How to choose thermal underwear for skiers?

Thermal underwear is a necessary component for active sports such as skiing, running, and extreme sports. In order to choose the right thermal underwear for mountain or cross-country skiers, you need to take into account a lot of factors. The information presented in this article can help with this.

The principle of “assembling” a ski suit

People who engage in winter sports cannot do without warm equipment. It serves to provide the following functions:

  • skierensuring the most comfortable temperature for the body;
  • absorption of excess moisture from the body, the so-called hygroscopic property of fabric;
  • wind protection;
  • protection from snow.

In order to achieve a combination of all these effects, layering of clothing is used. The layers must go in a certain sequence:

  1. The first layer is put on the body and is directly thermal underwear, which provides reliable protection from the cold.
  2. The second layer is insulation.
  3. On top, wear those clothes that can protect the human body from moisture from the outside, that is, from snow or rain. The choice of outerwear depends on the type of sport and on individual needs and preferences.

Options for choosing thermal underwear for a skier

In order to choose high-quality and correct thermal underwear with appropriate operating conditions, you should consider the following parameters:

  • skiersthe material from which it is made;
  • what kind of physical activity the person will bear;
  • the temperature at which the laundry will be used;
  • styles and cuts;
  • size.


When choosing products, it is necessary to take into account the temperature conditions at which it will be operated. This can be done relatively, because firstly, Each person reacts differently to cold, and secondly, the temperature can change in a completely unpredictable way during one day.

Manufacturers of this type of clothing distinguish 4 categories:

  • the lightest type, which is designed exclusively to remove excess moisture from the body and is used in the summer season at temperatures from 0 to +200 C – cool, outdoor;
  • one that is used during the off-season and can withstand temperatures from -10 to +100 C degrees - zero extreme, thermo line;
  • sets that are used in winter and contain natural wool fibers are capable of retaining heat at temperatures from -25 to -50 C - wool soft, warm;
  • The warmest underwear, characterized by its special density and two-layer structure, can withstand temperatures down to -300 C – extra warm.


In the manufacture of thermal underwear, the following types of fibers, both natural and artificial, are used:

  • kitssheep wool or cashmere - these materials provide not so much heat-protective properties as tactile comfort and the effect of removing moisture;
  • cotton provides antistatic, environmentally friendly, tactile comfort, but at the same time it excessively accumulates moisture, which gives the feeling of wet underwear on the body;
  • polypropylene is ideal for thermal underwear, as it has the highest water-repellent properties, that is, it always remains dry;
  • polyester (polyester) imparts moisture-repellent properties in combination with maintaining a comfortable body temperature;
  • silver-plated or bacteriostatic threads that can slow down the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Besides, It is worth considering that most products of this kind use a combination of different fibers.

Important! For children's thermal underwear, the amount of natural materials should be at least half of the composition. Otherwise, the child’s body may react inadequately to low temperatures with exclusively synthetic fabrics.

What should be the thickness of the material?

It would not be entirely correct to classify products by material thickness. More precisely, we talk about the presence and number of microscopic holes (pores) through which moisture is removed. That is, when mentioning the thickness of a material, one should talk about its specific gravity.

Important! Thin fabrics have properties such as maximum moisture removal. Whereas thicker ones retain heat better.

Choosing clothes

When choosing a set of such special underwear for yourself, you must take into account all its components, from headdress to underwear.


girl in a ski suitA balaclava, or as it is also called a balaclava, serves to reliably protect the head and part of the face from exposure to moisture, cold and wind. The design of such a product is carefully thought out, eliminating the presence of seams in order to prevent discomfort and chafing.. The balaclava is designed to cover not only the head, but also the neck to shoulder level. But, despite this design, it is convenient to turn your head in it, that is, nothing restricts movement.


Thermal underwear is made taking into account all anatomical features and at the same time allows you to comfortably perform active movements. Flat seams are located along the fold lines of the body to prevent pinching and chafing. Fabrics provide reliable protection from the cold (some models can withstand up to -400 C) and moisture removal.


Longsleeves, or otherwise long-sleeved T-shirts, can be used both in the summer-spring and autumn-winter periods. Most products are made using seamless technology to eliminate the slightest discomfort when performing physical activity.


Pants (tights, long johns) are made taking into account ergonomic requirements, since the legs are the most mobile part of the athlete’s body, and this requires a certain freedom of movement.


Overalls are made in the form of clothing that combines pants and a vest, that is, without sleeves. This item is recommended for working in damp and cold conditions, preventing hypothermia and getting the body wet.

Features of choosing thermal underwear for a skier

go skiingIn order for a skier to choose the right underwear, it is necessary to take into account such factors as: the purpose of the item, taking into account the type of physical activity and sports, style, gender and price category.

Which model is better?

When choosing a model for skiers, it is important to take into account the fact that it has three layers. The lower layers are designed to protect against the effects of cold, while the top repels excess moisture.

Important! If we talk about the thickness or specific gravity of the linen, then it is better to choose models with average indicators.

Difference between men's and women's suits

There is no fundamental difference in most things included in the thermal underwear class between men's and women's. Perhaps, gender differences are observed only in underwear, that is, panties.

The remaining models fit the unisex classification.

What cost should I aim for?

The cost depends not only on the specific item, but also on the materials from which it is made and on the brand of the manufacturer. The price range is quite significant. So the cost of a thermal T-shirt can range from 500 to 11 thousand rubles.

Subtleties of professional suits

The entire variety of thermal underwear can be classified according to purpose, that is, into categories such as:

  • family of skierseveryday wear;
  • practicing sports such as running, skiing, snowboarding;
  • extreme sports.

For extreme sports, you should choose the type of underwear that is made exclusively from syntheticsto retain its properties for a long time.

But for sports training, outdoor running, including active skiing, those things that have mixed fibers are suitable. That is, wool or cotton is added to synthetic fabric.

Athletes will be quite comfortable in such things for 6-8 hours.

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