Why do maternity hospitals need disposable panties?

When a woman is going to the maternity hospital, she thinks through in detail her baby’s wardrobe for the first days of life, calculating how many diapers, diapers, hats and necessary little things may be needed. Taking care of your things is relegated to the background. But hygiene in the postpartum period is very important for health. Pharmacies sell disposable panties that are used on such days. What they are, what they are used for and why, read on.

What are disposable panties?

pack of pantiesThis is underwear cut from non-woven material such as a disposable napkin for medical procedures or elastic mesh. The basis for it is usually polyester fabric., less often - from polypropylene; some manufacturers introduce elastane or polyamide fiber into the composition for better stretch. This product is fixed on the body with elastic bands along the edge: at the top, on the belt and at the bottom, around the legs.

Polyester was not chosen for postpartum panties by chance.. Its water-repellent properties, the ability to not absorb odor, and the relatively low price in this case make it possible to cope with the task of replacing traditional linen better than fabrics made from natural fibers.

Purpose of the hygiene item

appointmentIt is problematic to do without panties in the maternity hospital; they hold the pad, an extremely necessary thing in the postpartum period. After all, it is at this time that the vagina expels lochia from its depths - heavy blood discharge, reminiscent of menstrual bleeding. The gasket must have a large moisture-absorbing resource, since its replacement cannot always be carried out as needed.

The mother's routine depends on the baby - he is currently being fed, or he has fallen asleep in his arms - various reasons can affect the time of changing the pad. Linen should not get dirty, and if this happens, it must be disposed of. Today in maternity hospitals there are no conditions for washing and drying underwear. Wearing panties in many such institutions is prohibited, because this makes it difficult for air to reach the seams, which can also become infected by the underwear.

Disposable polyester panties are able to hold the pad, allow air to pass through, and can be thrown away without regret after wearing them for 6–12 hours. Models made of elastic mesh slightly tighten the stomach without excessive squeezing.

Important! Be sure to purchase special postpartum pads. They have a high level of protection against leaks, fast and uniform absorption and a breathable structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disposable panties have undeniable advantages that serve as a good reason for purchasing and wearing them:

  • pantiesthe skin breathes;
  • diaper rash does not form;
  • constant access of air allows the seams to tighten faster;
  • the fabric does not irritate the skin;
  • linen does not need to be washed and ironed;
  • Washable models are easy to clean and dry quickly when melted (can be dried with a towel);
  • the elastic bands are very delicate and do not rub the skin;
  • seams can only be external;
  • reliable fixation of the lining.
  • The disadvantages of panties include the following operating features:
  • some young mothers cannot adapt to their thin elastic texture and find it uncomfortable to wear;
  • it is difficult to calculate the required quantity;
  • if there is unused laundry left in the package, then there is simply nowhere to put it;
  • not everyone is willing to spend money on buying extra panties.

How to choose such panties?

Don’t rush into purchasing them; postpone it until later in pregnancy, when the belly is greatly enlarged. In the first days after birth, it will remain the same size. You need to choose panties according to the volume of your hips. Ask your family to measure their circumference with a centimeter, remember or write down this number and use it as a guide when purchasing linen.

Important! You can purchase disposable panties at a pharmacy or online store, taking into account the size indicated on the package. It is marked with a number that indicates the volume of the hips.

How much to take to the maternity hospital?

packageNot all women are supporters of wearing such new products, preferring not to spend money on them, but to take with them ordinary cotton panties, which after one use they would not mind throwing away. But if the task is to calculate the amount of disposable underwear needed, then you need to take 2-3 copies in account in the first days and 1-2 in the next. You may not necessarily need to buy many pairs of panties at once.For example, you should take it only for a couple of days, and then, already understanding how much you will need, ask your family to bring additional copies.

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