Why is it not profitable to buy cheap lingerie?

Lingerie is of particular importance for the weaker sex. It can seriously affect self-esteem, external attractiveness and mood. In addition, beautiful lingerie helps a woman feel confident, desirable and sensual. At retail outlets we are offered a wide selection of models to suit every taste and income. But is it worth saving on such things by purchasing items at a minimum cost?

Why is it not profitable to buy cheap lingerie?

Many ladies believe that since the lingerie is hidden from human eyes, there is no need to fork out the cash. But that's not true! An unsuccessful model can not only disfigure you, but also harm your health. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What disappoints you with cheap underwear

Without a doubt, it can be argued that an item purchased at the lowest price significantly saves your budget. And instead of one expensive item, you can buy several inexpensive ones. But this is beneficial only at first glance. Disappointed with an unsuccessful purchase, a woman is looking for a replacement. So actually costs will only increase. And this happens for several reasons.

cheap lingerie

Low quality material

Cheap fabric is not only wears out quickly, which shortens the service life, which means you will have to pay for new things more often.

Violation of sanitary standards

The production conditions of these things also force us to abandon models with an attractive price. Typically, such products end up on the shelves from Chinese underground workshops, where sanitary production standards are not observed. And as a result, the fabric can lead to skin irritations.

Susceptibility to deformation

Due to the use of low-quality materials, the linen quickly loses shape.


This is especially true for bras, to which ladies have high demands. Instead of being happy with a bargain every time, you will have to put aside the cheap model and replace it with a more reliable one.

Discomfort when using

Low-quality fabric does not allow air to pass through well and does not allow the body to breathe, and also rubs the skin. When wearing such underwear, a woman feels uncomfortable. It’s difficult to get rid of this feeling; there can be no talk of any confidence!

discomfort from a cheap bra

Reference! In order for a woman to feel comfortable, the material from which the underwear is made must be sufficiently elastic.

This especially applies to bras, because women’s breasts, without proper support, which should be provided by fittings and fabric, are pulled back under their own weight.

So, having saved once, you will most likely soon be forced to pay for the purchase of linen again! Or maybe it’s better to immediately buy a higher-quality kit, despite the fact that it costs more?

Signs of quality linen

In order to choose comfortable, safe and high-quality underwear, you should pay attention to several parameters.


how to choose quality underwear

The fabric from which the products are made is can be either natural or with the addition of synthetics.

Suitable options made from natural materials would be cotton, linen, atlas And silk.

The most suitable additives for providing elasticity to linen are: polyamide, elastane, spandex and lycra.


You should make sure that the items you buy are fully consistent with your size. For example, A large bra should have deep cups, they will cover the hemispheres of the chest well. And also quite wide straps that will provide good support.


Quality of work

  • pay attention to no rough seams, which can rub delicate skin.
  • Will speak in favor of the acquisition seam quality And no protruding threads.
  • The top elastic should not be too tight. Otherwise, it will excessively tighten the body, creating unpleasant or painful sensations and injuring the skin.


Check the straps for stretch. When stretching the strap of a quality bra should quickly return to its original shape. If this does not happen, it means that they will quickly stretch and you will have to give up the bra.



Poor quality will be indicated by appearance or tactile sensations. For example, The underwires of a quality bra should not be felt when putting it on.


When choosing a model, you should give preference to metal fittings. It will remain reliable in use for much longer.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether to buy cheap or expensive underwear, but shouldn’t you think about how the savings will turn out?

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