How is thermal underwear different from regular underwear?

Thermal underwear refers to lower (underwear) clothing, which, being located directly on the human body, creates favorable conditions for his existence.

In former times, such underwear was worn only by people leading an active lifestyle: athletes, travelers, hunters, fishing enthusiasts. It provided a comfortable body temperature and removed moisture under any climatic conditions.

thermal underwear for children

Nowadays, thermal underwear has become so popular that now everyone prefers it, a person who loves practical and comfortable clothes.

How is thermal underwear different from regular underwear?

thermal underwear

Having excellent ability to store heat between skin and fabric, Thermal underwear retains heat as much as possible. To choose underwear that will save your body from hypothermia, overheating, remove moisture and give a feeling of comfort, pay attention to its properties.

regular underwear

Thermal underwear, unlike regular ones:

  • will protect against heat loss and keep you warm you due to the air gap between the body and clothing formed by special weaving of the material. Such things are suitable for residents living in areas with a cool and cold climate, as well as inactive, constantly freezing people, provided they choose proportionate things for the favorable implementation of thermoregulation between the skin and clothing;
  • removes excess moisture (sweat) from the skin, reducing heat loss from the body. Heating between the body and the synthetic fabric, the air passes through the non-hygroscopic material, simultaneously carrying away the resulting moisture and leaving the clothes completely dry. This function makes thermal underwear optimal for use by people with active physical activity or those who suffer from heavy sweating;
  • maybe at the same time retain heat and remove moisture (hybrid thermal underwear). Here, manufacturers used the option of two-layer clothing. The first layer of fabric located near the body is made of synthetics, it removes moisture. The second one is made of wool, cotton or mixed, absorbs moisture while retaining heat.

Are you planning to play sports or work hard outside in the cold? Wear underwear made from synthetic fibers such as polyester, rayon, acrylic or polypropylene. Linen made from such materials allows moisture to pass through, dries quickly and retains heat well. You won't freeze, the manufacturers guarantee!

thermal underwear

If you cannot lead an active lifestyle or constantly suffer from the cold, purchase underwear made from natural fabrics for everyday wear: cotton or various types of wool with a minimal synthetic content. Practical, breathable underwear will wick away moisture, retain heat and create comfortable conditions for you in any climate.

How to choose thermal underwear?

If there is a demand for a product, small firms begin to produce it in huge quantities, unsuccessfully copying brands of well-known brands, and attracting consumers with an affordable price. Many of us, making purchases intuitively, end up purchasing fake consumer goods, shelling out considerable sums for them.

thermal underwear

When choosing thermal items, pay attention to:

  1. Branded packaging. Well-known brands specializing in the production of thermal underwear never skimp on packaging.
  2. Fabric structure. To create high-quality thermal indicators of a fabric, its composition must certainly contain wool fibers in a large percentage. Such clothes do not need frequent washing and will serve you for a long time, keeping you warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather.
  3. Material properties. He must be perfectly smooth and does not irritate the skin.
  4. The structure of the weave of threads. To ensure a comfortable body temperature in any weather conditions, choose a fabric with a voluminous, cellular weave.
  5. Neat tailoring. When purchasing, pay special attention to the seams. They should not be noticeable on the skin.
  6. Stylish look. Underwear, like outerwear, should look modern, aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

Is there any point in buying thermal underwear or can you get by with regular ones?

to buy or not to buy?

Our contemporaries, who actively enjoy all the benefits of civilization, are able to actively change the existing rules and established canons in wearing underwear. Therefore, thermal underwear is gradually gaining new positions in fashion. It ceases to be entirely underwear, becoming universal.

Such practical, beautiful, hygienically favorable things that fit perfectly on the figure adorn people who value comfort and convenience.Nowadays, functional underwear is worn at home, to work, to school, for walks, and for sports.

With thermal underwear you are not afraid of either frost or heat


If you have carefully read this article, we think that you will definitely want to check and experience the effectiveness of wonderful thermal underwear for yourself. Just choose it according to its intended purpose: by size, season, and depending on the type of activity. Don't hesitate, you will like it!


Are you a fan of regular underwear and don’t see the point in changing your wardrobe? It is your right. Although without such a significant for an active adult, teenager or child, It is difficult to imagine a modern person as a universal thing. These people are less hypothermic, do not overheat, and do not get colds.

Let new modern clothes appear among your things, which will give you the pleasure of cozy warmth and a wonderful feeling of dryness in any weather.

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