How to fold men's underpants?

Order in the house means order in the head. This expression is absolutely true and applies equally to all things in the house, in particular to the wardrobe. Underwear, as one of the smallest and most lost items of clothing, is quite difficult to store. In a man's closet, clutter is a frequent guest, so special attention should be paid to the proper organization of men's underwear. How to do this in the most convenient way - read on.

Ways to fold men's underpants

Proper storage of underwear is not only a significant saving of space on the shelf. If you fold things neatly and carefully, they will retain their neat appearance much longer and will serve you much longer. Panties that are not thrown haphazardly, but beautifully folded in the closet, will allow you not to waste precious time on long preparations and searches. Let's look at the most convenient ways to fold men's underwear.


The first method is best suited for rectangular panties such as loose “family” models.To fold them into a neat square, place the laundry on a flat surface with the elastic facing away from you and follow these steps:

  • squarefold the sides so that you get a rectangle with approximately equal angles;
  • then fold the lower part up, but do not reach the level of the waist a little;
  • fold the top part with the elastic down;
  • tuck the bottom fold under the elastic waistband. Ready!

This option is ideal, for example, for storing laundry vertically in a box. The squares will not unfold and do not take up much space on the shelf.

With a straw

strawThis is the classic and easiest method, suitable for any model of panties. It is perfect not only for home storage, but also for compact transportation in luggage. To do this, bend the bottom of the panties upward so that the groin area coincides with the top line of the elastic band (that is, fold it approximately in half along a horizontal line). Next, simply roll the item into a tube starting from one of the sides.


This option is a little more complicated than a regular straw. However, it is much more convenient in the sense that it will not unfold and ruin the order in the closet or luggage bag. To roll this roll, you need:

  • rollerTurn the elastic inside out about 3–5 cm;
  • Fold your panties into thirds. To do this, alternately bend the sides towards the center to make three layers;
  • smooth out the resulting rectangle and roll it tightly from bottom to top;
  • Pull the upper folded edge of the belt onto the resulting package.

As a result, you should get a tight roller that will not unwind until you remove the stretched elastic band on top.


The method of folding an envelope is similar to the method of folding napkins.It is not as convenient as a square, since there is a high probability of underwear unfolding when looking for the necessary panties. Tip: Do not stack envelopes on top of each other. Give preference to overlapping storage, then you can get the necessary thing without disturbing the order.

The method itself is as follows:

  • place the panties with the elastic band facing away from you;
  • fold the bottom part up so that the edge is exactly on the top line of the belt;
  • then bend both side parts one by one towards the center so that an even square is formed;
  • turn the product over and place it in the closet.


Plastic bag

This option is suitable for rectangular panties. Fold the panties in half along a vertical line so that the seams on the sides completely match. Then rotate them 90 degrees so that the waistband and bottom are on the left and right, rather than top and bottom.

Fold the top edge down exactly in half to create a long rectangle. Next, fold the product in half again vertically. The result will be a small rectangle or square.

plastic bag


The method is quite complex, but takes up very little storage space. Do the following:

  • place your panties with the elastic band facing you;
  • turn the belt 2-3 times, creating a kind of tourniquet. Please note: part of the groin area should remain untwisted;
  • turn the panties over so the back is on top;
  • fold the side parts one by one towards the center;
  • Place the remaining unfolded part of the linen on top of the sides;
  • As a result of these actions, a “pocket” should form, through which the package should be turned three times. Use your thumbs placed in the crease. All is ready.

At first glance, these manipulations look quite complicated, so we advise you to try to do this yourself and experiment.After 2-3 attempts you will succeed perfectly.

How to fold panties for a gift?

panties as a giftIt is recommended to give a man panties as a gift only in the case of a close and trusting relationship. If a woman decides to prepare such a surprise, then she needs to wrap the gift beautifully. To do this, you can use a beautiful box and complement it with delicious sweets, alcohol, coffee, tea.

It is recommended to roll the underwear itself into even tubes so that it looks most attractive inside the gift. Remember: an original surprise assembled with love will delight your husband, boyfriend, brother or father.

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