Why men stopped wearing underpants

I heard my mother-in-law and a friend discussing, or rather condemning, modern fashion. Not everything is to their liking, and ladies doubt the practicality of many things. And they are also perplexed: why don’t young people wear underpants in the cold? And where can you find them today, the real long johns that almost everyone wore in their youth?

Why men stopped wearing underpants

What kind of underpants were worn in the past?

Even if you have never seen this item of men's clothing, you will not doubt its purpose. This is the clothing that men wore under their trousers.. That’s why “underpants” got such a name. Another variant, borrowed from European languages, has also taken hold - “underpants”.

long johns are a thing of the past

Reference. Over their long history, underpants have been made of linen and leather, calico, wool and knitted fabric.

The cut of the long johns was also different. At first they were quite wide, but gradually came to a tight model. This style allowed them to be invisible under trousers.

Long johns were sewn in two versions: short (behind the knee) and long (along the entire length of the leg).

The blue or beige products that today's grandmothers remember, of course, did not have a completely “masculine” appearance due to their color. However, they were a mandatory attribute of the winter wardrobe of the stronger sex. This is understandable, the winters were much harsher, and without additional insulation it was bad.

blue long johns

The underpants coped well with their main task: keeping them warm during the cold season. Elastic cuffs in the form of a wide elastic band helped to retain heat, holding the trouser leg in place and preventing it from riding up.

Why are underpants out of favor among modern men?

These days, not all men have classic long johns. Young people are especially skeptical about them. Well, of course, they think that long johns don’t go well with brutality!
And this is how they most often explain their disdain for “underpants”:

  • Winter is not so cold, many people have personal cars, and they don’t have to wait long for public transport. That's why no need for additional insulation.
  • For cold weather you can choose special insulated jeans or trousers. They are lined with fleece and keep you warm in cold weather.
  • In the last century, many men in the enterprise changed their clothes at work. Today there are many who do not change clothes at work. In an office or office the temperature is comfortable, but with underpants it’s not just warm, but even hot. And overheating is no less harmful to the body than hypothermia.

What modern underpants have become

But also Today there are many men who continue to wear underpants. True, they prefer to call them thermal underwear.Manufacturers use natural and synthetic fibers to make it. Such products have many advantages.

thermal underwear

  • Clothing intended for the bottom layer is light, thin and elastic. It does not restrict movement and is not visible under clothing.
  • Thermal underwear maintains a comfortable body temperature well.
  • In such underwear the body breathes rather than sweats. The material does not absorb sweat and does not get wet. Drops of moisture fall on the surface of the fabric and evaporate, leaving the skin dry.
  • The creators of thermal underwear offer customers various models designed for different types of outdoor activities, walking or everyday use.

The appearance of modern underpants has also changed. Now these are no longer blue long johns, but clothes in elegant gray or dark shades, called thermal underwear.

thermal underwear

My mother-in-law calmed me down. Her son, like any reasonable man today, does not have to be convinced to put on his “underpants.” Women just have to choose the right model. And even self-confident youths realize that a chilled man does not look courageous.

Do your men wear underpants?

Reviews and comments


M mask:

Nonsense, we wear underpants when it’s cold. And they are on sale, I used to wear them often, but now it’s warm and there’s no point in wearing them. Approximately minus 10 is necessary even when you know that you will be outside for a long time.

M Mikhalych:

When I was young, I was embarrassed to put on underpants: “What if I get lucky and have to undress, and I’m in this beige and blue glamor”
However, the sweatpants partially saved me.

V Vint:

Previously, in the 70-80s, it was completely inconvenient to wear long johns. In my opinion, rarely did any of the boys wear them - many made do with tights.
The long johns looked exactly like underwear, that is, in the most disgusting way - either white or “pale-faded” colors, “fashionable” in those days.
I still had to put it on, because it was cold in tights. It was scary to change in the locker room in front of everyone. Naturally, I didn’t like physical education. I was playing truant.
And also, when I was in the 6th grade, I had appendicitis. Before the operation, the nurse said: “Take off your underpants.”
I told her: “I don’t have panties under them.”
She: “But they are not needed.”
It was terribly embarrassing then.
Well, at the age of 17, when I started dating my first girlfriend, I was also ashamed of my underpants. So that my friend wouldn’t notice, at first I took them off along with my pants at the same time. Getting dressed is even more difficult. He went to the bathroom to get dressed. Then only a couple of months later, when they began to live together, the “secret” was revealed by itself.
My friend, of course, was kidding me. And her mother, for fun, called the long johns “salsonchiki.”
In modern times - it’s simpler - there are always black long johns on sale, moreover, without any long john “signs” (colors, flies, and loop strips at the bottom of the legs).
Quite normal appearance. In some long johns you can even go out into the entrance, and no one will guess - they will think that you are wearing tights.

M Maksim:

In winters like these, underpants are simply unnecessary. Previously, by the way, I preferred army long johns for the winter (back then in our area it could be -30 in the winter). In recent years there have been enough cowards. I hardly even use warm socks.

D Dmitriy:

And I always wear underpants. And never trousers

P Pensioner:

Rewind another fifty years or more. The trousers were cloth. You can't go without underpants. Even in summer. Then, when more or less dense cotton fabrics for trousers appeared, underpants became only insulation. And indeed, in the seventies, when cotton knitted sweatpants appeared in abundance, they were used as underpants. Well, now it all depends on the weather. And in my opinion no one is ashamed of anything anymore

WITH Sergey:

Hmm... I see this topic in another aspect, why young people stop wearing pants and walk around in their underpants. What they put on was in our time worn as underpants

M Myrzabulat-Afghan:

Army white calzones and undershirts are the invention of the century. This is hygiene, this is cleanliness and warmth. But now you can’t find them. They were both winter and summer. And modern thermal underwear is junk, it doesn’t absorb any sweat or smell. I’m already old , at one time I had to freeze a lot, I live in cold regions, so downstairs I wear light, thin trousers with batting, like cotton ones, but not wadded ones. In the summer I narrow them down in the studio, carefully alter them, it’s not noticeable at all. But it breathes freely, everything is cotton, not noticeably excellent! Comfort!

WITH Sergey Vladimirovich:

“...there are many men who continue to wear underpants. True, they prefer to call them thermal underwear..."
I wear it. And with pleasure. But I prefer to call them not underpants, long johns or thermal underwear, but in the original Russian way - UNDERWEAR.

WITH Sonya:

There are a lot of men I know from work, aged from 20 to 40. Due to the nature of the work, I often have to use various transport: the metro, personal transport, public ground transport and even just on foot.
Absolutely everyone wears thermal underwear at temperatures from +5 and below. Underpants to the ankles and always the upper part with sleeves. I’m already silent about the fact that they are completely calm about two or three pairs of socks on their feet at the same time.
Well, with schoolchildren and students, in my opinion, the main thing was always appearance and beauty, and not warmth and comfort.

F Phil:

Because the rooms have become warmer due to new materials and technologies, and wearing underpants all day in a warm room is torture and is not very useful for bells and whistles. And all those who work in the “field” still use underpants and even the word “strip” is used.

G Galina Nikolaevna:

Now the climate is warming. But in the North, it is advisable to warm yourself.
There is no need to earn yourself unnecessary pain. This is a more plausible version of the answer. All.

M Myrzabulat-Afghan:

This is the problem with “new materials and technologies”. Now we have switched to clothes lined with centipone. I think this is a tragedy. We especially dress children in everything artificial. Jacket, pants, shoes, everything is made of centipon, the child sweats, steam comes out of him when he enters the kindergarten. from the locomotive, no one dries, then they say he caught a cold. And the worst thing is that he is guaranteed to have prostatitis. This also applies to adults, on a construction site, in the cold, he has completely synthetic clothes. Perhaps it is not noticeable in his younger years, but as he ages, everything will come up. Therefore, to the Minister It’s time for light industry to tackle this problem - to try to dress the people in everything natural, to make wider use of cotton textiles, natural cotton or wool lining, cloth materials, animal skins and felt and leather shoes. There is a wonderful example of the Siberian peoples using shoes made of deer skin. Such shoes never get wet and no one in the world makes them. We have a good program by A. Vasilyev “Fashionable Sentence”, that’s where these issues can be considered. We have wonderful designers, let them also take part in this issue. I’m wrong.

IN Vyacheslav:

And they are not shy about walking in fashion - in torn jeans and big holes in the knees. Sometimes even in winter it can be seen on some men and more women. And now young people wear such tapered trousers, and even short ones at the bottom, so that their white socks can be seen, just like bad young people. Those with such crooked legs look especially good. Well, just look at it – you’re not just admiring it)))))).

WITH Sergey:

I’ve been wearing it before and now – it’s a habit I’ve had since the army.

D Oak Broom:

the answer is as simple as 2x2 - due to universal motorization. In Sovka, automobilization was proceeding at a crooked angle. Why did they wear long johns in winter?
1) About half of the families had wheelbarrows, but by no means all.
2) Very few people in a family would have two cars. Speculators, nimble hackers and nomenklatura. The latter rarely went out into the field or among the people and did not stick around for a long time in the cold.
3) the cars were unreliable; only active people, or masters of their craft with an already settled way of life, drove them to work.
It turned out that the bulk, more than half of the population, went to work on weekdays under their own power, using public transport.
If you agree with this, then at minus 10C (and this is just the warm-up of winter in Russia) without long johns for more than half an hour is not comfortable. You get used to the stump, but why torture yourself and get fluid in your kneecap in old age? Moreover, after work you don’t always aim to go home, sometimes you hang out in the city. Then in normal frost of 20 an hour or two you will freeze. Those. If you didn’t want to look like a February sparrow, you’d better put on your underpants.
Now? From home to a car, from a car to work. After work, also in a car. Not like long johns, a sweater is not always needed. In the USA there is even a kind of coat – it’s called a cardigan. The coat is short, like a pea coat, and covers the butt and the upper part of the thighs, so that the salmon does not stick to the cold seat. And it is quite enough.
I myself foolishly didn’t wear long johns until I was 30 until someone advised me: “Are you showing off? Well, well, when by retirement your knees hurt and the water is gurgling, you’ll be showing off.” As I remember now, I thought – the man is right, why do I need problems, why bother with my nose and show my resistance to frost?
I make a living by pulling trucks, but minus 5 I wear long johns. Sometimes you can’t get out of the cabin, but sometimes at -30 o’clock you push the load out, or you stand and wait for the lift to roll up. I don’t wear it on weekends. It's warm in the car.

IN Vladimir:

come to Siberia and try to live at least one winter!

M Myrzabulat-Afghan:

tell me, at least one day.

IN Vyacheslav:

Yes, I wear them, but not underpants, but tights;) I’ve been wearing them since the eighties of the last century.

D Zen Cosmonauts:

In cool weather, wear tights or tight leggings under trousers. Branded thermal underwear is very expensive, but you can’t see much of a difference.

IN In and:

Because they don't need eggs...

E Elena:

Sorry, but the article is completely stupid, every man decides for himself what to wear

G gims:

Moscow office hamsters have no need for them, but drillers from Surgut have just the thing

M men's tights:

Author, make 2 holes in your bra, insert lenses there and put the bra on your head. Then write a new article: “why women wear underwear incorrectly”

IN Vitaly Konstantinovich:

Countess, think about why we don’t even wear galoshes. And they were very useful shoes. The men stopped wearing boots and foot wraps. And it was all very convenient depending on the weather. Apparently global warming has had an effect.

M Max:

Only a couple of people here gave a clear answer.
Nowadays the fashion is for jackets and short coats. And women, by the way, continue to wear long ones. And they do it right. Prostatitis and adenoma are the main scourge of men's health. Warm underwear is a must.
You can't buy health in old age.

G geonic:

Because they started wearing tights))))

G geonic:

In general, you don’t really need anything in the city, even in winter; transport, thank God, is good. Well, maybe when it gets down to -20 and it’s not easy to get there. Well, an important reason is that it is somehow not customary for men to change clothes in offices; there are neither conditions nor opportunities for this.

E Evgen:

I wore it, I wear it and I will wear it. And all my friends wear them too. The author seems to have come from the tundra...))) and the underpants are sold everywhere, in stores, at markets, the asking price is from 300 rubles.

TO Konstantin:

I remember my mother was also raving about the idea of ​​thermal underwear, she constantly bought it for me and praised it, but I was always hot in it and mad, so the underpants still lie lonely on the shelf.
It seems that all women, especially older ones, are somehow disturbed by this super-valuable idea. However, as one doctor told me, there has never been a single case in history where a man froze his balls off. Legs, arms, please, but no eggs, because there are a lot of blood vessels there, nature is smarter than grandmothers with their thermal underwear.

IN Vladimir:

In 1985, there were 45 cars per 1,000 inhabitants. Public transport worked extremely poorly. By the time you get to work, you'll be freezing.

A Aleksandr Vladimirovich:

And the Russian name for underpants is trousers. Laundries for soldiers' underwear were called porto-washes.

A andresweet:

And now they wear them, calling them tights. Either they put on sweatpants, or thermal underwear, which really look like old-fashioned underpants.

M Maksim:

I wear tights - very comfortable.

M mufasail:

Remember the Ural dumplings show “Grandma has arrived”? So, go to the cemetery, walk around, read the inscriptions on the graves and immediately decide whether you will wear underpants, tights, long johns, thermal underwear or something else, such as “quilted pants” or not!!!



E Evgenia:

My husband also wore long johns. They are not very comfortable, they stretch and lose their shape over time, and they crumple under jeans. I bought him women's winter leggings with fur. He was delighted! Soft, warm, fit perfectly and are not noticeable at all under jeans! When I bought it, I asked the seller to find me a size XXL. She looked me up and down and said that they would be too big for me. I say: this is for my husband, under jeans. And standing next to me was a grandmother, about 70 years old. Having heard our conversation, she came up and said: give me a pair, otherwise my grandfather took all my tights instead of underpants!


MAX, prostatitis ends in -it. This means inflammation. This means that microorganisms have got there. It turns out that without underpants the “infection” entered the prostate, but without underpants the “infection” will not get there. And what does the cold have to do with it? “Infection” does not live in the cold!!!

TO Konstantin:

Nowadays, young men not only don’t consider it necessary to pull up their underpants, but even in the cold winter they walk around with bare chests or lower backs. Such fashion! And the author did not write that previously feldekos and feldepers fabric were used for this purpose. It was considered gorgeous!

AND Igor:

Because it’s hot in the subway and at work in underpants, it’s inconvenient or reluctant to change clothes. When you really need it, they wear it.

M Maksim:

Recently I wore sweatpants under my jeans once. This is terribly inconvenient! I don’t regret that I switched to tights under jeans a long time ago.

AND Ivan:

Yes, no one actually wore them in Soviet times. There was a thing before the revolution, but it was the 19th century, not the 20th.
So the lady who asked “why” is simply mentally ill.

M Man:

You can get prostatitis even when swimming in not very warm water in the summer! And if we consider this issue, then we definitely need thermal underwear! There is another way out - this is a long warm jacket to the middle of the thigh + insulated jeans. But it is worth considering that such a set of clothes can be worn up to -7, then you can wear regular jeans and tight long johns! That's it, problem solved!

P kid:

I don't wear trousers or jeans at all! I always wear only underpants, or they’re like tights now. Totally cool with sneakers and a short puffy jacket!


