Hair on private parts is natural and not at all ugly, unless they peek out from under their beach clothes. And curls sticking out from under lace underwear will not add to the appearance of attractiveness!
Interesting! The first experiments in intimate area hair removal were practiced in the ancient world, and throughout history, attitudes towards this issue have changed. One of the most ardent opponents of the fight against vegetation was the mother of the famous Queen Margot, Catherine de Medici. The despotic queen personally checked whether her ladies-in-waiting were violating her ban on shaving famous places. But you could decorate them with ribbons, beads and even gild them any way you wanted!
Where is the cherished border?
There, where does the exposed part of the body begin?. For lovers of minimalist swimsuits and panties, the bikini line will be closer to the intimate than for connoisseurs of slips or shorts. Depending on this, there are different types of bikinis:
- classic - hair is removed only along the line of linen, the rest remains. When practicing an intimate haircut for the first time, it is better to choose the classic option - irritation easily occurs in areas with particularly delicate skin;
- medium - differs from the classic by partial removal and from the remaining area under the cover: a curly haircut is performed;
- Brazilian - almost all hair is removed, with the exception of a narrow and short strip along the genital slit;
- French – only a stripe remains on the pubic area;
- Hollywood (total) – absolutely all hair below the waist is removed.
Important! The debate on whether such a procedure is useful or not has not yet been settled. Some authoritatively claim to get rid of the source of infection, since hair tends to collect “traces of vital activity.” Others remind us of the protective properties of hair, invented by nature itself.
What does the ideal bikini line look like?
The main requirement remains well-groomed - “stubble” is unacceptable! It is also important to monitor the condition of the skin, which is too thin and vulnerable in intimate places. The bikini line should be free of:
- irritation (most often from dull razors);
- overgrown “stumps”;
- ingrown hairs - if you notice this, you should change shaving to sugaring;
- inflamed tubercles.
Advice! Preliminarily taking a warm shower and aftershave products with antiseptics will help you avoid the costs of beauty.