Is it possible to go outside without panties?

Many doctors advise sleeping without underwear. First of all, the recommendation applies to the summer period, when microorganisms actively multiply due to high temperatures. Doctors are not so kind to walking without underwear outside the home. However, their voices are drowned out by the chorus of fashionistas who prefer naturalness. Which one is right? Let's figure it out.

When is it okay to walk down the street without panties?

Dua Lipa goes ‘Commando’ in NY!Is it possible to go on a date with your loved one and “accidentally” forget to wear underwear? Such forgetfulness, as confirmed by psychologists and sexologists, has an effect comparable to taking an aphrodisiac. The very fact of courage excites. And I want to share my little feat with my partner, which really puts me in the right mood.

However, if the date dragged on and you had to alternately sit with your bare butt on a seat in a cinema, cafe and car, then the magic of an evening with your loved one will fade into the background. At the forefront there will be a high probability of dirt, small debris and pathogens entering the body.

Important! A short walk without underwear is sometimes extremely beneficial. However, prolonged refusal to wear panties can have consequences.

It is also worth understanding that everything has its time and place. The office is unlikely to welcome an employee who disregards the rules and regulations. And a woman who shows her crotch in the middle of the day when getting out of a car or minibus will also face judgmental glances. Therefore, you need to go without underwear either in trousers or a long dress, or on vacation and in the evening.

Fashionable or immodest? Moral issues

black pantiesFor some people, the lack of underwear indicates a decline in morals. Others perceive the girls who dared to do this as representatives of the most ancient profession. Still others may begin to read morals about the corruption of the men and teenage boys around them. However, there will definitely be those in the crowd who will say that panties are in the heat:

  • do not allow the skin to breathe;
  • I tighten my stomach;
  • become a place where microbes accumulate.

For these reasons, in their opinion, swimming trunks are an unnecessary and even harmful item that should be discarded immediately. Nudists think about the same thing, and just women who like the absence of a negligee.

Besides, There is a growing number of people who refuse underwear not because of fashion trends or medical indications, but for the sake of their desire to merge with nature. Representatives of this trend are called naturists. They are not nudists. They have a completely different culture. It’s just that for them the absence of panties on the body is much more natural than their presence.According to them, what is inherent and provided by nature cannot be moral or immoral.

How harmful is it?

questionThe desire to merge with nature is nothing new. To understand this, read ancient foreign literature, and then the works of foreign writers of the Middle Ages, and finally, read the works of Tolstoy. A certain category of elite has always absolutized naturalness, which did not prevent them from living in luxurious houses and resorting to the achievements of advanced medicine.

What naturists of previous generations didn't do was take public transport in the heat. And they didn’t sit in miniskirts in the chairs of cultural institutions, cafes and airports. At that time, the dress code and weaving production were different, and as strange as it may sound, Hygiene issues, in a certain sense, did not pose an insurmountable barrier to our predecessors on the path to giving up underwear.

To assess the risks, imagine how many people have been before you in the seat where you are going to sit in the heat without underwear, but in a short skirt or dress made of very thin fabric. Part of this crowd, which cannot even be seen, definitely had health problems. The other half had dirty clothes.

Still others put bags and packages on the same seat that had previously been on the floor and ground (and how many “wonderful discoveries” the soil has in store for us!). Restless children also contributed, loving to stand in the seating areas and kick the neighboring chairs. And you are going to provide all this “wealth” with free access to your reproductive system and the body as a whole.

Important! The household route of transmission of STDs is extremely low for the reason that the bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause them live outside the body only under certain conditions. These conditions often occur during hot weather.

Short skirtNot scary enough? Then imagine that before you, the same bench or chair was used by a person with pubic lice. Or another girl who thinks underwear is a relic. She was also wearing light clothes. And also she, like any healthy woman, secreted secretions from her vagina during the day (not menstruation).

Some of these secretions remained on the seat, which you decided to use for its intended purpose. To put it simply, you have just been smeared with female discharge, which, due to the heat, has managed to turn into a place where a huge number of pathogenic organisms accumulate. Even if they were not able to penetrate your body due to the length or density of the clothes you were wearing, someone else's secretion on your trousers or skirt is not very pleasant.

Important! People say that sitting somewhere with your bare bottom is the same as licking that place with your tongue. The genitals are the same mucous membrane as the mouth. She is equally vulnerable. Therefore, before you refuse to wear underwear, think about whether you would risk licking the bench from which a homeless person just got up.

In addition, there are categories of people who, for health reasons, should never give up their underwear. These include:

  • pregnant women and women who have recently given birth;
  • people infected with parasites;
  • persons suffering from sexually transmitted diseases and contagious skin diseases;
  • have recently undergone surgery (primarily surgery on the genitourinary and digestive system).

Also, do not take risks and not wear underwear during menstruation, hemorrhoids, or using vaginal and anal suppositories.Any medications applied to the genitals or inserted inside should not come into contact with the environment, just like hygiene items.

The moral of this story is...

At home, where almost every source of danger is known, you can walk as you want. But when leaving the apartment, you should worry about protection. Literally think three times before wearing panties on the street.

Sharon StoneFor the first time remember that for some men the lack of underwear on a woman – green light for actions of a sexual nature. In the second, assess your own health and possible risks. If there are no complaints from the medical side, then loose shorts made of thick material on a naked body cannot cause harm, and they will protect no worse than panties. Moreover, the moment with shorts should be taken into account not only by women, but also by men. In the heat, it will even be useful for them to switch to such a wardrobe item, but only made from the right fabric.

In the third - analyze the place where you are going. If it's a private party, then the guest not wearing a negligee probably won't be a big deal. But an aunt without an underwear in a transport, bending down to hand over money for travel, will clearly cause an unhealthy stir and attract unnecessary attention to herself.

What should you remember when deciding to do this?

  1. fancy jeansRelevance. It’s one thing to come to work without underwear, it’s another thing to walk to the store like that. In the second case, you are unlikely to have time to put someone in an uncomfortable position. In the first case, your colleagues may suffer morally from your decision.
  2. The length of the item. A long piece of clothing made of durable fabric will most likely protect your reproductive organs from infection. Short clothes and outfits made from very thin fabrics are not able to act as a barrier to infection.
  3. Saving. Giving up panties is sometimes associated with saving money. In fact, there is no way to win. On the contrary, spending will increase as pants and shorts will have to be washed daily for hygiene reasons.
  4. Visibility. It just seems that it is impossible to find out about the “little secret”. In fact, an attentive stranger can easily determine whether a lady is currently wearing underwear. This is noticeable due to the fit of the fabric, the style of the clothing, and the length.
  5. New sensations. We start wearing panties in very early childhood. The skin and mucous membranes of the genitals get used to the fact that elastic, breathable and soft tissue comes into contact with them. They are not ready for constant contact with jeans, suit fabric, and wool. Such clothes are much rougher than swimming trunks. Because she will definitely rub. Especially in the first time after deciding to give up underwear.
  6. Aesthetics. You can look more beautiful in lingerie than without it. Some models of swimming trunks reduce the lower tummy, hide cellulite on the butt, and tighten and shape the buttocks.
  7. Style of clothing. Men should not wear skinny jeans without panties. This can lead to chafing of the perineum and pinching of the scrotum by the pant leg. Ideal option: loose trousers or shorts made of natural fabric. It is dangerous for women to go out without underwear, but in mini ones.

Reviews and comments
R reeck:

I wonder how you understand the word “negligee”

A Anna:

I’m surprised... more precisely, I don’t understand anything. This is the first time I've heard that this happens. I have heard about exhibitionists, but these are extremely rare cases, these are people with mental disorders. You advise normal people to wear panties in order to maintain personal hygiene. It's outrageous. Most often it seems to me that articles are written here for complete morons.

IN Vince:

So what? For example, I didn’t know before (until I was 17) that women are more often without panties than in panties... My first friend in the summer didn’t wear panties under her sundress, and she slept naked... or, at most, in a nightgown.
And then, over the course of several decades, I see that some of my women have the same rules - the “no panties” rule. At home, in my opinion, few people wear panties - a long T-shirt or robe is enough... I’m used to seeing this, and I’m not surprised. But, really, why should a woman wear bottoms in the heat if, say, she just needs to go out for a walk in nature, to the river?..

IN Vadim:

My grandfather didn’t accept underpants at all, and all year round he wore either just trousers or in the cold winter + also underpants. And my grandmother told me that even in his youth he always walked like this. I myself wear shorts, but I don’t blame my grandfather at all. And at the same time, everything was fine with his hygiene and he never caught any infection.

A Andrey:

I like to go home without underwear, that's normal

L Lyudmila:

I’m also at home, when I’m alone, I walk around naked, and I always sleep naked, too, and in the summer without panties under my dress, that’s normal, for me personally!) The body must breathe!!!


I believe that people in general should walk naked, both men and women, because Adam and Eve did not wear clothes in paradise and there was no embarrassment of each other, this came later when they were kicked out of paradise for their sins and they put animal skins on them and they began to be ashamed of their body and in general everything that God has given us, squeezing one’s body is another vice. Ask why they didn’t shy away from this, but because they had spiritual clothing and nothing else.


