Ironing without an iron: how to quickly iron a T-shirt, trousers and other things


The invention of the iron dates back to the 4th century BC. In Ancient Greece, hot metal rods and heated smooth cobblestones were used as it.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, irons were heated in an oven. In Russia, for a long time, clothes were not ironed at all - the linen was rolled on a rolling pin and rolled with a “rubel” (a flat wooden stick with ribs at the bottom).

The world's first electric iron was invented by the American scientist Henry Seeley. He weighed 6.8 kg and was very heavy.

Now we cannot imagine our life without an iron. This is such a familiar and necessary item in the household that if it suddenly breaks down or the electricity goes out, people start to panic. And in vain. It's not a disaster. There are many other ways to make things look neat.

How to iron things without an iron

First of all, let's try to make the clothes wrinkle less. This can be achieved by following some rules for washing clothes:

  1. When washing with an automatic machine, use the “light ironing” mode (things will be wrung out at low drum speeds); mode “without folds” - maximum speed (fabric is smoothed); If there is a “drying” mode, use ice cubes - throw 3 ice cubes into the drum of the machine. The steam generated when the ice melts will level the product.
  2. Use the “no spin” mode.
  3. An important point is proper storage. If you travel a lot or don’t like to bother with ironing, you’re better off purchasing items made from certain fabrics:
  • Lycra, spandex - fabrics based on polyurethane fibers;
  • polyamide;
  • knitwear;
  • Knitten things;
  • jeans.

And when purchasing, you can choose things with the indication “non iron”. They definitely won’t wrinkle, because they are treated with a special anti-jam impregnation.

Well, what if nothing helps and things still get wrinkled, but you urgently need them? The question of how to iron things without an iron can sometimes arise in everyone’s mind. Let's look at how to iron clothes without an iron at home. Of course, it’s unlikely that you can iron a thing as efficiently as using an iron, but it is quite possible to achieve a neat look.

How to iron things without an iron - useful tips

There are many folk methods for ironing things without an iron:

  1. Spraying – suitable for any materials. If you want to know how to quickly iron a T-shirt without an iron, this is the method you need.
  2. Spraying composition: Mix equal parts water, vinegar and laundry softener. Shake, pour into a spray bottle and spray on things. Dry on hangers.
  3. If the bruises are small, you can do without conditioner - spray with water from a spray bottle, shake and after 15 minutes put it on until completely dry. This method clearly demonstrates how to iron without an iron quickly and easily.
  4. The steam method is a real helper for those who don’t know how to iron a shirt without an iron.
  5. We fill the bathroom with hot water, stretch a rope over it and hang clothes that require ironing on hangers. Leave for 20 minutes. Hang to dry on hangers.
  6. If the item is a little wrinkled, perhaps a pan of boiling water will be enough for you.
  7. Someone uses a kettle - boil it and bring the spout of the kettle to the bruised areas, steaming out the creases. Straighten and dry.
  8. Wet towel method - lay an oilcloth on the surface. On top is a wet towel. We place the product on it. Carefully smooth it out with your hands. The process takes 2 hours. Hang on hangers to dry completely. Do you want to know how to iron wool knitted items without an iron? Use this method.
  9. Hot objects - a mug, frying pan or saucepan with a handle. Boil water in them and run them over the crumpled area. And if you have a non-working iron, you can heat it on fire and use it like a regular one.
  10. Using a “hair curler” and a “straightening iron” - this method is very convenient for smoothing out creases on trousers, a collar, and the bottom of a dress. Warm up the device. Test on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If all is well, use it.
  11. Bottles and jars – suitable for ironing small items of clothing (shawls, scarves, ties). Take a 3 liter jar. Lower the spoon (so that the jar does not crack) and pour boiling water over it. We wrap it in a piece of clothing and wait until the water cools down.
  12. Using a hairdryer, wet the wrinkles on the fabric with water and dry with cold and warm air. It is better not to use hot mode! If you want to know how to iron quickly without an iron, use this method.
  • Pressure is a longer method. An option for ironing clothes without an iron is to use something heavy. All you need to do is place the product on a flat surface and press down. A mattress is often used for this purpose. It is important that the bed is without slats, otherwise your item will become “striped.” We put clothes under the mattress at night, and take them out ironed in the morning. You can use this method if you are interested in how to iron clothes without an iron.

How to iron without an iron depends on the type of product and its material. In order not to spoil the item using traditional ironing methods, it is important to understand what and how to iron.

How to iron a T-shirt without an iron

You probably often asked the question: how to iron a T-shirt without an iron quickly and efficiently. Depending on the degree of jamming of the item, this can be done in different ways. So, how to iron a T-shirt without an iron - the following ironing options are suitable here: “spraying”, a pan of boiling water or a kettle, hot objects, a hair dryer and the pressure method.

How to iron a shirt without an iron


You can iron a shirt without an iron using the following traditional methods: steam (on hangers), spraying, hot objects, hair dryer and pressure.

How to iron trousers without an iron

It is better to iron trousers without creases using a hot mug using pressure. The creases on the trousers are smoothed using a straightening iron or a curling iron. And if you have a broken iron, you can heat it on fire and use it for its intended purpose. I think now the question of how to iron pants without an iron will not be particularly difficult for you.

How to iron a dress without an iron

To understand how to iron a dress without an iron, you need to know its style and the type of fabric from which it is cut. It is quite possible to dry tight dresses using the “drying a wet item on yourself” method. Cotton - no. How to iron a dress without an iron - using steam, spraying, hairdryer, pressure, etc.

Ways to iron things quickly and well without an iron are known to many. After all, the need to iron without an iron can arise at any moment and you need to be prepared for it.

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